kim jung hoon

  1. Kim Jung Hoon show some good BH nuggets of info

    I can't hear the audio as clear as I want, but / Nexy has a few captions up to help out. I cannot/won't make a full translation, but if anyone wants to know what is going on at a certain moment of the vid, ask away and I'll try. I really like these vid series from Nexy / with...
  2. Kim Jung Hoon teaches basic footwork for balls to FH

    Nexy / just uploaded another vid to their youtube channel !! Kim Jung Hoon teaches a player who has had lessons just one month (ONE MONTH !!!) how one can move to hit a ball to their FH. This player is damned good for one month of lessons, usually a Korean coach will not let them do...
  3. Kim Jung Hoon teaches FH fast loop vs underspin

    Nexy / just published a 30 minute clip where Korean pro Kim Jung Hoon gives a 30 minute lesson to a Natl Div 4 (slightly above average common Korean club member level). This is all about how to make a fast loopdrive vs an incoming underspin. This is how to step around and make fast...