ITTF Coup?

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
La Fédération internationale plongée dans la crise par la pandémie

Confrontée à de grosses difficultés - report des JO, arrêt des compétitions -, la planète du « ping » recherche une issue à la crise.

Patrick Issert
mis à jour le 24 mai 2020 à 19h11

« S'il existe un moment idéal pour se réinventer, c'est maintenant ! » L'Australien Steve Dainton a le discours volontariste et conquérant. Mais ses propos sentent les éléments de langage. Le directeur général de la Fédération internationale (ITTF) sait bien que sa réforme du calendrier à partir de 2021, destinée à relancer la médiatisation du « ping », se fera sur fond de grave crise financière.

Car supprimer les Mondiaux et créer quatre épreuves majeures de type Grand Chelem, sur le modèle du tennis ou du golf, suppose des sponsors convaincus. D'où la nécessité de donner l'image d'une fédération pilotée par des dirigeants résolus. Surtout en période de gros temps. Car, comme nombre de fédérations internationales, l'ITTF souffre des conséquences de la pandémie de coronavirus. « Nous ne pouvons plus organiser d'événements. Donc les rentrées d'argent, notamment les contrats télé liés à ces épreuves, ne sont plus au rendez-vous », déplore Thomas Weikert, président allemand de l'ITTF.
5 millions de dollars de pertes

« Pour nous, les conséquences de la crise pourraient se traduire par des pertes d'environ 5 millions de dollars (4,6 M€), détaille le patron du « ping » mondial, moins langue de bois que son directeur général. Mais tout dépendra de la tournure des événements. Si nous parvenons à organiser, au dernier trimestre 2020, les Mondiaux (par équipes) et une ou deux Coupes du monde, l'impact de la crise pourrait en être minoré », poursuit-il.

Et à ces pertes s'ajoute l'inconnue CIO. Après chaque édition des JO, le Comité international olympique reverse aux fédérations une part de ses gains. « Pour 2016-2020, nous avons perçu 18 millions de dollars (16,5 M€). Pour 2020-2024, le montant devait être identique. Les Jeux ont été repoussés, mais nous devrions percevoir à terme la somme prévue. C'est ce qui ressort d'un appel téléphonique que j'ai eu avec Thomas Bach (président du CIO). Mais rien n'est encore acté. Initialement, nous avions envisagé un budget global pour 2020 de 27 millions de dollars (24,8 M€), soupire-t-il. Mais nos prévisions sont désormais de l'ordre de 20 millions (18,4 M€). »
Un président contesté

Sans attendre, l'ITTF a pris des mesures d'économie. « Ce sont des réductions de salaires pour notre personnel, permanent ou non, précise Thomas Weikert. Elles ont été mises en place avec l'accord des salariés. » De source bien informée, ces coupes atteindraient 30 %, voire 50 % des salaires. Mais les hauts dirigeants sont aussi touchés. Ainsi, le président aurait renoncé à toute indemnisation. Par ailleurs, certaines actions en matière de développement pourraient être annulées. Bref, des réductions tous azimuts pour maîtriser les coûts et surtout rassurer les sponsors.

La nouvelle organisation des compétitions portée par Dainton suppose leur soutien actif. Car « l'attention accordée à notre sport a été minime dans l'ensemble du paysage médiatique mondial », plaide le directeur général depuis Singapour, cadre fiscalement accueillant où le département marketing de l'ITTF est implanté. Devoir solliciter un prêt du CIO pour franchir cette passe difficile serait du plus mauvais effet. Or la situation se corse, politiquement cette fois, quand on sait que Weikert s'était engagé à ne faire qu'un mandat à la tête de l'ITTF, avant de finalement changer d'avis en février. Une telle volte-face n'a pas été du goût de certains. Ainsi, le vice-président qatarien Khalil al-Mohammadi et la Suédoise Petra Sörling, vice-présidente exécutive en charge des finances, ont appelé à l'élection d'un nouveau président. Les nuages s'amoncellent et l'ITTF risque d'être bien secouée dans cette périlleuse zone de turbulences...

publié le 24 mai 2020 à 15h00
mis à jour le 24 mai 2020 à 19h11
The International Federation plunged into crisis by the pandemic

Faced with major difficulties - postponement of the Olympic Games, stopping of competitions - the planet of "ping" is looking for a way out of the crisis.

Patrick Issert
updated on May 24, 2020 at 7:11 p.m.

