UPDATE: I switched to a Viscaria with H3N Blue on FH and D80 on BH. I’m playing better than ever before, my D80 can block well, top spin well, spin is very spinny even tho it’s “less spinny” than D05 it’s very marginal, and the spin sensitivity is not that high and I can touch short very well. The rubber seems to be the one I was looking for on BH to train my skills. I would recommend D80 to intermediate and above players who wants everything a rubber can give you on the BH, speed, spin, control, not a high spin sensitivity.
Maybe one day I can be at a level to use H3NOS on BH again as I really loved how spinny my BH can get, but I’m not at the skill enough to execute perfect shots on BH with H3 and I am still not used to the blocking ability of H3. But I might go back to it again once My Bh improves!