Tibhar Hybrid MK alternatives

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Apr 2024
Hey guys,

I've been wondering if any of you have had any experience playing this rubber and know of its poor durability. I have played mine for approx. 2 weeks (4-5 trainings of 2h on avrg.) and the performance has gone down drastically after 2 weeks. Kind of disappointing in terms of durability... but man, this rubber plays like a dream in the first week and a half. Best rubber ever if it wasn't for its poor longevity. So this is where I need your guys' help, do any of you have experience playing the Hybrid MK and know a rubber which gets as close as possible to this rubbers characteristics but has a better life-span? I really love this rubber but simply can't be bothered to switch rubbers every 2 weeks.

Thanks in advance!
I really dont know how u have to change them after 2 week, got mine since july and i play 10hours a week, maybe an unlukcky bag ? you should give it another shot this rubber is just amazing. Maybe try to use revolution 3 or falco life expander on the new one once a week to upgrade their lifespan