Does tacky rubber slow down improvement?

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When comparing speed of tacky and non-tacky rubber, apparently tacky rubber is slower. When comparing spin, tacky rubber can generate more spin when dealing with short balls, but non-tacky rubber is able to generate the same or more spin than tacky rubber when hitting hard, the ball is sunk into sponge and wrapped by rubber.

But the idea of using tacky rubber is based on control. Comparing a ball coming fast with a slow one, they make more differences on non-tacky rubber but less on tacky rubber, then we can say opponents' return affect you more when you are using non-tacky rubber. The one using tacky rubber simply make a full swing to loop without considering more. If someone has problems with using tacky rubber, it will always be not hard enough or not spinning enough. That is why Tango K said "I also personally do feel the ability to execute a longer swing gives me more forgiveness. " Yes, big swing with tacky rubber makes the ball more controllable.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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summing up !!!!
The question originally was :[h1]Does tacky rubber slow down improvement?[/h1]Well, the answer is : NO !!!!!!! 😁

Are you saying this thread has gone off the rails and some people are posting answers to questions that were never asked. :) hahahahaha. This is the nature of the EJ virus. It causes people to do things like that on the forum.

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says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
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Apr 2020

Are you saying this thread has gone off the rails and some people are posting answers to questions that were never asked. :) hahahahaha. This is the nature of the EJ virus. It causes people to do things like that on the forum.

It is ok, I was not complaining just avin a larf 😁

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Oct 2019
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Overall the 'dead feel' or how bouncy a particular rubber feels has many variables, thickness of sponge, hardness of sponge, pore size and density of sponge, pimple pattern, size of pimples (cross sectional area) thickness of rubber (flat part) length of pimples, hardness of rubber, elasticity of rubber, levels of grip / tackiness etc

Yes. And then you have to add impact speed and angle to this. If you hit Chinese style with a Tenergy, you'll just get angry if you're used to H3. :)

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Hi! I opened this thread, because I got too many dislikes about tacky rubbers from almost every coaches that I had had private lessons.

A pro player in Turkey told me that tacky rubbers were good when speed glue was allowed. Now, new rubbers generate equal amount of spin, plus they are more dynamic. You can play better with dynamic rubbers...

Another good coach from Turkey who trains also super league players claimed that Chinese were thrash..

I got private lessons from 3 or 4 different coaches in Germany (one of them was former Iran national player) . They claimed every time that Chinese rubbers are useless. They were like irritated by it. They mention that there is no player until 1st Bundesliga who uses tacky rubber. I don't think that much possible.

Another one claimed that, Chinese rubber doesn't play same in Germany as it plays in China, because of humidity and temperature...

I now have 1500+TTR. I am improving anyway. I might gain extra 50TTR by using T05 on FH. It allows me to do a topspin even almost from ground. But, when I got tired I tend to stop moving. That's the reason for me to use tacky rubber. It makes me play actively till the end of the session. I feel I get more out of a training.

Of course I am doing lots of mistakes on training. My consistency is not that good (maybe coaches complain is because of this). I am putting more balls onto table when I use T05, but they are less effective. Good against pimple blockers or short pips but bad against an attacker who has equal amount of rating. The game is getting faster and uncontrollable.

I don't want my improvement to stop because of my equipment.

So long story short, does Chinese tacky rubber slows down improvement?
You are right.after some researches i like to get tacky rubbers for both sides.So i asked from my coach i like to get tacky rubbers to my racket...he imediatly regret that because he said they are trash . Some players are recommend tension rubbers for both sides.To5 is very popular because ,when ball comes to the rubber to5 drags the ball and create the power and speed in the same time . But , to5 has no catapult effect thats why it good for bh side.

Dicnics 09c has lot of arc and no control of it (when you close to the table) i recommend nittaku fastarc g1,donic bluegrip,t05andt64.