What about this Long Pips combination?

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Jan 2024
Hello everybody,

After testing some material from Dr. Neubauer, I chose this combination for competing:

As always, I would like to have your insight about it, if you would choose the same combination and if you have the same experience adapting yourself to a new setup.

Thanks 🆙

Long life long pips!
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This user has no status.
Sep 2022
Thanks, I think so too. I still testing but for now this is the most balance setup I found. What about you? How did you choose you setup combination?

Regards and nice to meet you.
My old team/clubmate plays long pips, I am now 400+ rating higher. I had 61 second cobra long pips on Stiga offensive as a joke, but he liked it so much that i gave it to him. Now i have Feint soft 2 on a 5 ply random blade to train the 10 year olds.

Honestly i prefer the more defense style of long pips so the even younger kids can get more experience.

I use inverted both sides as a 1600 dutch rating.