“If there is an ideal time to reinvent yourself, it's now! The Australian Steve Dainton has a voluntarist and conquering speech. But his words feel the elements of language. The director general of the International Federation (ITTF) is well aware that his reform of the calendar from 2021, intended to revive the media coverage of the "ping", will take place against the backdrop of a serious financial crisis.

Because suppressing the Worlds and creating four major Grand Slam-type events, on the model of tennis or golf, requires convinced sponsors. Hence the need to give the image of a federation led by resolute leaders. Especially in times of bad weather. Because, like many international federations, the ITTF is suffering from the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. “We can no longer organize events. So the money, especially the TV contracts related to these events, are no longer there, "laments Thomas Weikert, German president of the ITTF.

$ 5 million in losses

"For us, the consequences of the crisis could translate into losses of around 5 million dollars (4.6 M €), details the boss of the world" ping ", less tongue in cheek than its director general. But everything will depend on the turn of events. If we manage to organize, in the last quarter of 2020, the Worlds (by teams) and one or two World Cups, the impact of the crisis could be reduced, ”he continues.

And to these losses is added the unknown CIO. After each edition of the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee pays back to the federations a share of its profits. “For 2016-2020, we received $ 18 million (€ 16.5 million). For 2020-2024, the amount had to be identical. The Games have been postponed, but we should collect the amount eventually. This comes out of a phone call I had with Thomas Bach (President of the IOC). But nothing is yet recorded. Initially, we planned a global budget for 2020 of 27 million dollars (24.8 M €), he sighs. But our forecasts are now in the region of 20 million (€ 18.4 million). "

A disputed president

Without waiting, the ITTF took cost-saving measures. "These are salary reductions for our staff, whether permanent or not," says Thomas Weikert. They were implemented with the agreement of the employees. According to an informed source, these cuts would reach 30%, even 50% of wages. But senior leaders are also affected. Thus, the president would have renounced all compensation. In addition, certain development actions could be canceled. In short, reductions in all directions to control costs and above all reassure sponsors.

The new organization of competitions led by Dainton requires their active support. Because "the attention paid to our sport has been minimal in the entire global media landscape," argues the CEO from Singapore, a fiscally welcoming environment where the ITTF marketing department is located. Having to apply for an IOC loan to get through this difficult passage would be of the worst effect. However, the situation is getting worse, politically this time, when we know that Weikert was committed to serving only one term at the head of the ITTF, before finally changing his mind in February. Such a flip-flop was not to the taste of some. Thus, Qatari vice-president Khalil al-Mohammadi and Sweden's Petra Sörling, executive vice-president in charge of finance, called for the election of a new president. The clouds are gathering and the ITTF risks being well shaken in this perilous zone of turbulence ...
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
As if the WTT isn't chaotic enough, here's the latest stir within the ITTF.
ITTF President takes Executive Committee to court after ruling body assumes decision-making power
By Michael Pavitt Monday, 22 March 2021

The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Executive Committee says it has informed Thomas Weikert that he has lost their "trust, confidence and support" in the latest crisis at the top of the organisation.

A statement from the ITTF Executive Committee said that the members will take all decisions on a majority basis until the next Annual General Meeting.

The ITTF Executive Committee said it had taken the action to help find "positive solutions to recent and ongoing difficulties", adding they needed to "act on their democratic and constitutional rights in order to unify the Executive Committee in the best interest of the ITTF".

The ITTF Executive Committee said it has voted in favour of reinstating Khalil Al-Mohannadi as the ITTF Deputy President.

Al-Mohannadi will be reinstated "until such time as the initial purported decision-making authority of the President and any and all allegations against the Deputy President have been fully clarified and dealt with in accordance with due process and natural justice and as set out in the ITTF Constitution".

"For me there is nothing to celebrate in the middle of a crisis, but today won the democracy, common sense and justice," a statement from Nestor Tenca, ITTF Executive Vice-President responsible for rules and the constitutional review.

Weikert said he would take legal action before the respective sports courts against the decision of the Executive Committee, which he described as "unauthorised interference with his rights and a blatant violation of the ITTF Constitution".

Weikert had written to national federations, the ITTF Board and committees last month to inform them that Al-Mohannadi had been removed as Deputy President on February 23.

Weikhert wrote "agreement on strategic goals and mutual trust are the prerequisites for effective cooperation between President and Deputy" but said "this unity no longer existed, and that led to my decision".

Swiss Table Tennis last month expressed concerns over Al-Mohannadi’s position.

The National Federation said it was "more than understandable why our President has taken this step" to remove Al-Mohannadi as Deputy President and questioned whether it is "even legal for Mr. Al-Mohannadi to remain a member of the EC".

