
says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Heres an awesome documentary I just found on youtube of European Champion Michael Maze. Im not to when this video was taken, but I have a feeling it an old one. If their are any translators who can translate this documentary that would be awesome! Around 35.30 the interview is about Michael Maze's back pain... I would love to know what he is saying about his back as it looks like the exact same injury I have. Behind the scenes of Michael Maze Life.... Enjoy the video below


Photo by: Nils Meilvang

says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Around 35.30 the interview is about Michael Maze's back pain... I would love to know what he is saying about his back as it looks like the exact same injury I have.

In my work in my real life, I help a lot of people with back problems. There are a few TT players in NYC who I have helped out as well. You and M. Maze should have me around. :)

No, it is hard to say what is going on. But if I have a doctor's diagnosis and, if necessary, a look at MRIs and/or X-rays, I can usually help people with most back pain. When it is worse it takes longer but I can help. I teach yoga but for something like that I would probably need to do a variety of exercises that I would have the person do him/herself combined with certain assisted stretches (body work) and joint manipulations including traction and hitting pressure points and sometimes mild realignment of bones in the spin or disks to help things go back to normal. In the end the first goal would be to get the person to not be feeling pain in normal daily activities. The next goal would be to get the affected area and the surrounding structures strong enough to be supported and flexible enough to not create more damage in the future while moving in ways that simulate actions from Table Tennis. Then the next goal would be to get back to the activities, in this case high level Table Tennis, while keeping the back safe and relearning some movement patterns so that the actions of Table Tennis would not re-injure the affected area. Then the sky's the limit. But you have to start with getting the pain under control. And once you do have an injury like this, you have to continue to do things proactively for it even after you think things are okay. Stronger abdominal muscles are almost always helpful to the health of our spin, particularly the deeper muscles of the abdomen, the transverse and obliques.

I might as well put a link to my web-site on here.

This is my home page: http://www.yogascope.com/

This is a page that has lots of videos and photos and content: http://yogascope.blogspot.com/

Some of the videos are me showing cool complicated things. Some are me showing stuff that is more simple, therapeutic and healthy for the spine.

In there are also photos from when I used to be a professional In-Line Skater. I remember someone on the forum posted a video of him rollerblading in a skate park at some point and seeing it brought back memories. :)
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says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Hi Dan!

It's old, from 2007.
They don't say what's wrong with his back but they talk a lot of all of his injuries and his missing passion at the time.

Oh man if he would have had the proper guidance and training from a very young age, he would be the best ever seen!

Thanks for the feedback Reiin! :)

Yeah I think your right, who knows what this boy could of achieved. Injuries are such a nightmare and Maze injury is likely mechanical. So as you say, if he was guided with better sufficient technique at a young age he may not have these injury issues now and he would be taking on the Chinese just like Boll is doing


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
In my work in my real life, I help a lot of people with back problems. There are a few TT players in NYC who I have helped out as well. You and M. Maze should have me around. :)

No, it is hard to say what is going on. But if I have a doctor's diagnosis and, if necessary, a look at MRIs and/or X-rays, I can usually help people with most back pain. When it is worse it takes longer but I can help. I teach yoga but for something like that I would probably need to do a variety of exercises that I would have the person do him/herself combined with certain assisted stretches (body work) and joint manipulations including traction and hitting pressure points and sometimes mild realignment of bones in the spin or disks to help things go back to normal. In the end the first goal would be to get the person to not be feeling pain in normal daily activities. The next goal would be to get the affected area and the surrounding structures strong enough to be supported and flexible enough to not create more damage in the future while moving in ways that simulate actions from Table Tennis. Then the next goal would be to get back to the activities, in this case high level Table Tennis, while keeping the back safe and relearning some movement patterns so that the actions of Table Tennis would not re-injure the affected area. Then the sky's the limit. But you have to start with getting the pain under control. And once you do have an injury like this, you have to continue to do things proactively for it even after you think things are okay. Stronger abdominal muscles are almost always helpful to the health of our spin, particularly the deeper muscles of the abdomen, the transverse and obliques.

I might as well put a link to my web-site on here.

This is my home page: http://www.yogascope.com/

This is a page that has lots of videos and photos and content: http://yogascope.blogspot.com/

Some of the videos are me showing cool complicated things. Some are me showing stuff that is more simple, therapeutic and healthy for the spine.

