And winning a selection trial for once is not development? He has to compete against his teammates regardless of age. Harimoto, Uda and Togami all went through that.
Continuing from my previous post about Ishikawa and Hirano, Hayata lost to Ito in the final selection trial for WTTC 2018, lost to Kato in the final selection trial for WTTC 2019 and lost to Hirano in the final selection trial for WTTC 2020. All within 1 year of age difference. Losing in the first two practically cost Hayata the Tokyo 2020, not to mention Hirano giving up 250 pts at WTTC 2018 to Hayata cost her the WS. Hayata didn't win her first selection trials until ATTC 2021 and WTTC 2021, beating her teammates, old and young. Those are true development. Now, the
prospect for LA 2028 for the 3 of the golden generation is pretty dim. Therefore, the argument about age is no excuse for not playing up to expectations, especially when Matsushima is using the resources/influence of the Harimoto siblings. Once again,
there is no guarantee that Matsushima will definitely improve far beyond his current self at 21 and 25 when he displays world-weariness at 17.
伊藤美誠vs早田ひな|世界卓球2018 日本代表最終選考会 女子決勝
世界卓球2019日本代表最終選考会 女子 準決勝 加藤美優vs早田ひな|English sub
女子シングルス決勝 平野美宇vs早田ひな|世界卓球2020 日本代表最終選考会