Swiss Table Tennis accused Al-Mohannadi of having misled the Annual General Meeting, suggesting that he should not have been able to have run for ITTF vice-president.

The organisation included documents, seen by insidethegames, which claim the Qatar Table Tennis Federation President was using his own private company to do business with the Joola company in Germany.

Joola are among the leading table tennis manufacturers.

Swiss Table Tennis highlighted that under the ITTF Constitution, a person "connected in any way with the manufacture, sale or endorsement of table tennis equipment or with consultation on such equipment" shall not be eligible to stand as a member of the Executive Committee.

The action taken by the ITTF Executive Committee marks a resurfacing of longstanding tension within table tennis' worldwide governing body.

The ITTF claimed last year that it remained united in its efforts to manage the effects of COVID-19, despite Weikert being criticised by members of the Executive Committee.

Al-Mohannadi and executive vice-president for finance Petra Sörling wrote a joint letter criticising Weikert last May.

The ITTF officials had questioned his ability to run ITTF and expressed their desire to see a new President elected in 2021.

Sent to the ITTF members by the Swedish Table Tennis Association, they claimed to offer "a new direction for the ITTF membership under the leadership of a new President".

Weikert said at the time that the letter contained "discrediting allegations" but has vowed to continue with his bid for re-election this year.

In a separate move, the ITTF Executive Committee has sent a formal letter to the German Table Tennis Federation (DTTB) setting out its position and offering proposals.

This followed the DTTB raising concerns over the established of the World Table Tennis (WTT) commercial vehicle.

The DTTB claimed in November that WTT violated "essential principles of good governance and transparency" and disempowered national associations.

These concerns were voiced in a letter to ITTF associations, officials and the ITTF management team.

An independent review by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) found the WTT was set up with good governance and financial compliance.

The ITTF said WTT, formed last year, will help to modernise the commercial business activities of table tennis and has led to the introduction of a series of new events.

The ITTF claim it will lead to increased prize money and a more modern experience for fans, broadcasters, players and hosts.

The ITTF Executive Committee said the PwC report had"“exonerated the ITTF, WTT, their related entities, their staff and officials in clear and unequivocal terms from the harmful and baseless allegations set out on the DTTB letter of 18 November 2020".

The Executive Committee said it "had no choice but to seek advice on the appropriate legal and disciplinary actions available against the DTTB so as to protect the image, reputation and goodwill of the ITTF parties".

A response to the ITTF’s latest letter is expected to be provided by the DTTB within around two weeks.

Agreements to finalise the application documents and open the 2024 World Table Tennis Championships bid process, as well as preparing for bids to the 2022 World Para Table Tennis Championships, were also discussed at the Executive Committee's latest meeting.

The bid process will officially launch when table tennis is confirmed on the programme for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

The Executive Committee said it will seek to finalise seeding regulations for the Olympic Games draws and engage with Houston in the United States to find solutions to host the World Championships at the end of November 2021.

Discussions also took place over the WTT structure, including over a proposal to ensure the athletes had more of a voice.

insidethegames has contacted Al-Mohannadi for comment.
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Dec 2020
Isn't Al-Mohannadi qatarian and... also member of the WTT board ? seems that the last WTT Contender tournaments have seen the WTT starting large-scale manoeuvres to take control of the ITTF.

Don't search for anything ITTF deputies related only, the WTT is behind all this to me.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
ITTF statement "hidden" under "Latest News" on the official website.
Statement from the ITTF Executive Committee

22 Mar 2021

On March 20th, 2021, after the successful completion of the Middle East Hub, the ITTF Executive Committee (EC) resumed their meeting initiated on March 14th, 2021, in order to complete the agenda.

The EC voted in favour to re-instate Mr. Khalil Al-Mohannadi as the ITTF Deputy President until such time as the initial purported decision-making authority of the President and any and all allegations against the Deputy President have been fully clarified and dealt with in accordance with due process and natural justice and as set out in the ITTF Constitution.

Given the challenging conditions of the past 6 to 9 months, the majority of the EC members encouraged the ITTF President to act more collaboratively with the Executive Committee and engage with the EC members in a more meaningful manner. In this regard, the majority of the EC members informed the President that he had unfortunately lost their trust, confidence and support and accordingly it was agreed that all decisions should be made by majority within the EC until the next AGM.

The Executive Committee members all hoped that, in the coming weeks, they would find positive solutions to the recent and ongoing difficulties but felt they now needed to act on their democratic and constitutional rights in order to unify the Executive Committee in the best interest of the ITTF.

