Alc rachet can slow tecnique learning?

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Nov 2023
Hi everyone,

I would like to downgrade my fan zhendong alc (pretty much viscaria) that has dhs hurricane 3 41 degrees on FH and dignics 09c on BH to a slower blade.

I have 25 years old and I played competitevely in volleyball (from 4 to 18) and then functional gym / crossfit / weightlifting in the past and always done sport and competitions. I started playing tt for the first time seriously in may joining a club and doing 4h a week group training (drills+games) and 1h a week focusing only on tecnique with private lesson. What I care is learning the faster possible and the proper tecnique, that’s why I take private lessons and I would like to compete in some decent national leagues in some years (I’m competing in the regional league currently). I learned very fast (my coatch says that as well) and I’m very fit and I can consistently loop with good power in fh and I’m learning to bh loop.

So after playing from May to October with a allround joola with donic quattro on fh and tenergy 05fx on backhand (second hand) I decided to upgraded. So I took my current setup which was guided by my will of using sticky rubbers. Also I read that harder rubbers are better to learn proper tecnique since force you to do the all body movement to get power.

After using the current setup for 1 month I can see that I’m much stronger in games in terms of third ball and against not so good opponents but I really struggle in the short game and service responses. Other more experienced players suggested me that the blade is too fast and can slow my tecnique learning. What are your thoughts?

I’m now considering based also on other experienced players in my club to downgrade and get a similar setup but with an allround blade to really focus ob my tecnique and get back to the alc blade after 6/8 months. I want to use the same rubber for forehand dhs hurricane 3 41 degrees and for bh a similar one (cheaper) from dhs which is dhs hurricane 9 39 degrees.

First I want to get your opinion on this, after I would ask if you agree that I should switch shall I take a all like yasaka sweden classic or a off- like yasaka sweden extra? Or there is any other suggestion you recommend? Considering that I’ll be an offensive player and I want to come back to the alc
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Apr 2023
Yasaka Sweden Extra is a no brainer. It's not a fast blade, more like All+, not bouncy, very nice to play and could serve you for a long time while you progressing, if you avoid the EJ bug.
I’ve had the same issue before. I switched to a Joola Spirit OFF blade and learned my technique right.
this blade has a thick core and decent speed for a attacking player. It also has a large sweet-spot which could help your forehand loops. I recommend the xuperman power play X for your backhand as it’s a rubber developed by xu Xin and is slightly faster than your H3 while maintaining a tacky and grippy top sheet. I hope this helps.
Yes a setup that is too fast will make You to hold back and hesitate much more. This is definitely slowing down the progress. I recommend against Tenergy 05 FX. It’s a very reactive and bouncy rubber that makes the short game a walk on a razors edge. Select something less reactive.
I use Donic accuda, but my club is sponsored by Donic so I wanted to use something by them.
On FH select something really slow and interactive as well. Either a Chinese or a hybrid could be a good fit. This will encourage You to hit harder.
On FH I am currently using DHS hurricane 3 provincial (Now a non sticky hybrid) or Friendship Bloom power. Both of them somewhat boosted.

The bottom line is that as long as the combo is not too fast the rubber and blade has less importance.

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Jan 2023
What you
Hi everyone,

I would like to downgrade my fan zhendong alc (pretty much viscaria) that has dhs hurricane 3 41 degrees on FH and dignics 09c on BH to a slower blade.

I have 25 years old and I played competitevely in volleyball (from 4 to 18) and then functional gym / crossfit / weightlifting in the past and always done sport and competitions. I started playing tt for the first time seriously in may joining a club and doing 4h a week group training (drills+games) and 1h a week focusing only on tecnique with private lesson. What I care is learning the faster possible and the proper tecnique, that’s why I take private lessons and I would like to compete in some decent national leagues in some years (I’m competing in the regional league currently). I learned very fast (my coatch says that as well) and I’m very fit and I can consistently loop with good power in fh and I’m learning to bh loop.

So after playing from May to October with a allround joola with donic quattro on fh and tenergy 05fx on backhand (second hand) I decided to upgraded. So I took my current setup which was guided by my will of using sticky rubbers. Also I read that harder rubbers are better to learn proper tecnique since force you to do the all body movement to get power.

After using the current setup for 1 month I can see that I’m much stronger in games in terms of third ball and against not so good opponents but I really struggle in the short game and service responses. Other more experienced players suggested me that the blade is too fast and can slow my tecnique learning. What are your thoughts?

I’m now considering based also on other experienced players in my club to downgrade and get a similar setup but with an allround blade to really focus ob my tecnique and get back to the alc blade after 6/8 months. I want to use the same rubber for forehand dhs hurricane 3 41 degrees and for bh a similar one (cheaper) from dhs which is dhs hurricane 9 39 degrees.

