Table tennis training program for me

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well to be fair i am 12 years old and have been doing this for every training session since i was 10 so i am used to it and the extra muscles that build up over the years really help i went from 50 kg to 40kg now but most of it is muscle now i am 43kg because i have gotten taller and muscles also add a bit of weight

you are awesome dude :)

so far ive done 5ks in jogging
100 highjumps
100 sit ups
25 push ups

and thats my current limit atm :))

ill try to increase and go past my limits everyday :)
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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im confused @.@ ill try it out :)

Doing shadow strokes with footwork patterns helps you get better at the same movements when you are at a table. Doing the same thing on both sides, if you do them righty and lefty, it will actually help your right side get better at it. But it will also help you start playing lefty better. Sometimes you hit with someone that you are way better than. To challenge yourself you may play with your left hand. When you are not at a table, doing shadow strokes left handed would help you if you wound up in that situation where you were trying to play left handed.

But the fact is, if you are righty and you practice a little left handed too, it will help your playing right handed improve. And if you are doing shadow strokes and footwork with the strokes, from both sides, your strength will develop in a more balanced way.

Other things to do to help, the jumps are good because you need short bursts of strength in table tennis. Sprints are good. Like say you sprint 50 feet and then bend down to touch the ground, and then run backwards to where you started and do that 5 more times. And then you do 10 pushups and do it again.

Or skipping sideways like a lot of the footwork movements you do in table tennis. You stay in a low stance with your knees bent and your legs wide and you shuffle to one side taking side steps for about 50 feet, touch the ground with one hand and then shuffle the other way taking side steps and touch the ground with the other hand. And you keep repeating until you are too out of breath to go any more. Then you give yourself 30 seconds to recover and repeat.

Of course jumping rope is good.

If you have access to boxing equipment like a heavy bag and gloves, punching a heavy bag is great cross training to help you improve your explosiveness for your strokes, transferring weight from your legs and hips into your stroke and strengthening your whole body. Something like boxing training exercises (not hitting a person, but hitting the bags and doing the footwork and shadow boxing, or, with a trainer, with they have those gloves for hitting and give you targets and move you around and you have to keep hitting the target gloves as they move you, that would be really good cross training. Because you are developing both sides but you need to use pretty much the same muscles and actions in boxing as in table tennis.

The version of a Burpee that has the jump at the top and a pushup when you go back is good too.

Side plank exercises to strengthen the sides are really useful. Those help you get the power from your sides for your looping.
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Jul 2014
Read 1 reviews
21 is a young age it should be easy for u running and jumping increases calf and thigh muscles for moving quickly across the table push ups increase arm muscles ad sit ups increase abdomen muscles so u can hit forehand shots with power using waste and abdomen so all muscles are needed for every shot can u please tell me when the asian games matches start
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
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Dec 2010
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21 is a young age it should be easy for u running and jumping increases calf and thigh muscles for moving quickly across the table push ups increase arm muscles ad sit ups increase abdomen muscles so u can hit forehand shots with power using waste and abdomen so all muscles are needed for every shot can u please tell me when the asian games matches start

Because of how the nervous system works, and the neural crossovers from right to left and left to right in the brain, if you practice something with the side of your body that you are not used to doing it on, if if that side is the side you are worse at doing it, the process of learning on the bad side transfers valuable information over to the side you are already good at, and your good side gets better.

It is almost like how, if you wrote a long paper, say, 20 pages, and you tried to edit it yourself, there are a lot of mistakes you would not see because you are used to seeing them. Then you get someone else, perhaps they are not even as good at editing as you are, but it is not their work, they will see those mistakes that you keep missing and correct them. When you try shadow strokes with your left hand, you will do a lot wrong and your brain has a lot to correct. It will be hard to correct because what you are doing feels awkward. But, when you try it on the right side, the brain will still have that information available and will be able to switch it over to the other lobe of your brain to help your right side improve some stuff you did not even realize was getting in your way.

It has to do with the fact that the left side of your brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left and in the mid-brain their are neural pathways that crossover from left to right.

This is also why, in some training videos from China, you see that they train players to play with the wrong hand as well.

In any case you don't need to know how it works. It is good physical training and good for your body. And without you thinking about it, stuff that you were not doing as well will start getting better because you tried to do it lefty and then went back to righty. It happens naturally over time if you do that.
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this is what i love about table tennis
everyone is welcome to play from the youngest to oldest :)

i wish i could have started when i was young
i discovered table tennis a bit too late hehehehe
started last year

and i enjoy the game so much that i want to improve more and more

thanks everyone for the valuable input :)
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
this is what i love about table tennis
everyone is welcome to play from the youngest to oldest :)

i wish i could have started when i was young
i discovered table tennis a bit too late hehehehe
started last year

and i enjoy the game so much that i want to improve more and more

thanks everyone for the valuable input :)

If you only started about a year ago, those shadow footwork drills will help more than you would believe. Try to do a few thousand forehand strokes looking in the mirror and a few thousand backhand strokes looking in the mirror before you start adding the footwork. If you look in the mirror it will help the form of your stroke improve. Make sure you use forearm snap on forehand stroke. Forearm snap means elbow starts straight (extended) and ends fully bent (flexed). The rest of the arm should barely move in a forehand stroke until you get the forearm snap really in place. That will make your forehand have much more spin and speed.
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