As a result of the PwC Conclusions which exonerated the ITTF, WTT, their related entities, their staff and officials (the ‘ITTF Parties’) in clear and unequivocal terms from the harmful and baseless allegations set out on the DTTB letter of 18 November 2020 the Executive Committee had no choice but to seek advice on the appropriate legal and disciplinary actions available against the DTTB so as to protect the image, reputation and goodwill of the ITTF Parties.

The Executive Committee today unanimously agreed to send a formal letter to the DTTB setting out its position (which contains certain proposals) and giving the DTTB approximately two weeks to provide a satisfactory response.

Mr. Nestor Tenca, Executive Vice-President responsible for rules and the constitutional review on the ITTF Executive Committee stated after the meeting that: “for me there is nothing to celebrate in the middle of a crisis, but today won the democracy, common sense and justice”.

Other important decisions to come from the meeting included:
  • To finalise the application documents and open the 2024 World Table Tennis Championships bid process.
  • To prepare -pending on the confirmation of the IPC of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games programme- the application documents for the 2022 World Para Table Tennis Championships in order to open the bid process as soon as the next Paralympic Games Table Tennis events are known.
  • To finalise as soon as possible the seeding regulations for the Olympic Games draws.
  • To further engage with Houston, USA to find solutions to host the World Championships at the end of November 2021.

The EC was also updated in relation to the Master Continental Agreements (MCA’s). It was noted that Africa and Europe have agreed on their respective MCA’s and the other Continental Federations will be given two weeks to confirm if they are ready to sign them, otherwise, the ITTF would start to facilitate the activities directly with the Member Associations.

It was also discussed that World Table Tennis (WTT) will come with a proposal to ensure the Athletes had more of a voice inside the new structure.

Statement from the ITTF President

On a separate note, the ITTF President, Mr. Thomas Weikert, requested to add to this release as follows:

ITTF President Weikert announced legal action before the respective sports courts against the majority decision of the Executive Committee, calling it an “unauthorized interference with his rights and a blatant violation of the ITTF Constitution”.
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Dec 2020
Ok now Steve Dainton, ... cos' he's the ITTF CEO , right ? is clearly entering the fight.

1- the DTTB was not ok with WTT's governance
2- Steve Dainton then asked the infamous accounting company, PWC, to make an audit about WTT's governance, and... what a surprise, it was of course very positive for the WTT, and Steve Dainton
3- the DTTB is still... suspicious, cos' they still think many of the important cases are not resolved yet
4- WTT and the ITTF EC frontal attack againts the ITTF's... german... president
5- ITTF attacks the DTTB: bend the knee RIGHT NOW you dirty MF !!!

It's GOT season finale hahaha but we all know that [2nd degree french humor mode ON] China will win at the end
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
More shit waiting to hit the fan?
Al-Mohannadi demands apology from ITTF President Weikert for "baseless" allegations
By Geoff Berkeley Thursday, 25 March 2021

Legal representatives of International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Deputy President Khalil Al-Mohannadi have accused the organisation’s President Thomas Weikert of making "baseless" allegations against the Qatari official and requested a "full, complete and public apology".

insidethegames has obtained a letter written by law firm Solesbury Gay on behalf of Al-Mohannadi to the ITTF Executive Committee, which refutes a series of claims made by Weikert and has given him seven days to respond to his requests.

Al-Mohannadi has been recently reinstated as Deputy President following a vote by the ITTF Executive Committee, which told Weikert - who had removed Al-Mohannadi - that he had lost members' "trust, confidence and support".

According to Solesbury Gay, Weikert made three "unfounded" and "baseless" allegations against Al-Mohannadi, who is also head of the Qatar Table Tennis Association (QTTA).

Among the claims outlined include that Weikert had deemed Al-Mohannadi "ineligible" to be a member of the Executive Committee due to an alleged breach of ITTF rules.

Solesbury Gay said its client had also been accused of "faking his expenses as against the QTTA" and had "previously benefitted from unlawful and unjustified deductions" from a table tennis coach’s salary while employed by the QTTA.

Last month, Swiss Table Tennis presented documents, seen by insidethegames, which are claimed to show Al-Mohannadi was using his own private company to do business with leading table tennis manufacturer Joola.

Swiss Table Tennis highlighted that under the ITTF Constitution, a person "connected in any way with the manufacture, sale or endorsement of table tennis equipment or with consultation on such equipment" shall not be eligible to stand as a member of the Executive Committee.