In there are also photos from when I used to be a professional In-Line Skater. I remember someone on the forum posted a video of him rollerblading in a skate park at some point and seeing it brought back memories. :)

Sorry for late reply Carl, just seen your post now :)

Wish I did, just seen your awesome site!

I see what your saying, I first got my back injury when I did a forehand smash in 2007... I could not move for 2 hours,, not at all! And then after a while I managed to limb and walk and stuff. I slept the night and saw physio's the next day.... they did loads of massage and it was so painful. However after 2 weeks massage was not giving much relief. They then used acupuncture and I had immediate relief. The relief was so much that I could go back to playing table tennis after 3 months. However, after playing tt the pain would come back and I would need acupuncture twice a month to relieve it.

However around February 2009 the acupuncture lost its effect! I was not getting the relief I use to get and I was forced to quit in the end of 2009 because i couldnt get relief from anything. So beginning of 2010 I did yoga back exercises twice a day... 30 mins a time... got core stronger... However no change..

I then decided to go on the NHS/Hospital and had 3 different MRI scans, in the lumbar region and SI region... the scans picked up nothing! I was referred to a neurologist, all these different ologists I cannot remember names now lol.. and even a rumatologist who swore the pills would get rid of the pain after 6 months. However they did not help. So around 2 months ago the NHS said there is nothing more they can do. They have tried all their options and said to come back in a year or 2 for another MRI scan to see if anything has changed.

So now I guess ill have to wait 2 years until I see them again.

The pain comes on as soon as I start twisting for a forehand or bending my right leg and putting weight on it.

I am seeing a chiropractor at the moment who is clicking me around and trying to release pressure around my joints and stuff and ive got different core and stretching exercises to do. I also ice 3 times a day..

I am now 22 ... the injury happened in 2007 when i was 17.. .Kinda sucks lol... but i wouldn't of made TTD if the injury didn't happen so guess always positives :)
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Well-Known Member
May 2011

Sorry for late reply Carl, just seen your post now :)

Wish I did, just seen your awesome site!

I see what your saying, I first got my back injury when I did a forehand smash in 2007... I could not move for 2 hours,, not at all! And then after a while I managed to limb and walk and stuff. I slept the night and saw physio's the next day.... they did loads of massage and it was so painful. However after 2 weeks massage was not giving much relief. They then used acupuncture and I had immediate relief. The relief was so much that I could go back to playing table tennis after 3 months. However, after playing tt the pain would come back and I would need acupuncture twice a month to relieve it.

However around February 2009 the acupuncture lost its effect! I was not getting the relief I use to get and I was forced to quit in the end of 2009 because i couldnt get relief from anything. So beginning of 2010 I did yoga back exercises twice a day... 30 mins a time... got core stronger... However no change..

I then decided to go on the NHS/Hospital and had 3 different MRI scans, in the lumbar region and SI region... the scans picked up nothing! I was referred to a neurologist, all these different ologists I cannot remember names now lol.. and even a rumatologist who swore the pills would get rid of the pain after 6 months. However they did not help. So around 2 months ago the NHS said there is nothing more they can do. They have tried all their options and said to come back in a year or 2 for another MRI scan to see if anything has changed.

So now I guess ill have to wait 2 years until I see them again.

The pain comes on as soon as I start twisting for a forehand or bending my right leg and putting weight on it.

I am seeing a chiropractor at the moment who is clicking me around and trying to release pressure around my joints and stuff and ive got different core and stretching exercises to do. I also ice 3 times a day..

I am now 22 ... the injury happened in 2007 when i was 17.. .Kinda sucks lol... but i wouldn't of made TTD if the injury didn't happen so guess always positives :)

Respect to u for keeping on trying Dan! Maybe u should get the same tattoo Zhang Jike has ;)


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Respect to u for keeping on trying Dan! Maybe u should get the same tattoo Zhang Jike has ;)

Hehe i have been thinking of getting a tattoo in the injured area actually.... Not to sure how that would go down with the physios tho hehe :)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
BTW, here is another very interesting old video of Michael Maze !!! :):):)

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May 2013
Truly awesome player, so chuffed for him when he didn't just win Euros but smashed 'em out of sight. I'm no physio but looking at his style and admittedly trying to copy it, its no wonder he's injured all the time.