Two higher level lady OX LP / Inverted FH Training

says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
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This is a vid of two ladies training up north... so far north you could almost throw rocks and hit N. Korea. (That would be a BAD idea) one by camera is out of school and on the city ladies team... far side lady is in high school pro trained athlete. Both show FH topspin, hits, LP blocks, footwork, and many little things that would make them able to compete with USATT 2300 level players.

The school trained athletes train like this for hours a day in school gym under an ex-pro hired by school, some supplement it.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 2016
Interesting to see how good players are able to be today with this style. Must be much more difficult with pimples with friction and the plastic ball. Åkerström basically became a modern defender when the old rubbers were not allowed anymore.

It seems like they are very high level if you look at the quality of the stroke but feel like they miss a lot? Even on the exercises that are not irregular. Maybe hard balance between trying to get better quality and safety.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
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Hi Lula, I believe it can all be relatative.

I have seen it both ways (players with great strokes in training, but are not so good in match play, and UGLY looking in practice (to make you bet agaisnt them) they they murder you in a match.) and both outcomes vs different payers.

In 2017, my first year in California, I sometimes could make it to Bay Area to play on TT Monster's team for his club league. There was a lady there, who always practiced with the 2300+ crowd with fast exercises, hardly miss, real strong solid looking at the table strokes miss once every few hundred, play real quick real fast pace high quality drive shot. She played a match vs our ace 2200+ guy (who also has those great looking rally strokes at table) and that guy nearly lost, was behind 5-8 in the 5th before he pulled out the win. I played her and was a point away from winning her 3-0. I certainly cannot be accused of good looking pro-style practice stroke proficiency.

I have not seen either of these ladies in this vid in any matches vs players whose level I knew, so it is all a guess until we have some data. (EDIT: I had written DATE... like we wouldn't know until we date them???!!! Urrrgh.)

Having said that, Korean pro-trained high school lady athletes can be easily 2300-2400 USATT level, which is a level that can give Mens Open (Natl) Div 1 players big problems. That level would lose to you, Lula average 3-0, maybe occasionally 3-1, you are I think 3 levels better minimum. It doesn't take many ratings points to make a new level at the high level you play Lula.

I think if we stacked either lady up vs Dan, he might have his hands full, they are around Dan's level minimum, if they are (were) good HS players. We also do not know how long continuously they were trainng. In School, they hire an ex-pro to give Marines Boot Camp to them... usually sessions are a few hours and it is not light stuff... surprisingly mostly foundational basic stuff, not real exotic combinations, just working on fundamentals billions of reps.

You saw the level of Takku on some of the Korean Youtube vids... Either of these ladies would defeat Takkyu 3-1 or 3-0 each match.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2017
They are doing well keeping the ball low although much of the video they are using the inverted side.
Playing with and against LP 0X is frustrating. You can see they don't really attack with the LP. Attacking with LPs is risky. Even so, they miss a lot of shots but you have to have another mindset and ask whether the LP are helping more than they are hurting. You only need to win 55% of the balls to win the game so you can't get too upset when you screw up a shot with the LPs.

It would have been better if they were really playing each other.

I don't think the ladies are at Dan's level. Notice that the LP balls go back rather slow. This gives the very quick loopers a lot of time to get into position to loop or attack. This is one of the reason that many others and I think there is a ceiling on how high a push blocker can go.

There are a series of videos of Johnny Haung playing 5 people. Haung beat 4 of them but one was very good and really didn't seam to care what Haung did. The looper attacked and attacked. The LPs didn't seem to bother him a bit.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Well BB, you saw the vid and made your opinion, and I can tell you personal, that Der-Echte has done did the same task of watching vids, opening mouth, and inserting foot. Sometimes, I manage to really jam that foot way down there. Sometimes, I manage to perform the that task repeatedly on the same day, often with more intensity. EDIT: Plain English... I also have been very very wrong about watching vids and determining levels of players, likely more often than BB and many others.

I agree that I will never know these ladies' level until I see match results vs players I know, but again, typically, the good HS female crowd gets to and above Dan's levels. I assure you, unless Dan has spent considerable time playing these kind of ladies, he will be under pressure from their shots more than you would think and in more ways than you would think.

Maybe these are the lower level of the team... but something tells me they are not.

Maybe Dan would find a way to Per Gerrel serve these ladies and have good fortune on his first attack... but the median of the crowd I speak is normally his level or above. Numbers catch up, but there are always outliers in both directions.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
Hey BB,

I found another Takkyu vid and made a thread. Takkyu is playing vs some girls High School team. Several are LP choppers or OX players. Some of that team looks below Takkyu's level, some look around, a couple look higher. The ones he is playing against do not look like 3rd or 4th yr players, except for maybe 1 or 2.

The girl HS players in this vid, although they are only playing 2 points at a time, look a lot closer to your earlier assessment.