In response to the allegation, Solesbury Gay said Al-Mohannadi had "no interest in that business or any similar one involving the sale of table tennis equipment" and insisted it was "nonsense" to say that he is ineligible to hold the position of ITTF executive vice-president.

Solesbury Gay said the QTTA conducted a review of Al-Mohannadi’s expenses and confirmed there were "no irregularities".

"[The QTTA] also note that the Qatari National Olympic Committee reviews the expenses of its National Federations and has raised no question as to his expenses," said Solesbury Gay in the letter.

"Therefore, he is completely innocent of any allegation in this regard.

"The third allegation is that he was the beneficiary of unlawful deductions from Mr Plese’s salary at the QTTA.

"He wholeheartedly denies such an allegation and there is simply no evidence to support it.

"The President’s 'allegations' against him are, therefore, baseless."

Weikert had written to National Federations, the ITTF Board and Committees last month to inform them that Al-Mohannadi had been removed as Deputy President on February 23.

The Swiss official wrote "agreement on strategic goals and mutual trust are the prerequisites for effective cooperation between President and Deputy" but said "this unity no longer existed, and that led to my decision".

Solesbury Gay believes the decision to remove Al-Mohannadi was "fundamentally, procedurally flawed and breached of Natural justice”"

Al-Mohannadi’s legal team has also sent the ITTF a list of requests, including urging the organisation and Weikard to recognise its client as Deputy President and revoke his removal.

Weikert has also been told to "cease and desist from making any further allegation of this nature", give a "full, complete and public apology" and promise not to repeat the claims.

"Our client is prepared to grant the ITTF President seven days in which to take the action requested above," added the letter.

"If he does not do so, we are instructed to seek to engage all relevant remedies under the ITTF Constitution including engaging with the ITTF Integrity Unit in order to being this matter to a successful conclusion."

A statement from the ITTF Executive Committee announced on March 22 that the members will take all decisions on a majority basis until the next Annual General Meeting.

The ITTF Executive Committee said it had taken the action to help find "positive solutions to recent and ongoing difficulties", adding it needed to "act on their democratic and constitutional rights in order to unify the Executive Committee in the best interest of the ITTF".

It stated that Al-Mohannadi will be reinstated "until such time as the initial purported decision-making authority of the President and any and all allegations against the Deputy President have been fully clarified and dealt with in accordance with due process and natural justice and as set out in the ITTF Constitution".

Weikert promised he would take legal action before the respective sports courts against the decision of the Executive Committee, which he described as "unauthorised interference with his rights and a blatant violation of the ITTF Constitution".

Al-Mohannadi and executive vice-president for finance Petra Sörling wrote a joint letter criticising Weikert last May.

The ITTF officials had questioned his ability to run the ITTF and expressed their desire to see a new President elected in 2021.

Sent to the ITTF members by the Swedish Table Tennis Association, they claimed to offer "a new direction for the ITTF membership under the leadership of a new President".

Weikert said at the time that the letter contained "discrediting allegations" and has vowed to continue with his bid for re-election this year.
Machtkampf an der Tischtennisspitze

Das Exekutivkomitee des Internationalen Tischtennis-Verbands ITTF hat verkündet, dass man seinem amtierenden Präsidenten, dem Deutschen Thomas Weikert, das Vertrauen und die Unterstützung entzieht. Grund: Weikert habe den ITTF-Vizepräsidenten unrechtmäßig entlassen. Nun tobt ein Machtkampf.

Von Darian Leicher

Khalil Al-Mohannadi soll seinen Job als Vize-Präsident des ITTF zurückerhalten. Thomas Weikert habe dem Präsidenten des katarischen Tischtennis-Verbands unrechtmäßig entlassen, verkündet das Exekutivkomitee des Verbandes in einer Pressemitteilung. Nun habe man Weikert das Vertrauen und die Unterstützung entzogen – zugunsten „der Demokratie, des gesunden Menschenverstands und der Gerechtigkeit“.

Ein Vorgehen, das so aber gar nicht in den Aufgabenbereich des Exekutivkomitees falle. Thomas Weikert erklärt selbst: „Das ist aus meiner Sicht juristisch nicht möglich und deshalb habe ich diese Entscheidung bei unserem internen Schiedsgericht, dem ITTF-Tribunal, auch angegriffen.“

Eine Revolte? Weikert will im Notfall auch vor den internationalen Sportgerichtshof CAS ziehen. Aber was ist eigentlich passiert? „Ich hatte Herrn Al-Mohannadi als meinen Vertreter abgesetzt, weil ich aufgrund der letzten Wochen und Monate das Vertrauen vollkommen verloren hatte,“ so Weikert.

