Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

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Active Member
Aug 2016
I had decided about a month ago that I was going from penhold to shakehand. I was for a long time using short pips (sometimes inverted)/Long Pips twiddle game. It was fun and gave some players fits but others (particularly my club mates who see it all the time) not at all.

Had a tournament a couple of weekends ago and play with my penhold setup as I don't want to go into a tournament with a new setup. Played okay to good at times. Took 2nd in my respective division but had a loss in the seeding round where I was kicking myself for losing. Felt like I should have made the next division up. None the less, in 3rd place match to make it to the finals I was down 0-2 and came back to win 3-2. Never done that before in singles so I was pleased with that.

But now the tournament is over and it's time to make the switch. Honestly I feel like I should just be better than I am for the amount of time I've played over the years. I think I have some type of sickness but I struggle to play the simple mainstream style even though that might be best. I can't help it but like a little weird in my game. I'm considering either shakehand duel inverted (boring but maybe highest upside. I have a strong backhand) or shakehand modern defender. Chopping feels natural & easy for me and I can always twiddle for a BH if I need it.

There's a part of me that sees how modern defenders struggle with elite level talent (so maybe the defensive game is doomed) but truth be told I don't really see myself ever traveling extensively where I'll face that type of competition. So really I'm just factoring in how it would do vs the intermediate to good player. I think there's a chance pretty good.

Still deciding on which way to go.

The biggest adjustment has been learning the forehand but it's getting there quickly. I played penhold SP for so long, I really tuned in a drivey stroke. With shakehand I have a comfortable feeling (i'll take it for now) side/top loop going but not a lot of power yet. Still, it's very spiny so I think that's something to build on. At least it's not drivey.

Okay enough rambling for now. Will update how it progresses.
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This user has no status.
Well-Known Member
Aug 2016
I had decided about a month ago that I was going from penhold to shakehand. I was for a long time using short pips (sometimes inverted)/Long Pips twiddle game. It was fun and gave some players fits but others (particularly my club mates who see it all the time) not at all.

Had a tournament a couple of weekends ago and play with my penhold setup as I don't want to go into a tournament with a new setup. Played okay to good at times. Took 2nd in my respective division but had a loss in the seeding round where I was kicking myself for losing. Felt like I should have made the next division up. None the less, in 3rd place match to make it to the finals I was down 0-2 and came back to win 3-2. Never done that before in singles so I was pleased with that.

But now the tournament is over and it's time to make the switch. Honestly I feel like I should just be better than I am for the amount of time I've played over the years. I think I have some type of sickness but I struggle to play the simple mainstream style even though that might be best. I can't help it but like a little weird in my game. I'm considering either shakehand duel inverted (boring but maybe highest upside. I have a strong backhand) or shakehand modern defender. Chopping feels natural & easy for me and I can always twiddle for a BH if I need it.

There's a part of me that sees how modern defenders struggle with elite level talent (so maybe the defensive game is doomed) but truth be told I don't really see myself ever traveling extensively where I'll face that type of competition. So really I'm just factoring in how it would do vs the intermediate to good player. I think there's a chance pretty good.

Still deciding on which way to go.

The biggest adjustment has been learning the forehand but it's getting there quickly. I played penhold SP for so long, I really tuned in a drivey stroke. With shakehand I have a comfortable feeling (i'll take it for now) side/top loop going but not a lot of power yet. Still, it's very spiny so I think that's something to build on. At least it's not drivey.

Okay enough rambling for now. Will update how it progresses.

Congratulations on the 3-2 comeback!! One of the most challenging feats in sports is to come back from the brink of defeat.

Good luck with your conversion to SH!
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says what [IMG]
I put myself and ZJK side to side doing some forehand footwork, because I was watching a video and got a really nice angle on him doing the footwork that I absolutely suck at.

I really don't know what the hell I'm doing when I, uhhh, "perform" this footwork, but this is actually quite educational.


It's not surprise ZJK had a little bit better legs than I do, but damn, I'm really not pulling my weight here!


I'm getting onto something here...

I'm not pushing at all with my right leg, for one. It's not really getting any weight on it: I'm toppling over it. ZJK is doing crazy athletic things on the other hand.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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I put myself and ZJK side to side doing some forehand footwork, because I was watching a video and got a really nice angle on him doing the footwork that I absolutely suck at.

I really don't know what the hell I'm doing when I, uhhh, "perform" this footwork, but this is actually quite educational.


It's not surprise ZJK had a little bit better legs than I do, but damn, I'm really not pulling my weight here!


I'm getting onto something here...

I'm not pushing at all with my right leg, for one. It's not really getting any weight on it: I'm toppling over it. ZJK is doing crazy athletic things on the other hand.

I think the only difference is the national issue socks and underwear. But perhaps the shorts and shirt may help too.

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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This user has no status.
Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
I had decided about a month ago that I was going from penhold to shakehand. I was for a long time using short pips (sometimes inverted)/Long Pips twiddle game. It was fun and gave some players fits but others (particularly my club mates who see it all the time) not at all.

Had a tournament a couple of weekends ago and play with my penhold setup as I don't want to go into a tournament with a new setup. Played okay to good at times. Took 2nd in my respective division but had a loss in the seeding round where I was kicking myself for losing. Felt like I should have made the next division up. None the less, in 3rd place match to make it to the finals I was down 0-2 and came back to win 3-2. Never done that before in singles so I was pleased with that.

