Friendship 729 battle 3

says I want to train...
An interesting experience I made this week:

I glued a boosted B3 40 on a blade a few months ago, played it once or twice and just left it there.

Now, I took it off, boosted it with 1 layer and glued it on my new racket to use as my new forehand rubber.

I expected it to be like all my other B3s / Chinese rubbers.
But to my surprise, the rubber has incredible speed and shoots the ball out very quickly.
On slow shots it's still medium slow, but not dead.

On FH loops the balls gets very fast, very easily with little effort and has good quality.
It's not so tiresome to play fast and good shots.

I needed to close my racket angle more and adjust my technique a little because the ball would overshoot so often.

Is this what a boosted H3 national feels like?

Maybe it's just the reboosting effect and it won't last long but I like it for now and I'll see how it goes.