Getting into the zone

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
Is it possible to get into the "zone" at will? Or is it something that just happens?

at will or just happens is the same.
because your will is to make it happen.

What I do is, I take a ball and throw it against a player.
The player would dodge or catch.
I would then tell the player, this is called second nature.

Now the question should be, how can you get into the zone with quality.
This requires a lot of training.
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Active Member
Jul 2014
I think it's an aligning of the stars situation. My mental state and physical state line up in such a way where I am allowed to proficiently facilitate finer details of the game like tracking the ball, anticipating my opponents move, moving my body accurately in preparation and carrying out my practiced techniques with efficiently, etc. In a way I think it's kind of like getting lucky, but people who set themselves up for success are more likely to benefit from luck than those who are unprepared.