There are so many different BH shots it is difficult to quantify all of them... then you have the "there is not just one path" thing too.
I see so much times where professional coaches for kids and adults advocate a "compact" movement that is kinda long for a medium ball coming to them with not so much spin (the warm-up BH) where it can also be done with a shorter stroke direct path with the same or better consistency.
This kinda thing makes it all the more confusing for a newer player asking technique questions on TT forums.
Coach A and Coach B may have different approaches to the same shot and both may end up being sound technique for that same player to build a match ready shot.
Add more confusion as it is hard to define a generic incoming ball. Every ball is different, we would need to know just about every possible X,Y,Z coordinate with the direction, spin, delta and so on just to have a proper idea of what ball the OP is trying to do something with...
Then the OP has got to define what output he is trying to achieve... must clearly articulate the desired result in terms of spin, speed, placement, depth, height, trajectory, etc.
There are so many ways to produce a result with the BH. We didn't even cover what grip pressure to use when... how to get into position, how to use the muscles in a chain sequence... how to adjust when out of position... how to create kinetic energy and channel/amplify it with the whip.
Until most of that gets clear, it would be a blind shot.
I generally have the same approach to a problem that Next Level has... define and understand the situation and provide solutions that are player and level relevant. A vid of an OP with comments where he or she is attempting something usually yields decent data to work with.
I would give out different advice for the OP than I would give to Carl if he asked me the same question for the same shot situation. I know where Carl is on several BH situations and what I would tell him would be a failure if the OP tried it.
I am not an elite amateur player, nor will I become one If I train the ret of my life, but I know technique, I know biomechanics, I know how adults work, I know how to evaluate, I know how to develop someone with progression, instead of hammering an endstate like you do with kids.
Anyone feel free to unleash Goon Squad on me, Carl is reprograming my high speed second-hand phone evasion algorithm and right now is a bad time for me to get chased and survive.