Whether to keep developing and improving or a blade change?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2011
Read 14 reviews
I think that changing the blade into off one will help you on one thing because with training with a speed blade will force you to play more fast and aggersive because when you play the ball fast it will return to you fast so this is going to improve your speed and footwork this what i am thinking
It's not good for the technique to start with a to fast racket. It's important to learn how to get power and spin without help of the racket.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2011
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Skills before blade. When your technique is good and reliable, and your game is consistent, get up a gear in speed / spin. In the meantime, that would be asking for trouble in matches.

And there's nothing wrong with your setup to learn good technique. It resembles what all the Chinese kids start with.

Good point, the technique always has to come first!
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From when i develop my strokes further to the point of being consistent and when i'm ready what blade would you guys recommend me from the price range of [FONT=arial, sans-serif]£30-60? I feel like i'm a mid distance player who loves to loop with aggressive topspin high arc and low,on forehand but while staying passive on backhand from what i can see.[/FONT]
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
From when i develop my strokes further to the point of being consistent and when i'm ready what blade would you guys recommend me from the price range of £30-60? I feel like i'm a mid distance player who loves to loop with aggressive topspin high arc and low,on forehand but while staying passive on backhand from what i can see.

Stiga Allround Evolution
Stiga Tube Allround
Stiga Energy Wood
Avalox P-500
Stiga Offensive Classic

Those blades are actually all about the same speed. The Tube Allround and the Allround Evolution have the word Allround in the name but they are really Off- blades.

Okay, one more, this one is super amazing but, on the more expensive side so it might not be within the budget you listed:

Darker 7P-2A

Not any of the other ones that have 7P-2A and then other stuff after it. Just the plain 7P-2A. That is an amazing blade. Especially if you like Hinoki which is a magical table tennis wood. The Darker 7P-2A is faster than all the other blades I mentioned but it ends up being okay because Hinoki really is magical. It has gears. It is faster for hitting than for touch shots. It has a ton of spin for looping and a ton of control but you can still shoot rockets when you smack the ball. No other wood has gears like Hinoki. So a good Hinoki blade will play like an All or All plush on touch shots and be like a Off or Off+ even on fast shots. But, there is a price tag.

Or, if you want something really inexpensive that is still really quite good, you can get the Der_Echte blade: Yinhe Galaxy 896. There is nothing as good that does not cost a ton more than it. At $16.00 a blade, that may be the best bargain in table tennis equipment there is.
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