Retro Shoes (like Butterfly canvas)

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Aug 2017
Good morning,

I am looking for table tennis shoes in the way they were sold by Butterfly (until late '80s?): white canvas, with green sole and print.
I also assume that these kind of shoes were also available from other manufacturers, but I only know the BTY.

- canvas
- very thin sole
- extremely light
- good grip
- on the inside two metal rivets with holes for ventilation
- extremely minimalistic overall

I always liked to wear them and I'm looking for such or very similar TT-shoes.
For me, that's just too much shoe on the foot with modern shoes.

An alternative that I've already tried were the Leguanos, which come close to what I'm looking for, but have too little grip.

Does anyone know maybe an alternative?


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These are close to the BTYs and you can paint the logo on them


If you want to play with themq you must look on the sole. Most of the ordinary textile sneakers are with a slippy plastic soleq which is not suitable for TT.

I play with similar ordinary textile sneakers like these



Light, low, thin, flexy, non-slippy and non-scratchy.
Those soles are too hard for the foot.

No offence, but the sole is as soft as the sole of BTY and Mizuno. There are a lot others with harder plastic soles and I mentioned that one should care about that.

What is not soft is the insole.
But you can always add a softer insole.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2017
Talking about soles, IMHO hard soles aren't the healthiest choice for your joints in principle, but that's up to OP...

remembered another more old school looking shoe:


it's HiTech squash shoes. Made from leather, so they will be more supportive then canvas shoes. I've used these for TT some time ago and they lasted.
How you experience a shoe depends on factors like you weight and how well trained your feet are (yes they actually have muscles).

Anyone that has grown up using track spikes, football/soccer cleats, vibram five fingers etc will have no issues using these low drop canvas shoes.

I'm an ex Martial Arts fighter, but usually even walking barefoot on the beach, or climbing a mountain would be enough.
Foot problems are another story, but here we don't speak about that.

Here are my sneakers, my son's are the same, the sole material is the same as of the Lezolines, but because the sole is thinner, they fit firmer to the ground and are absolutely silent. For me adding 5mm thick softer insoles is enough.

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Feb 2018
Read 2 reviews
I'm an ex Martial Arts fighter, but usually even walking barefoot on the beach, or climbing a mountain would be enough.
Foot problems are another story, but here we don't speak about that.

Here are my sneakers, my son's are the same, the sole material is the same as of the Lezolines, but because the sole is thinner, they fit firmer to the ground and are absolutely silent. For me adding 5mm thick softer insoles is enough.

View attachment 19162

Exactly. I was just trying to point out that if the OP wants canvas shoes with thin soles then he/she should go for it and recommending shoes with a seriously high heel to toe drop is a bit strange.

Seriously out of topic: I spent most of my young years in "kung fu shoes" which are extremely thin. Everyone around here wanted to be like Karate Kid or Bruce Lee. My parents didn't argue as the cost of the shoes where like 5% of normal shoes. I've never had problems with my feet (or PF etc) which I highly accredit to these shoes. I still prefer to use thin running racing shoes like Adidas Adios as I hate soft shoes.