Table Tennis Facts


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says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Table Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world and one of the most modern. It’s evolution over the years has seen a lot of exciting spontaneous events happen. So here are all the coolest facts below.

If anyone knows any more facts please add them and ill post them here.

- During the 1936 World Championships in Prague there was a point beyond imagination. The point lasted over an hour with more than 12,000 shots! It is believed the referee was replaced as he got a neck injury.

- The parker Brothers trademarked the name ping-pong™ and wanted a huge sum of money from USATT for the rights to have the name. However the community had other ideas to the Parker brother’s response and used the name table tennis instead for the sport.

- The time magazine called it: “The Ping heard Round The World”. It’s true, table tennis bought the American’s and China together in 1971. A small group of table tennis players of America were allowed into China since the communist takeover in 1949. Described as “ping pong diplomacy”, Exhibition matches between the US and China ushered a new era between the super powers.

- In China children at the age of 4 with a certain inherent talent are put into certain sports which they are good at or are fit better for the sport. I.e one may go into basketball for their height or one may go into table tennis for their eye hand co-ordination. They then receive intensive training for their chosen sport.


- World class players can put up to 9000rpm of spin on a table tennis ball. This is faster than McLaren F1.

- Table Tennis balls are not hollow like one would think. They are pressurized with gas.

- There are over 30 table tennis companies around the world that produce high quality equipment and clothing.

- Harry Richman a song writer in 1936 had an interesting theory. When he flew over the Atlantic in a plane he believed filling it up with table tennis balls gave him more chance of staying afloat if the plane was to crash at sea.

- The ITTF bought a new rule into place in 2000 to increase the ball size by 2mm. The sport is now 14 percent slower and is easier for people to watch it on television.

- The difference between ping-pong and table tennis is that "Ping-Pong" is a trademark belonging to Jaques & Son in Britain and to Parker Bros in the US, so it's only ping-pong if you're using their kit.

- Table tennis became a competitive sport in 1927 but was banned in the Soviet Union from 1930to 1950 because authorities believed the sport was harmful to people's eyes.

- In the old school days players would come to the table playing with all sorts of materials including, sand paper, books, cork, wood and 5 inch thick sponges.

- Britain's last great tennis player, Fred Perry, won the World Table Tennis Championships in 1929. He only took up the game of tennis aged 18, but his exceptional speed(gleaned from table tennis) enabled him to play at Wimbledon two years later.

Darius Knight street 2.jpg

- The world class table tennis players of the world can hit a ball over 100 miles per hour!

A big thanks to the oakforum website for some facts taken from there.
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says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
Awesome facts Dan, I especially liked the fact with Fred Perry. :D

Yeah thats a good one. My friend Darius Knight is now sponsored by them, and he is a table tennis player doing good things :)

I liked the comparison of a spinning TT ball to a Formula 1 race engine.

Haha yeah, I heard that one from a poster on my college wall hehe :p
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Aug 2011


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀


says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
I'm not so sure about some of these "facts".

The quote of the Time magazine title is missing a word; it should be "The Ping Heard Round The World"

A current F1 car's engine can rev at 19000 rpm, unless it's talking about Lewis Hamilton trying to spin his McLaren back in the right direction and earning himself a drive through penalty?

And table tennis being 14% slower since the inception of the 40mm ball? I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't notice that.

Yeah I agree. I took some of these quotes from other good content sites so hard to tell if they are 100% reliable.

I think the 40mm has definitely slowed the game down, just difficult to know by how much.

The formula f1 car fact.. I got from a poster in my college lol.. what lies that was ha :)
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This user has no status.
Aug 2011
- During the 1936 World Championships in Prague there was a point beyond imagination. The point lasted over an hour with more than 12,000 shots! It is believed the referee was replaced as he got a neck injury. I found this Hilarious. I was AMAZED.
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New Member
Aug 2011
I have been following Table tennis for quite a long time now.I never knew that table tennis started such a long time back.Thanks a lot for sharing the valuable information with us.These days,there are lots of apps available in ipad and iphone to keep yourself upto date with the latest happenings.I am looking forward to see the games in the London olympics next year.