Al-Mohannadi versus Weikert

Hintergrund sind unter anderem Dokumente, die der Schweizer Tischtennis-Verband dem ITTF um Thomas Weikert zugespielt hatte. Darin werden Al-Mohannadi zwielichtige Geschäfte vorgeworfen. Georg Silberschmidt, Mitglied des Zentralvorstands von Swiss Table Tennis, liefert Einblicke: „Es gibt eine eidesstaatliche Erklärung von einem Trainer in Katar, der ein Drittel von seinem Monatsgehalt immer an Herrn Al-Mohannadi abliefern musste. Diese Informationen wurden auch dem EC überliefert. Das EC hat jedoch nicht darauf reagiert, worauf dann Thomas Weikert reagiert hat.“

Darüber hinaus habe Al-Mohannadi als Chef einer katarischen Firma namens „Qatar for Sports“ Geschäfte mit dem deutschen Sportartikelhersteller Joola gemacht. Das ist laut Satzung verboten. Die vorliegenden Dokumente seien nach Weikert, selbst Rechtsanwalt, jedoch keine juristischen Beweise: „Ich habe diese Unterlagen gesehen und ich denke, da sind weitere Nachforschungen schlicht und einfach notwendig. Insbesondere kann sich Herr Al-Mohannadi selbst dazu erklären. Er hat ja bislang keine Stellungnahme abgegeben.“

Bis jetzt. Seit Donnerstag liegt dem Deutschlandfunk ein „streng privater und vertraulicher“ Brief von Al-Mohannadis Anwaltskanzlei „Solesbury Gay“ vor. In dem Schreiben, das auf den 19. März 2021 datiert und an die Exekutivmitglieder gerichtet ist, werden die Anschuldigungen gegen Al-Mohannadi entkräftet – mithilfe von Dokumenten, die ausschließlich von katarischen Behörden stammen. Weiterhin fordert die Kanzlei Thomas Weikert auf, seine Aussagen innerhalb von sieben Tagen zurückzuziehen und sich öffentlich zu entschuldigen. Ansonsten werde man „alle relevanten Rechtsmittel der ITTF-Satzung ergreifen“.

Tischtennis-Experte Cramer: „Ein vorbereiteter Putsch“

Weikert gegen Al-Mohannadi. Ein Machtkampf, der schon seit geraumer Zeit an der Spitze des Weltverbandes tobt, meint Dietmar Kramer, Tischtennis-Chef des Sportinformationsdienst SID: „Meines Erachtens handelt es sich hierbei um die nächste Stufe eines schon lange vorbereiteten Putsches innerhalb der ITTF-Spitze gegen Thomas Weikert und den Kreis der Menschen, die in der Führung der ITTF für Transparenz und Good Governance eintreten möchten.“

Auch Andreas Preuß, Vertreter der Bundesliga und Manager von Borussia Düsseldorf, ist über die aktuellen Entwicklungen äußerst besorgt: „Das letzte, was wir brauchen können, ist einen unruhigen Tischtennis-Weltverband in sowieso unruhigen Zeiten.“

Im Mittelpunkt dieser unruhigen Zeiten: World Table Tennis, WTT, als umstrittene neu gegründete Tochtergesellschaft der ITTF. Mit neuen Turnieren und höheren Preisgeldern soll das Tischtennis mithilfe der WTT mehr Geld verdienen. Hier könnte der Ursprung des verlorenen Vertrauens in Weikert liegen, behauptet er selbst: „Ich habe diese Firma natürlich mit auf den Weg gebracht. Aber ich habe verschiedene Regelübertretungen oder Unregelmäßigkeiten festgestellt, die ich auch artikuliert habe.“

So haben beispielsweise Al-Mohannadi und der CEO der ITTF, Steve Dainton, nicht nur leitende Ämter beim Tischtennis-Weltverband inne, sondern sitzen gleichzeitig im Vorstand der WTT.

Lautstarke Kritik vom DTTB

Diese Doppelfunktion kritisiert auch der Deutsche Tischtennis-Bund (DTTB) in einem sechsseitigen Brief an den internationalen Verband vom 18. November 2020. In der aktuellen Pressemitteilung von Montag – vier Monate nach Erhalt des Briefes – antwortet das Exekutivkomitee nun auch in diese Richtung: Die Anschuldigungen seien „schädlich“ und „unbegründet“. Der DTTB wollte sich auf Anfrage zu diesem Thema nicht äußern. Präsident Geiger verwies aber darauf, dass man einen Brief der Exekutive erhalten habe und nun rechtlichen Rat einholen werde.

