How to deal with Osgood Schlatter?

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Jun 2019
I have this condition and my knee often hurts after or during training. Due to this I also can't perform a wide forehand stance during the topspin. I have a small knee brace (like Wang Chuqin) and a bigger one that is elastic and goes around the whole knee. Which one should I use? Do you recommend any exercises or have any tips how to deal with it?
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Active Member
Mar 2022
I suffer from this affection too since my childhood too, as a volleyball player it was difficult to deal with as you can easily imagine.
First avoid any jumping activity, such as jump rope for example. Then reinforce the thighs (squats without elastic bands first then with, deadlifts with elastic bands then some weights if you really need to, wall sits, ...) and try to loose weight if you can, loosing many pounds really helped me. Also, walk a lot and when you have to go up or down the stairs insist on using your toes, like a .. ballerina ! that will help to muscle your calves.

It's also a back issue, so abs, core and back muscles exercises will do a lot to help you ;)

Indeed, you may have to stop any physical activity for at least a week or 2, it's been my case recently, it was gone after that time. Then restart softly, gently, with warm-ups and stretching before and after your training sessions.

I've got 2 of these knee braces made by Orliman, a strong and tough one and a "sport" one, more on the soft side, they recently made that is really great to use for training sessions and tournaments. The strong one is really usefull when you have to stop all sport activity: I've been wearing it everyday at work 8h a day, for walks also, great tool !

Strong version
Sport "soft" version
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