First I want to get your opinion on this, after I would ask if you agree that I should switch shall I take a all like yasaka sweden classic or a off- like yasaka sweden extra? Or there is any other suggestion you recommend? Considering that I’ll be an offensive player and I want to come back to the alc
What you said about harder rubbers is absolutely incorrect. Yes, harder rubbers force you to do all the body movement to get adequate power, but at what cost? The correct movement is developed. With all those tensor and tenergy and whatnot, they are doing all the work for you, it is the equipment that gets the ball on the table not you. With harder rubbers you will improve much better by learning basic techniques and perfecting them until you attain a higher level to learn new things.

The blade is too fast? The rubber is too slow? Contradictory, trust your own judgement or ask you coach, he knows you the best. Keep the blade, force the corret technique into your muscle memory, and mold yourself into the player you want to be. if you want to be the player with horrible technique but lots of high and easy attackable balls on the table. Sure, watch yourself get crushed at the regional/national champs. If you have proper technique, good footwork, low arc, dangerous spin, correct racket angle for different situations.... Then you will probably play identically to those of higher level than you currently. remember, just because some players are better than you at the moment, doesn't mean that it will be that way forever. As long as you force that technique into yourself, and listen to your coach, DONOT EJ WHEN YOU ARE IN THE TECHNIQUE PERFECTION STAGE, YOU WILL GET YOUR TECHNIQUE ALL WRONG WITH THE REQUIRED MOVEMENTS OF DIFFERENT RUBBERS. Just listen to your coach and focus.

Best of luck!
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Jan 2023
For backhand though? Keep in mind, Powerplay-x was developed to play like skyline-2/3 (xu xins previous rubber) which is a few degrees harder than hurricane. Even when boosted 2-3 layers, the powerplay x will play like a 41-40deg hurricane, and that is not good for backhand, not at all...
I’ve had the same issue before. I switched to a Joola Spirit OFF blade and learned my technique right.
this blade has a thick core and decent speed for a attacking player. It also has a large sweet-spot which could help your forehand loops. I recommend the xuperman power play X for your backhand as it’s a rubber developed by xu Xin and is slightly faster than your H3 while maintaining a tacky and grippy top sheet. I hope this helps.
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Apr 2014
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Also I read that harder rubbers are better to learn proper tecnique since
The jury is out on that. Surely mushy soft rubbers with a lot of catapult are not the best option either, but too hard is too hard and if you feel too "forced" by the rubbers it can also be a problem.
In your case, if you want to "come back" to the ALC just keep it (you´re already used to its handle, feeling, general balance), downgrade the rubbers for now and come back to sticky later.

Rakza 7 seems a good recommendation.
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Nov 2023
Thanks guys for you answers. Unfortunately although I would like to I can’t scale my training I can do max 1/2h more at week which I’m doing but not with a coach..

Regarding the equipment I understand that too hard rubber may be problematic. Could I reuse the dignics 09c but instead of Fh and use a softer bh like tenergy 05 or dignics 05? For the blade I will go with a all wood blade I was thinking about primorac so blade and rubbers will all come from butterfly
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Apr 2014
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Could I reuse the dignics 09c but instead of Fh and use a softer bh like tenergy 05 or dignics 05?
d09c and d05 is a combination aimed at and used by professionals and other advanced players.
For the learning stage, try Rozena or even Glayzer if you want an "all Butterfly" racket.
With that, there´d still be no need to go all wood, but Primorac is of course a very good racket as a basis for upgrading rubbers step by step.
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May 2013
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The one with the allround JOOLA? Good point, but it seems what´s done is done ;-)
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Apr 2023
Thanks guys for you answers. Unfortunately although I would like to I can’t scale my training I can do max 1/2h more at week which I’m doing but not with a coach..

Regarding the equipment I understand that too hard rubber may be problematic. Could I reuse the dignics 09c but instead of Fh and use a softer bh like tenergy 05 or dignics 05? For the blade I will go with a all wood blade I was thinking about primorac so blade and rubbers will all come from butterfly

Honestly, it's all about your priorities.

If you are playing for fun, just knocking the ball with friends, and don't care about proper technique, by all means go ahead, T05 and D05 are fun to play.

If you want to improve, be competitive and play any matches, at your level (I see you've been playing for half a year), just forget that Carbon, Dignics and Tenergy exist. For the next 2 years at least.
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Thanks guys for you answers. Unfortunately although I would like to I can’t scale my training I can do max 1/2h more at week which I’m doing but not with a coach..

Regarding the equipment I understand that too hard rubber may be problematic. Could I reuse the dignics 09c but instead of Fh and use a softer bh like tenergy 05 or dignics 05? For the blade I will go with a all wood blade I was thinking about primorac so blade and rubbers will all come from butterfly
DHS hurricane 3 41 degrees on FH?
It's hard for most amateur players,in fact, in China, most people choose DHS NEO hurricane 3 39 degrees 2.1mm。
But there are more convenient and hassle-free options,Tibhar K2,I used it for a long time in order to improve my FH。
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