Sealing a blade

Hello all, I am going to seal my first blade in a few days and was just wondering would one layer of sealer be enough to protect it or do you think 2-3 layers will be neccesarily. I was just wondering as if you put to much on it may soak into the wood and damage the blade.

I was also wondering after the blade has been sealed is the gluing process easy (will still 1-2 layers be fine)

Thanks for any replies in advanced ;)
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Thanks Carl. Just wondering do you seal your blade everytime you change your rubbers beforehand then?

Nope. You wouldn't want to do that. This stuff should last as long as your blade lasts. One and done.

Part of the reason you want a thin layer, when the sealant is thicker on your blade, it changes how your blade plays. And not really in a good way.

If you resealed every time you change rubbers, it would not be very long before you were playing with a blade that had WAY TOO MUCH sealant on it.

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Look at the jersey Carl is wearing in the vid... what a proud American.

What a good sport he is, telling the Goon Squad whose side he is on.

Look at what the cat drug in for the filmer of the clip. Dude must be a janitor somewhere.

Anyone who wants 2-3 coats, knock urselves out and have at it, at your displeasure later.
Really?. Just one layer of Varnish can protect your blade potentially for a lifetime, with the amount of rubber changes that will be made during that time.

Is that the same for all sealers or just a select few like the wipe on poly video you demostrated for example.

Thanks for replies