my recommendation against pendulum aimed at your BH.
- if the ball drifts long, you have to loop or attack it with BH or FH. looks like you know how to do it already
- if its short (= would bounce 2+ times on your half table), try to put it back short to HIS FH side. because the pendulum serve is usually with side spin, the mistake not to make is to put your bat angle parallel to the net.
(a) If you touch the ball on the LEFT side with a bat angle like (seen from above)
you would need to put more spin on the ball than the incoming one, basically do a chiquita is a very good solution
the other solution is to open your wrist, and contact the ball on the left and swiping with your FH and put YOUR side spin. it can be very effective if the opponent doesn't expect it, and if you can put a lot of spin so that the trajectory dies on the BH short side of the table but the problem is that you must move on the left side of the table and open the table totally , leaving your FH side empty
If you touch the ball on the RIGHT side with a bat angle like (seen from above)
you will kill the side spin. you can do it with your FH and then its easier then to aim for short FH side. it will force your opponent to move. bat angle should be adjusted if the serve is underspin (more horizontal and lift a bit the ball) or no-spin (more vertical and do a mini chop at impact)
its possible also to do a long push with my BH with the tip of the racket FORWARD. With that a bit unusual angle I can push deep and fast to his BH (and its actually easier than it seems). Not many people do that so it can surprise the opponent at least the first time you do it.
if the serve is SHORT, then with the same angle, and my BH, but the tip of the racket INWARD, i can drop the ball behind the net. its killing the incoming sidespin, and very easy to control. Its often a winner for me in matches. the main problem with this receive, IMO, is that you must NOT anticipate. because if you prepare to do this shot and the serve actually comes long or even half long, the bat angle is totally wrong and you will get jammed.
there are plenty of other receives but thats what i know how to do in matches.