Table Tennis - Prejudices

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Active Member
Dec 2010
I want to make a video with the title: Table Tennis - Against All Prejudices
But at first I need prejudices. So what do hear if you tell someone that you play Table Tennis?
I will start:

1. Table Tennis is no sport
2. You don't have to move and sweat

Who has more?
Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
I got loads after 30 years..
1. It's not tiring, so you can't sweat and no stamina is needed - do multi-balls
2. Too easy. Unlike tennis, TT tables is only an arm's width - try standing 2 steps away from the table I say.
3. Don't need power and strength. The ball is only a couple of ounces - try hitting the ball from 12ft away from the table.
4. Played in hall so you're not battling against the elements as well, unlike tennis..again - try playing in a hall with 20 tables playing at the same time and people cheering everywhere.
5. You can't get girls since only nerds play them:) - heck no, I was married twice before
6. You can't make money in the sport - kinda true I think:)

What the heck do they know, I say:)
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
I love playing guys who are tennis players who think they should be able to play Table Tennis because they can play tennis without putting any of the real work into learning the actual game. I played this one guy whose friends told me he thought he could beat me because he had been #300 in the world in tennis. Now, he was good for a player who did not play table tennis for real. But he had no chance given the fact that he was trying to hit through spin with tennis strokes and no clue how to loop. Funny. :) Tennis does not = Table Tennis. They are different.

Now a tennis player who really learns how to play table tennis can be pretty good. But that is different than someone who just thinks they should be good at table tennis because they play tennis.
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Jan 2012
i don't know if it was written before but i often hear when i say 'i can´t go today because i have table tennis trainning' and i have the same answer, laughs and people saying trainning? it is really necessary to train? other people even don't believe what i say and they think i'm going anywhere else...