But now the tournament is over and it's time to make the switch. Honestly I feel like I should just be better than I am for the amount of time I've played over the years. I think I have some type of sickness but I struggle to play the simple mainstream style even though that might be best. I can't help it but like a little weird in my game. I'm considering either shakehand duel inverted (boring but maybe highest upside. I have a strong backhand) or shakehand modern defender. Chopping feels natural & easy for me and I can always twiddle for a BH if I need it.

There's a part of me that sees how modern defenders struggle with elite level talent (so maybe the defensive game is doomed) but truth be told I don't really see myself ever traveling extensively where I'll face that type of competition. So really I'm just factoring in how it would do vs the intermediate to good player. I think there's a chance pretty good.

Still deciding on which way to go.

The biggest adjustment has been learning the forehand but it's getting there quickly. I played penhold SP for so long, I really tuned in a drivey stroke. With shakehand I have a comfortable feeling (i'll take it for now) side/top loop going but not a lot of power yet. Still, it's very spiny so I think that's something to build on. At least it's not drivey.

Okay enough rambling for now. Will update how it progresses.

For obvious reasons, inverted Shakehand technique is the easiest for me to comment on online. If you post video of your practice, you can get decent insights on your strokes here. Not just from me either.
says what [IMG]
I think the only difference is the nation issue socks and underwear. But perhaps the shorts and shirt may help too.

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy

Ah, yes.

I hadn't thought of that: what if my apparent lack of body movement and the different impression that the views give when compared to each other, is simply a visual anomaly!

I will acquire national issue clothing as soon as possible. With the visual anomaly dealt with, surely my game will raise 1000 USATT points or perhaps even more!
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Some footage from today.

Whatever I'm doing with my legs when I move towards my forehand has really gotta stop. It doesn't look too productive for movement nor for transferring energy.

Archo, it is good you are trying to get footage. But you need to watch the footage from others and see if you can figure out better angles to film from.

This and the the serve video are really hard to watch.

Also, if you are going to do serve practice, serving with one or two balls so that most of the time all the people get to see is the empty table while you are getting the ball is not so great for the viewer. Try with 10-30 balls. If you really want to do it right, you get a bucket of 100-200 balls.

But, at least you are trying to film yourself. See if you can use your intellect and sort out angles that help you see what you are doing so you can learn and improve your TT skillz from the effort.

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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says what [IMG]

I'm only really looking at my legs when I film these back-angles. Mostly because I have no other angles to really film from with a semblance of effectiveness. However I do feel that the legs show pretty well from the back: and I specifically wanted a view from the back.

However, the stroke can't be seen very well, and the ball is hidden very often, so I understand what you mean.

I could just get a tripod and set up some kind of camera and that'd deal with the issue nicely. However I'd either need to make one, or buy one, or just get one somehow. For my personal purposes, I don't need one right now.

I just post the videos here mostly because there's nothing stopping me from filming and posting them. Better those videos than nothing.
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says what [IMG]

So what do you recommend then? That I don't strive to be able to hit the ball more properly when I have to move into it, and just try to reach for the ball and fall into it instead? When should I start focusing on moving, when my forehand is 2000 level and I can hit the ball properly?


There are. However I can't just will the camera to float in the air and film from those angles.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
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A camera in a shoe on a well placed table with a stack of books? Could work...I have faith that you can jerry-rig something that works. Let's see you bring out your inner MacGyver.

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
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Now is actually the first time I thought of just straight out taping my phone to the object(s) it is propped up on, so it stays upright. Maybe I'm just not thinking hard enough...

Numnutz, a shoe. As long as the lens is up, it works. If your phone is too thin, a sock in the shoe with the phone. Do you really need it spelled out:


Yes, that is me taking a photo of a phone in my shoe on an NYC Subway train. It's the Q train so I didn't get run off the train for smelly feet. On the Q they are civilized these days. [emoji2]

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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says what [IMG]

You have no idea how un-cooperative my camera is in staying at a good angle. I thought it would be easy too but it's one of those things you need to experience to understand. It needs some kind of propping or suspension system, and it needs to be very secure.

Okay, I thought now, I've engineered more complex things. I'm being too stupid about this.

Elevation is not a real problem because I can just keep stacking books if need be, but stability and ease of pitch adjustment is. So I did this. I'm very lucky that the tape-roll and the phone can interact in a way where neither wants to slide away, there's a small notch the tape-roll can go into.

I can adjust the pitch by putting, say, a few pages of a notebook from under either side of the box and putting some tape on the page so it doesn't slide away.

As a plus, it's compact and all the crap I need to adjust it can be easily carried as well and it does not need to be disassembled to adjust anything. I can also operate the camera controls through the tape, via touchscreen.

Now we're in the real engineering, bois! :rolleyes:


I tabbed away for a bit and without even noticing it, edited my old post by deleting all the content and posting THIS post on top. Doh!


Here's a more compact version. This is a real winner!

I CAN prop the phone up, it has just enough squared off area to stay up if it's propped directly upright. However I'd really like to have some kind of pitch adjustment, it's always been a problem.

This is very compact, offers a great FOV and lets me adjust the pitch, because the cardboard part can be adjusted to adjust the pitch of the phone. Otherwise it can only be exactly level. At the distances I need to film from, it's a real problem to get a good view.

This is something I can also potentially fabricate more of on a tight budget if need be, so that's a plus. I used a tape-roll and a cut away piece of a Stiga CUP ball pack, the piece that you hang it from in stores.


I showed this to my friend and he linked me this.

It's not too far off.
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says what [IMG]
says what [IMG]

Hah, I can kind of understand your point.

As soon as I decided for myself that I really need to get my filming issues fixed, it is as if they fixed themselves. Just like the person who is lazy and does not want to work, will go to work fairly quickly once they run out of money and start starving. ;)