Forehand Problems

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I've been playing for about a year now, and my forehand is justnot consistent. I have taken 6 (I think) coaching lessons and my coach just tells me to (1) hit harder, (2) hit 2:00 on the ball, and (3) hit on the top of the bounce. Also, I realized that my grip might have something to do with it because I tend to change it up when my shots are missing the table. She also emphasized weight transfer using my waist. I need to find a consistent stroke. It gets really frustrating sometimes because most of my shots either go over the table, or, when I close my bat, goes to the net... or I just miss the ball. Help? Anyone?

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May 2013
The biggest source of topspin is NOT the arm, but the waist. Yes, your coach is right, you need to transfer weight in order to maximize your strokes.

Don't drop your arm so low and OPEN your blade when hitting the ball. If you close the blade, you'll have a harder time hitting the ball. Stand sideways, not square on. Hit the ball on the highest bounce, not when it's under the table.

I can't see the video because you set it to private, but these tips should help. Practice makes perfect.
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Apr 2013
As mentioned by ToyKnee and your coach you're missing the weight transfer.

Take a look at your feet and your right knee. Your feet don't move and your knee doesn't go forward during forward swing.

Your arm swing is ok so far, you just sometimes do weird evasion movements when you try to compensate bad positioning, so get in position and then swing your arm.

You are always trying to rotate your upper body (which is right) but of course you can't because your feet are stuck to the ground, knees are not bend and the motion ends at your stiff knee which may cause ligament injuries if you don't fix it. Your knee has to stop your whole upper body movement which isn't healthy at all.

Ensure to lower your center of gravity during backwing and then use your right leg to push yourself upwards during forward swing.

Pay attention not standing too much sideways, your right foot should be just a bit behind your left. If you overdo it, you get a problem during your forward swing / body rotation in general. Then the movements has to stop at your left knee which isn't healty for the same reasons as above mentioned.

EDIT Stop "ducking" with your head as your doing your swing, would give me headache this way. If you don't duck your head you of course have to make a wider arc with your arm to not giving yourself an upper eye cut ;).

Open your right foot a bit more and for additional tips take a look at the described error correction methods here and maybe watch this video:

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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Gotta agree with everything said already. You are doing several things wrong which can be quickly corrected. However, do not expect a hugely effective and consistent FH right away - it takes a lot of time, practice and experience to get the level of consistency you need. You are hitting outside your effective strike zone, try hitting closer to your body. Try to rotate legs and waist and start power from there. Try to bounce back into position. Try to keep blade up and swing forward vs incoming topspin.
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Take a look at your feet and your right knee. Your feet don't move and your knee doesn't go forward during forward swing.

Your arm swing is ok so far, you just sometimes do weird evasion movements when you try to compensate bad positioning, so get in position and then swing your arm.

You are always trying to rotate your upper body (which is right) but of course you can't because your feet are stuck to the ground, knees are not bend and the motion ends at your stiff knee which may cause ligament injuries if you don't fix it. Your knee has to stop your whole upper body movement which isn't healthy at all.

Thank you. All your suggestions are greatly appreciated. I just practiced and I saw improvements.
Another problem I have is when I hit the ball against top spin, the ball goes over the table. Am I not putting enough spin? However, the ball goes on the table if I swing across my body, or if I make my bat angle very horizontal.
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...OPEN your blade when hitting the ball. If you close the blade, you'll have a harder time hitting the ball...

Thank you for your advice. I hope you can read my reply before this one to see what happens when I OPEN the blade. And the video now is public, so you can see it now. Thanks again.

You are hitting outside your effective strike zone, try hitting closer to your body. Try to rotate legs and waist and start power from there. Try to bounce back into position. Try to keep blade up and swing forward vs incoming topspin.

I'll try that when I hit later today. Thank you.
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Mar 2013
I say you need more body rotation and weight transfer like others have said above. Also keep your eye on the ball and hit in front of you not to your side or behind you. if it is outside your effective zone, sidestep so you can use the correct form.

When it comes to hitting against topspin, you need to close your racket more, otherwise an open racket will cause the ball to fly off table.
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Your strokes are so weird..but they can be corrected as everyone pointed're lucky to have a personal trainer, when I started, I was basically on my own..
One way to correct your apparent lack of use of waist rotation is this... practice a simple FH to FH drill with your trainer, with your playing arm open from 90 to 95 degrees, hold playing arm's elbow with your non-playing arm to restrict wandering off of your playing arm (keeping your playing arm close to your body)..Also, when you do this, it helps you to generate power from waist rotation, because you can't use your playing arm to do the entire stroke because it is now limited by your non-playing arm..hence, you'll feel obliged to rotate your waist.

Hope that helps.:)
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Apr 2013
An article about the chinese forehand loop by a chinese national coach also including the penhold grip you might enjoy.

I just linked all translated parts from the forum below together and pasted it to pastebin for easier reading (click the first link in this post).

[ Original source is the magazine TTW and it was translated here. ]
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Also keep your eye on the ball and hit in front of you not to your side or behind you. if it is outside your effective zone, sidestep so you can use the correct form. When it comes to hitting against topspin, you need to close your racket more...

Thank you. For some reason, I still completely miss the ball 20% of the time. I think this is probably because my motion is more upwards than forward.

One way to correct your apparent lack of use of waist rotation is this... practice a simple FH to FH drill with your trainer, with your playing arm open from 90 to 95 degrees, hold playing arm's elbow with your non-playing arm to restrict wandering off of your playing arm (keeping your playing arm close to your body)

You have no idea how much this helped! Thank you very much. I felt like I just did 100 sit-ups after doing this exercise! Now I see my mistake with my weight transfer.

An article about the chinese forehand loop by a chinese national coach also including the penhold grip you might enjoy.

WOW. This is an awesome article! I'm gonna read all of what he said and keep practicing. You have been a great help and I sincerely thank you for that. :]

My forehand has drastically improved in two days! I'll post an updated video in a month or two.