Dietmar Cramer vom SID macht sich derweil Gedanken um grundsätzliche Umgangsformen: „Wenn die Kritik in dieser Form zurückgewiesen wird, ist das sehr bezeichnend für das Selbstverständnis der momentanen Mehrheit im Exekutivkomitee.“

Als ob die Entwicklungen, Diskussionen und Spekulationen noch nicht brisant genug wären, wählt die ITTF in diesem Jahr einen neuen Präsidenten. Thomas Weikert wird nach jetzigem Stand wieder kandidieren – jedoch unter Vorbehalt: „Ich muss mit den Leuten zusammenarbeiten können, die ich mag und, die Tischtennis in meinem oder in unserem Sinne voranbringen. Ich kann mir das nur dann vorstellen, wenn alle demokratischen Werte eingehalten werden.“

Georg Silberschmidt vom Schweizer Tischtennis-Verband ist ebenfalls besorgt, gibt sich aber kämpferisch: „Ich hoffe nicht, dass die ITTF jemanden an die Spitze wählt, der nachweislich gegen Gesetze verstoßen hat. Da gibt es auch noch andere Beweismittel, die noch nicht veröffentlicht wurden. Die können organisiert werden.“ Es sind sportpolitisch spannende Wochen im Tischtennis.
Power struggle at the top of the table tennis table

The executive committee of the international table tennis federation ITTF has announced that it will withdraw its trust and support from its incumbent president, the German Thomas Weikert. Reason: Weikert illegally dismissed the ITTF Vice President. Now a power struggle is raging.

By Darian Leicher

Khalil Al-Mohannadi is set to get his job back as ITTF Vice President. Thomas Weikert has illegally dismissed the president of the Qatari table tennis association, the association's executive committee announced in a press release. Weikert's trust and support have now been withdrawn - in favor of “democracy, common sense and justice”.

A procedure that does not fall within the remit of the Executive Committee at all. Thomas Weikert explains himself: "From my point of view, this is not legally possible and that's why I attacked this decision at our internal arbitration tribunal, the ITTF Tribunal."

A revolt? In an emergency, Weikert also wants to go to the international sports court CAS. But what actually happened? "I had deposed Mr. Al-Mohannadi as my representative because I had completely lost confidence in the last few weeks and months," said Weikert.

Al-Mohannadi versus Weikert

The background is, among other things, documents that the Swiss Table Tennis Association leaked to Thomas Weikert's ITTF. Al-Mohannadi is accused of shady deals. Georg Silberschmidt, member of the central board of Swiss Table Tennis, provides insights: “There is an affidavit from a coach in Qatar who always had to deliver a third of his monthly salary to Mr. Al-Mohannadi. This information was also passed on to the EC. However, the EC did not react, to which Thomas Weikert then reacted. "

In addition, as the head of a Qatari company called “Qatar for Sports”, Al-Mohannadi did business with the German sporting goods manufacturer Joola. According to the statutes, this is prohibited. According to Weikert, who is himself a lawyer, the documents at hand are not legal evidence: “I have seen these documents and I think that further research is simply necessary. In particular, Mr Al-Mohannadi can explain himself to this. So far he has not issued a statement. "

Until now. Since Thursday Deutschlandfunk has had a “strictly private and confidential” letter from Al-Mohannadi's law firm “Solesbury Gay”. The letter, which is dated March 19, 2021 and addressed to the members of the executive, refutes the allegations against Al-Mohannadi - with the help of documents that come exclusively from Qatari authorities. Furthermore, the law firm asks Thomas Weikert to withdraw his statements within seven days and to apologize publicly. Otherwise one will "seize all relevant legal remedies of the ITTF statutes".

Table tennis expert Cramer: "A prepared coup"

Weikert versus Al-Mohannadi. A power struggle that has been raging at the top of the world association for some time, says Dietmar Kramer, head of table tennis at the sports information service SID: "In my opinion, this is the next stage of a long-prepared putsch within the ITTF top against Thomas Weikert and the group of people who want to stand up for transparency and good governance in the leadership of the ITTF. "

Andreas Preuss, representative of the Bundesliga and manager of Borussia Düsseldorf, is also extremely concerned about the current developments: "The last thing we can use is a restless table tennis world association in troubled times."

