TT Play with Midsummer Heat in Vietnam

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Jun 2015
The issue is the humidity in Vietnam is almost at 100%.

Currently, while it may only be 80F there, humidity levels are at 99%. This is nothing close to what we experience in the US, even down in Florida.[/QUOTE9]

Wrong, where I played it was 85-90% humidity. I played in an old University gymnasium too with no ac. We went through a lot of water.
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Awhile back my students were playing in over 40 degrees Celsius heat with close to 100% humidity. I felt like dying just being there. We were on the second level of the school gymnasium. All the hot air was rising up to us. Heatstroke is a real issue in these conditions. Often it's the loss of salt from sweating that contributes greatly towards it. They usually drink salted drinks, but even so, every year I see a few students fall from heatstroke. They've even called the ambulance in the past.

It's serious stuff!