Is there an alternative to Tenergy 05fx now?


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Nov 2016

although I try other stuff generally I have used Tenergy 05fx now for about 7 or 8 years on my fh.
I have tried 05 but find it a little unforgiving, I am not quite good enough for it.

Now I love 05fx for this currently on A Sanwei Fextra 7 ply wood (which suits my pimple bh);

Speed (ok)
Loop/Arc suits my fh technique.
Love how bouncy it is

I don't like;
How bouncy it is
Pretty reactive to incoming spin in Max, not so much in 1.9
not the best for tight game
Sometimes in max its even a bit bouncy for smashing

So are any of the newer generation of rubbers more suitable

From reading other threads it seems T19 might be somewhere between 05fx and 05, this might be the ball park I needed. One thing i Noticed about 05 is its better for blocking against power than 05fx, the hardness absorbs the kinetic energy of incoming shot better.

I am a bh pimple hiting biased player. All I need on the fh is some control for serve return and tight short serve assistance. and some help in loops and smashes. I am a pretty basic player.
I get drawn to Rakza Z but think maybe T19 could be the answer. I always find the Evolution rubbers not quite right for one reason or another, and I don't seem to like the feel of the thinner rubber thicker sponge modern rubbers.
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Oct 2020

Take a look at this review:

In his conclusion he says:

"The rubber [Ando Hexer Powergrip SFX] also ranks among the TOP softies around T05 FX , Evolution FX-S or Bluefire M3 , but gives you a more catapult, softer and more forgiving alternative. In addition, the surface is slower than the surfaces with a thin top sheet."

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Aug 2020
I agree with magic. FX S is a very popular substitute for 05 FX in Germany.

But if you Game is a little more direct, EL P might be worth a try. By far the best evolution rubber for Blocking and Hitting, less explosive catapult than EL S and pretty good for tight play.

If Evolutions are out of your interests, the Stiga DNA Pro S might also fit you. In my opinion it is as spinny as 05 FX, has the same high throw and gives you control. But I don't know if it is less springy than 05 FX
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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You should test the Tibhar Evolution FX-S

FX-S would be my hands-down choice to give a simple answer for a high performing, easy to spin modern dynamic rubber that is in the class of T05FX..The softer versions of Tibhar K1Hybrid might interest some others too. I personally have swithed to that rubber in the firm version (K1+) for BH... but make no mistake, that rubber is VERY DANGEROUS on your powerful counter topsin shots that is has a good arguement to be useful on FH too.

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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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I would believe that a LOT of consideration should be given to a player's impact and how they overall play. Also what their stategic development is shaping to.

I see some ttd members trying to apply that in their recommendations... that shows some higher understanding.

Back to Magic's recommendation for a soft modern dynamic rubber (FX-S) I have the kind of FH impact that can make that joker sing in ways my other local players do not. My topspin shots when I go for 70% plus power are insane loaded and bounce different.

I have had other players try my FX-S on my differnent bats and they are meh so-so. Not impressed they are. That is a live example that broad sweeping generalizations do not apply in all or even half the cases sometimes.

Still, the question was asked to get a simple, concise answer and not a request to hear a dissertation on TT impact and play theory. So I guess I am a failure in keeping to the original spirit there.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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For MOG, I think the best alternative to T05fx is T05FX. But MOG likes Der. So, if Der recommends something he may think about it even if he rejects the same recommendation from another. :)

I have forgotten what Der recommended. So, lets hope it was helpful to the MOGster.

Now the goon squad is coming after me so I better get out of here.


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Nov 2016
Hi Carl, Hi Der

It is true in my eyes 'Der' is a god on the forum, whose word it too be literally taken as gospel.
FX-S was already a consideration for me, I have tried it before.

It might actually be the case that I should not be looking for rubbers like 05fx and should be looking for rubbers different to 05fx.

Just ordered a sheet of Rakza Z in 2.0mm so we will see!
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says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
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Jul 2020
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Hi Carl, Hi Der

It is true in my eyes 'Der' is a god on the forum, whose word it too be literally taken as gospel.
FX-S was already a consideration for me, I have tried it before.

It might actually be the case that I should not be looking for rubbers like 05fx and should be looking for rubbers different to 05fx.

Just ordered a sheet of Rakza Z in 2.0mm so we will see!

