Introduce yourself to the forum! :)

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Feb 2011
Hanif Jetha (24)
Started playing at 11/12 but stoped at 16 and just got back into Jan 2011
Rougham TTC - Since joined mid season only played a couple league matchs in Div 2 of Bury St Edmunds and District Table Tennis league
Suffolk County Winner Cadet 2000
Suffolk County R/U Cadet 2001
Suffolk County R/U Junior 2002
All against different finalists.
I got through my group in a 4* once - thought that was really good.
Couple other wins and many second places along the way - I choked quite a bit back then.

welcome to TTD you must of been a very good junior and cadet
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Mar 2011
welcome to TTD you must of been a very good junior and cadet

Thank you but I really was not that good. I just got the concept that getting the ball on the table and do not miss serves, which many young players never get, wins matches.
says anyone tel me where can i buy the return board here in...
says anyone tel me where can i buy the return board here in...
Nov 2010
welcome ya around... :)
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Mar 2011
I'm Nicole and started playing table tennis just this January. This sport is really challenging but exciting. I love smashing the ball XD


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Mar 2011
HI my name is paul.

I am currently playing for St Mary's Hull. I have been playing for three years but I have only been playing penhold since October.

I am currently using:
Stiga Off Nct (C-pen) with Tenergy 64 red backhand and Hurricane 3 Neo Black forehand.

My best acheivement is winning a local league handicap tournament in the juniors and also coming second in the mens but then being reported in the local newspaper as a fluke.


RPB for the WIN!
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Feb 2011
HI my name is paul.

I am currently playing for St Mary's Hull. I have been playing for three years but I have only been playing penhold since October.

I am currently using:
Stiga Off Nct (C-pen) with Tenergy 64 red backhand and Hurricane 3 Neo Black forehand.

My best acheivement is winning a local league handicap tournament in the juniors and also coming second in the mens but then being reported in the local newspaper as a fluke.


RPB for the WIN!

welcome to the forum what made u change to penhold?
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Hi, Just joined this forum. I play my TT in two leagues: Northumbria and Sunderland. I first started playing in 1964 aged 13. I'm a defensive player using a combination bat set-up, reverse on one side and long pimples on the other. I also play in many VETTS events around the country and have played in 3 European and in 1 World Veteran tournament in the past 15 years.
Look forward to posting on a regular basis.
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Mar 2011
Sai Maganti plays in the Weymouth & District TT League in the 1st Division for Wyke Table Tennis Club based in Weymouth, sunny Dorset. I've started again playing in 2009 after a gap of about 20 years. My achievements so far nothing major but improving by the looks of it:

2008-09 season - average < 10 %
2009-10 season - average about 31%
2010-11 season - currently averaging 62%

My playing style is modern defensive.
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Mar 2011
hi Siddiq. ive been playin about for a couple years well but only seriously for like one maybe two...i look forward to getting to the highest level i can left handed btw :p


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Mar 2011
Hey my name is Don
I've been playing for about a year now
I use a pre assembled DHS 5002 penhold paddle
I play recreationally with my friends at school (One of the best at my school)
I just recently attend a table tennis open gym session (which by the way I was dominated by all)
Planning to join a club/league.
When I say recreationally I mean we all know what we're doing, good techniques, know the rules/etiquette, keep up to date about table tennis, we are competitive, and always get a great workout and sweat going on every game.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
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Hey guys, my name is Yosua Yosan, 16 years old table tennis player from Indonesia.
I started playing table tennis at age 11 as a game and started to take it seriously at age 15 when I together with my school's table tennis team won a competition in another school.
I am used to play as a classic defender back then, but now I play as an Allround-attacking player. Quite a drastic change, eh?
Right now Im thinking and actually going back to the playing style I'm destined to : Flexible Modern Defender.
Im also trying to be a modern defender who actually use inverted rubber on both side of the bat which is a challenging and fun way to counter people's paradigm about defending players.
I hope we could enjoy our togetherness in this forum by sharing lotsa things about table tennis!

p.s. This is actually the first forum i post in, sorry for the unforced errors in grammar or ethique

lately, im thinking to switch my BH to long pips, since i found out that a serious defender needs a serious equipment ( i chop with inverted rubber for fun :D )
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New Member
Mar 2011
hi to everyone im yapoy.
im interested in playing table tennis eversince i was young hope that the
pro or the expert in playing pimpong can teach us basic style thanks
in anvance...
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New Member
Mar 2011
hi im yapoy from philippines.
im very interested in playing table tennis since i was young
hope that the pro or the expert can teach us the basic style
thanks in advance...
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Mar 2011

I am Nicolas, i play in the Belgium team Stag Hasselt in the 2nd national division. I play for 9 years now, And my biggest achievement was making it to the 1/4 finale in junior national championship.
I really like the forum to meet other table tennis players who love the game as much as me =)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
Read 1 reviews
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PariLiaique, i think you need to post in english, since the forum rules said so (i think)..