At the center of these troubled times: World Table Tennis, WTT, as a controversial newly founded subsidiary of the ITTF. With new tournaments and higher prize money, table tennis should earn more money with the help of the WTT. This could be the origin of the lost trust in Weikert, he claims: “Of course, I brought this company along with me. But I noticed various rule violations or irregularities, which I also articulated. "

For example, Al-Mohannadi and the CEO of the ITTF, Steve Dainton, not only hold leading positions at the World Table Tennis Federation, but also sit on the board of the WTT.

Loud criticism from the DTTB

The German Table Tennis Association (DTTB) also criticized this dual function in a six-page letter to the international association dated November 18, 2020. In the current press release from Monday - four months after receiving the letter - the Executive Committee now also replied in this direction: The Accusations are "harmful" and "unfounded". The DTTB did not want to comment on this subject when asked. However, President Geiger pointed out that a letter had been received from the executive and that legal advice would now be sought.

Dietmar Cramer from SID is meanwhile thinking about basic manners: "If the criticism is rejected in this form, it is very indicative of the self-image of the current majority in the Executive Committee."

As if the developments, discussions and speculations weren't explosive enough, the ITTF will elect a new president this year. As things stand, Thomas Weikert will run again - but with reservation: “I have to be able to work with the people I like and who advance table tennis in my or our interests. I can only imagine that if all democratic values ​​are adhered to. "

Georg Silberschmidt from the Swiss Table Tennis Association is also concerned, but is combative: “I do not hope that the ITTF will choose someone at the top who has demonstrably violated the law. There is other evidence that has not yet been published. They can be organized. ”There are exciting weeks in table tennis in terms of sports politics.
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Dec 2020
"Swiss Table Tennis highlighted that under the ITTF Constitution, a person "connected in any way with the manufacture, sale or endorsement of table tennis equipment or with consultation on such equipment" shall not be eligible to stand as a member of the Executive Committee."

But nobody wants to make the "german" Claudia Herweg being ineligible ? 🤣
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
ITTF 2021-1 – Thomas Weikert v. ITTF Executive Committee members
Issued by the
ITTF Tribunal



The International Table Tennis Tribunal rules that:

1. The Claimants’ and Respondents’ requests for interim reliefs and other requests are dismissed, if admissible.

2. The costs of the proceedings shall be borne by the parties in the following proportion:
Mr Thomas Weikert shall bear 64% of the costs
Ms Petra Soerling shall bear 4% of the costs
Mr Masahiro Maehara shall bear 4% of the costs
Mr Alaa Meshref shall bear 4% of the costs
Mr James Morris shall bear 4% of the costs
Mr Zhihao Shi shall bear 4% of the costs
Mr Bruce Burton shall bear 4% of the costs
Mr Nestor Tenca shall bear 4% of the costs
Mr Seung-Min Ryu shall bear 4% of the costs
Mr Khalil Al-Mohannadi shall bear 4% of the costs

3. Each party shall bear its own legal and other costs.

Lausanne, on 26 April 2021
Jorge Ibarrola
President of the Panel

Morenike Obi-Farinde

Ms Anna Smirnova​
Weikert says he will name new ITTF Deputy President after tribunal decision
ITTF disputes Weikert interpretation of tribunal order in Deputy President dispute
Weikert insists he can remove Deputy President as ITTF row rumbles on
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
The ITTF promotes Dainton to Group CEO


Steve Dainton took office in August 2017, however being already in charge of marketing and commercial activities since the termination of the TMS International at the end of 2016. The figures speak by themselves: at the virtual AGM held in September 2020, the ITTF reported a record income of over 16 million USD, what meant an increase of 130% of the ITTF income, compared to the modest 28% increase experienced from 2011 to 2016. Five times bigger growth in almost half of the time.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Im November endet Ihre Amtszeit als ITTF-Präsident. Werden Sie noch einmal kandidieren? Sie werden zudem als heißer Kandidat für den Posten des DOSB-Präsidenten und Nachfolger von Alfons Hörmann gehandelt.

Es gibt aktuell diverse Gespräche, deren Ergebnissen ich nicht vorgreifen möchte. Ich bitte deshalb um Verständnis, dass ich dazu zurzeit keine detaillierten Informationen geben kann.
Your term as ITTF President ends in November. Are you going to run again? You are also considered a hot candidate for the post of DOSB President and successor to Alfons Hörmann.

There are currently various discussions, the results of which I do not want to anticipate. I therefore ask for your understanding that I cannot provide any detailed information on this at the moment.