Thoughts on Blade Weight and Composition (ALL-WOOD)

My good friend and fellow EJ is constantly looking for 90gm+ new OC blades only in that weight class. But when he comes across older/vintage OC blades (same model) he wants 88gm. His rationale is as wood ages it not only loses water content (which most of us already know) but there is also vaporization of oils and lignin (connective tissues/minerals) that occur which according to him and science, this process increases the strength to weight ratio. Example, an older 'fully dried out' vintage OC of 88gm has the power of a 'new' late model 90gm OC. I've tried his older 88gm OC with same rubbers thickness and all no boost and mine 90gm OC and maybe it's placebo but I did notice difference in power with his 88gm racquet. I don't know if it's the lighter weight that caused a faster swing but I did notice a difference. Also I was told to err on the heavier side if looking for a blade with softer composition like limba/ayous etc. and to err on the lighter side with blades with stiff layers like KOTO/Spruce. Any thoughts on this? Debates? Similar experiences?
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