Garaydia T5000 reviews

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Mar 2012
Read 20 reviews
Hi all,
am planning on buying this blade. I know it is still a new blade but has anyone tried it out yet?
any information would be great. Just would like to know how it plays e,g dwell time, control etc

Hi Hefty Smurf, welcome to the forum.
i havent tried the blade myself but I heard that it's faster than the Timo Boll Spirit.
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Hey Giangt

i am using SC at the moment and looks like it is going to break apart on me soon that's why I am looking for another blade.

I thought the composition of the garaydia t5000 is similar. Was also looking at the garaydia ZLC however I don't like anything too bouncy for the short game.

Not sure if ZLC is too bouncy.
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Garaydia T5000 is a replacement for Bty Schlager. Probably due to schlager no longer active/sponsored by Bty. It should feel the same with schlager.

If I'm not mistaken it's 3wood+2carbon blade.... and it's damn fast !

Hi Hamasaki

I am hoping it does play like the SC. I think it might be a little slower than SC as Garaydia T5000 is 7.2mm thick while SC is 7.4mm but then I am not sure to the wood vs carbon thickness of the two. This may make a difference in the blade handling. Did your friend use Tenergy rubbers on the Garaydia? And how was the dwell?
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Hi All
I just got my garaydia t5000. It looks amazing and feels great in the hand. The handle is really smooth and comfortable. I got it in a FL design. I did weigh the blade and it comes in at 88g. Much lighter than my SC which was 95g. It has a higher pitch sound than the SC when ball is bounced on it without any rubber.

I am testing the blade tomorrow with tenergy 05 and tenergy 64. Will let you all know how it feels. Hopefully I will enjoy the feel of it.
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Hi all

Had a hit with it last night at the club for a few hours and this is what I thought about it.
As a long time user of Schlager Carbon, I can say it plays very similar although with a few differences (had the same rubbers on both blades tenergy 05 FH and tenergy 64 BH)

The differences I found with the Garaydia T5000 is that the dwell time is a little longer. It can produce better spin on slower loops as I found it holds onto the ball a little longer than the Schlager Carbon.

The speed I found to be quite similar when hitting with full swing but a tad slower on passive strokes

The other difference I found with the blade is that it has a lower arc with fast loops which were just above the net. Passive loops still had higher trajectory.

Serves, chops, blocks and smashes felt the same. My game didn't have to adjust much as the balls were still very fast. I could play very similar and not have to adjust much. I played with a club member who usually blocks my opening loop with my Schalger Carbon which I then kill with a loop drive on my 5th ball but it wasn't the case with the Garaydia. He was blocking it off the table with my opening loop (not sure if it was due to the longer dwell the blade gave but it felt spinnier).

Anyway i only had a few hits with it socially but will give a better review when I use it in competition.