Good to have you active on the Forum again!!!
l’m really quite fond of Rakza Z !!! Like it a lot, enough tackiness to add some control, good spring/ bouncy sponge and for me a softish feeling top sheet that can produce really good spin levels. Tackiness fades slightly over time.
Does have a pretty high throw angle, play away from the table seems easier than an all out H3 type (un-boosted) tacky rubber.
I haven’t used T05 FX, have tried T05/19/D09C, RZ feels softer. Been awhile since I tried T80FX, which from memory felt softer than T05/19/D09C and could be similar to the feel of RZ even though there’s a reasonable difference in sponge hardnesses, bear in mind it’s a couple of yrs since I used T80FX !!!
RZ maybe really rather fast when on a blade like a Viscaria, I’ve used it on mainly all wood blades, with the exception being Acoustic inner.
hope you get on well with the RZ!!

says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Hi Carl, Hi Der

It is true in my eyes 'Der' is a god on the forum, whose word it too be literally taken as gospel.
FX-S was already a consideration for me, I have tried it before.

It might actually be the case that I should not be looking for rubbers like 05fx and should be looking for rubbers different to 05fx.

Just ordered a sheet of Rakza Z in 2.0mm so we will see!

Hi MOG, I would consider myself nowhere being a god and I would especially like it if whatever I say on the forum is not taken as gospel, but examined and questioned if needed. There is no single correct answer to table tennis, so say nearly every Korean pro speak to amateur TTers like us, and I have over time found this to be a very true and profound statement.

says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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For MOG, I think the best alternative to T05fx is T05FX. But MOG likes Der. So, if Der recommends something he may think about it even if he rejects the same recommendation from another. :)

I have forgotten what Der recommended. So, lets hope it was helpful to the MOGster.

Now the goon squad is coming after me so I better get out of here.

Carl, I did not see a part of your post claiming I like OFF Classic and should use it, so no Goonies for the post.

I hope I was clear when I make wrote what I wrote that players should understand their impact and strategic development.

Until a player develops advanced fundamentals of footwork, position, balance, perception of ball to mention just afew among ball striking... until those get solid, it really doesn't matter what one uses if you are simply trying to get great performance right after switching. What matters are SKILLS.

What matters about equipment in the development phase is APPROPRIATE for the STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT... very often, . flexible offensive attacking players benefit from a blade slower than OFF+/OFF and a modern/dynamic soft sponged rubber. In that arena, equipment choice counts for a lot, can either aid or hinder development.

I have seen what recent vids MOG posted and made my comments when I made comments. Short of it is that MOG needs certain fundamentals to grow before he can make top performance even with his current rubber T05FX and that switching to another class may or may not be center of mass of the zone of appropriatenes for what he wants to develop...

... yet to develop, one must be in the situation to grow and do the things needed to grow. It doesn't have to be perfect coach led optimized, many a player have greatly iomporved simply knowing how therir fundamentals were jacked and get occasional reminding while they do the work in practice or sacrifice winning in matches or by practicing them with less pressure while goofing off in the club.

As much as one or zero individuals on the forum may consider Der_Echte a very well developed player, I discovered I was ate up as all let-out 4 years ago after I failed at my first 4 tourneys in California... I entered into a new period of development, several actually, even now is one. TTD member erm tossed enough gear my way to have me try and realize that the pundit recommended slower wood blade and control oriented soft sponged rubbers (or the modern dynamic) were what I needed to get confidence, then develop better timing to point of impact within effective part of strike zone.

That is the long way to say that MOG would benefit a lot more from an appropriate class of equipment over a specific rubber and that he should do what is needed to grow if his future goals are to perform better.

Those same recommendations still apply to Der_Echte and hopefull, I also improve. Forums like TTD are great places to share stuff like this and be more dedicated.



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Nov 2016

Der Echte,

your post above is fantastic and very sensible.

My footwork has gone backwards again during a period of 5 months of not playing.
The blade I use Sanwei Fextra may indeed be a bit quick, it is a bit stiff for sure.

It is excellent for my kieler mid pimple bh which really has helped me improve results recently, hence with a lot more players play to my fh a lot more.
I think there is something a bit more controlled than max 05fx, It might not have as much spin or as much arc, but something needs tweaking.

I could try a slower blade but it would need to be 7 ply or carbon, as Kieler pips for what i want to do which is 90% hit everything with them need a stiff or semi stiff blade.

They do not work at all for me and the way I want to play on thinner flexy 5 ply blades.

But my footwork needs to improve more than anything else in TT, and that would give me more gains than anything else.
Next would probably be always playing with bended knees
and then always rotating my upper body on fh.

Pips exaggerate the need for getting in line on the bh, you cant get away with cheeky shots outside of the line of your nose as much as you can with reversed. So again footwork improvement would really help.

But 05fx is very bouncy and I think it might be making me a bit lazy in stroke production and covering up some weaknesses in technique and timing.
