How to stop loop and pray

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Oct 2022
Hi guys, I have trained table tennis for over 2 years and never feel confident in my forehand loop. In multi ball I can exec all those forehand techniques but in single ball training or in match I always feel uncomfortable using the forehand. All my shot has the tendency to go outside both against topspin and backspin. Therefore, I usually force flick and backhand in all my games.
My trainee and coach advise me to put more pressure on the ball into the table. I'm feeling is that my foot doesn't create enough space for the forehand loop also? Or my core is not stable enough? Hope I can receive some advises or drills in improving the forehand loop.
I use H3 on my forehand before, now I switch to D09C, my BH is Tibhar K3. Should I switch to K3 on the forehand, because I play well with D09C on the backhand also (already tried, my backhand fit with both K3 and D09C).
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Apr 2023
Hi guys, I have trained table tennis for over 2 years and never feel confident in my forehand loop. In multi ball I can exec all those forehand techniques but in single ball training or in match I always feel uncomfortable using the forehand. All my shot has the tendency to go outside both against topspin and backspin. Therefore, I usually force flick and backhand in all my games.
My trainee and coach advise me to put more pressure on the ball into the table. I'm feeling is that my foot doesn't create enough space for the forehand loop also? Or my core is not stable enough? Hope I can receive some advises or drills in improving the forehand loop.
I use H3 on my forehand before, now I switch to D09C, my BH is Tibhar K3. Should I switch to K3 on the forehand, because I play well with D09C on the backhand also (already tried, my backhand fit with both K3 and D09C).
Hello LHDuy

What is trajectory of your arm swing while looping on FH? I had similar issue before when I tended to swing my arm too high to make “good topspin”, because of that most of the balls went outside or to the net. My advice is to try make more forward movement when looping.

Though I have not seen footage of you playing and I might be wrong. But still hope it helps you;)
Hi guys, I have trained table tennis for over 2 years and never feel confident in my forehand loop. In multi ball I can exec all those forehand techniques but in single ball training or in match I always feel uncomfortable using the forehand. All my shot has the tendency to go outside both against topspin and backspin. Therefore, I usually force flick and backhand in all my games.
My trainee and coach advise me to put more pressure on the ball into the table. I'm feeling is that my foot doesn't create enough space for the forehand loop also? Or my core is not stable enough? Hope I can receive some advises or drills in improving the forehand loop.
I use H3 on my forehand before, now I switch to D09C, my BH is Tibhar K3. Should I switch to K3 on the forehand, because I play well with D09C on the backhand also (already tried, my backhand fit with both K3 and D09C).
Agree with the H3R0. If your loop tends to go off the end of the table, maybe you are brush too much upward. You can brush upward while hitting through the ball; that's what top spin drive is. So H3R0's suggestion for you to hit through the ball might be similar to what your coach is asking you to put more pressure on the ball into the table.

Also, maybe you need to alter you bat angle to a more closed angle position.

In addition, maybe in match position, when the ball comes back with a top spin, you need to close you bat's angle ven further. Your own spin is working against you basically. First loop if often the easiest (because it is just like you practice in multi-ball training). It is the second loop and the third loop that are much much harder because you need to keep your hand high and bat angle closed.

Finally I don't think it is a rubber issue. I think it might be a blade issue. Honestly I could not handle Viscaria. I like inner carbon blades much better. The loops and blocks are easier to control. I honestly do not know why Viscaria is that popular. Too fast for me. I cannot tame that beast. I am happy playing with inner carbon blades.
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Nov 2013
Read 4 reviews
Listen to your coach, and stop avoiding your forehand in training matches, you are missing because in practise the coach is telling you what to expect and making it easy for you to loop, and in a match they are not, for example the lack of space with your foot is likely because your coach is doing brilliant cross-court drills and in real life people often target your elbow as is is hard to make a good shot from there unelss you are prepared in advance.

so just listen, practise and dont avoid your forehand in the training match so you get used to it
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Nov 2019
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I would also like to see some footage. "2 years" of training and being able to fully control/utilize a Viscaria SALC with D09C and K3 is possible but hard. To get good speed and especially spin the sponge of D09C and K3 must be activated/utilized. Both K3 = 53° ESN = 40° DHS and D09C = 54° ESN have hard sponges so one needs to be in good position and execute proper strokes with good acceleration (especially on fast outer carbon blades) to get enough spin to force the ball on the table.
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Oct 2020
Get yourself a Butterfly Korbel or Xiom Offensive S, put a H3 Neo (Commercial) on one side and a Butterfly Rozena or Rakza 7 on the other, and train with that for 2 years.

Your match-play should improve in leaps and bounds.

Note: "match-play." Lots of players can look world-class in training drills, but are not able to translate that into competitive match situations. If you want to improve your competitive match-play, then make the change and keep training!
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Apr 2024
You should do forehand loop warm up often. Something like this. Shameless of me to do this but hehehe

My forehand is much stronger than my backhand so I try to get good consistency from my loop like this. Just last week I lost confidence on my forehand loop. To get the feel back, I spent my time doing this forehand loop warm up to get the feels and to improve it in game.

As for your set up, it's fine. You can get use to it but I think getting a slower blade and softer rubbers is better for you.