
Latest reviews

  • 36.5 ALX
    5.00 star(s)
    Xiom 36.5 ALX
    I'm a FH/BH aggressive looper, I play near the table with occasional This blade has the speed and the spin of a Viscaria, maybe tiny less speed...
    • Fedex78
  • Ovtcharov Carbospeed
    5.00 star(s)
    Original Carbospeed
    I’m approximately rated USATT 2100 and I play offensive in both sides. I’m good at the spin game and my backhand is way better than my forehand...
    • PickleRick
  • Stiga Dynasty Carbon (Xu Xin)
    5.00 star(s)
    Carbon blade with wood feeling!
    Personally I think Xu Xin has amazing taste in equipment and this blade is no exception. If you like Skyline 2 rubber, Xuperman rubber, or the...
    • greenbeanmachine
  • Acoustic Carbon Inner
    4.00 star(s)
    Good blade, tiny handle
    I have this in FL with Turbo Orange for FH and Hammond Z2 for BH, both at 2.0. It was a solid step-up in pace for me, without becoming too fast...
    • Cordell
  • Liga
    4.00 star(s)
    Great rubber for first custom racket
    My first custom racket is an applegren allplay with these rubbers. Its a very nice racket, good spin and so much control i can make any shot i...
    • ttcontender

Featured Reviews

    • Featured
    Rubbers $80

    Tenergy 05

    Tenergy 05 is for the High Performance topspin attacking player. Tenergy has inbuilt 'Spring Sponge', which is the latest innovation from...
  • Balls $2.50

    Butterfly A40+

    Butterfly's latest plastic ball the A40+. This new plastic ball will be used at the 2018 World Team Table Tennis Championships! Manufactured under...
  • Clothing $45

    Butterfly Shirt

    Good shirt good price.
  • Rubbers $48

    Butterfly Glayzer

    Butterfly Glayzer This is for those who prefer softer rubbers than Chinese or Hybrid rubbers. It’s a medium-hard rubber, with the spring sponge X...
  • Blades $210

    Butterfly Fan Zhendong Super ALC

    Super Arylate-Carbon, which achieves a higher bounce while maintaining the flexibility of Arylate-Carbon, is used in this blade. The reaction...