Some rubber comparisons

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Mar 2023
Hello. Can someone put these rubbers in order of speed, spin, control and topsheet hardness? DHS Gold Arc 8, Xiom vega asia, xiom vega X, xiom vega Tour, Yasaka rakza 7, nittaku fastatc G1
I haven’t played with all of them, but the ones I’ve played with look for me like this. Gold Arc 8 is the fastest, but not durable. After 2 months, the grip is lost and the sponge becomes hard and uncontrollable. But the first two months are great. Vega Asia has the lowest arc and the softest topsheet and the lowest weight - pips is rarely located in the topsheet. Fastarc G1 is the most balanced rubber, high control and durability. Rakza 7 is as good as the Fastarc, but is softer and plays better in the fast backhand game, while the Fastarc has a better spin game.
Addition. I played with all these rubbers exclusively on the backhand, since on the forehand I have been playing only with sticky hard rubbers for a very long time. Perhaps on the forehand the sensations from this rubbers will be different, since the angles and forces are different.
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Active Member
Mar 2023
You guys have completely opposite impression of speed !

Hmm, interesting. Could it be that they are all very similar?

I now have Fastarc G1 and Gold Arc 8 and I can definitely say that Fastarc on backhand is slower, has more rotation and control.
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Active Member
Mar 2023
I think vega asia should be good, but I heard in some places that it lacks spin. Is this true? And also, which of them (rakza 7 and vega asia) has more control?
I cannot say that Vega Asia does not rotate. It have great spin on deep contact and can be very powerful. If the contact is thin, the ball may indeed not spin and hit the net. I like Vega Pro and X much better in this regard - there is always rotation and grip. Rakza 7 is more linear. There is also always rotation, but the final power is lower than that of Vega Asia. Vega Asia is softer, lighter, lower release angle, maximum speed and rotation higher than Rakza 7. Rakza 7 is simpler and more predictable.
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Jul 2017
I have played with Rakza 7 2mm and Vega Pro mounted at the same time.
They are similar. If one didn't exist one could easily use the other. However, I settled on R7 because of the specials that TT11 has on R7 from time to time.

I think vega asia should be good, but I heard in some places that it lacks spin. Is this true? And also, which of them (rakza 7 and vega asia) has more control?
The player has control. If the rubber is too fast then the rubber becomes hard to control.
If you are not good at reading spin then a spinny rubber becomes hard to control
Many think that control is the inverse of speed and spin. That is a poor definition.
The TT manufacturers that rate their blades and rubber with control are frauds.

Here is a question that NO ONE HAS ANSWERED YET AFTER 13+ YEARS!
If I hand my TB ACL to Timo Boll does my TB ACL gain control? If Timo Boll hands the TB ALC back to me does it magically lose control?

Heaven forbid someone actually post truth and challenge all the myths and frauds that have gone on for way too long.
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Mar 2024
I have played with Rakza 7 2mm and Vega Pro mounted at the same time.
They are similar. If one didn't exist one could easily use the other. However, I settled on R7 because of the specials that TT11 has on R7 from time to time.

The player has control. If the rubber is too fast then the rubber becomes hard to control.
If you are not good at reading spin then a spinny rubber becomes hard to control
Many think that control is the inverse of speed and spin. That is a poor definition.
The TT manufacturers that rate their blades and rubber with control are frauds.

Here is a question that NO ONE HAS ANSWERED YET AFTER 13+ YEARS!
If I hand my TB ACL to Timo Boll does my TB ACL gain control? If Timo Boll hands the TB ALC back to me does it magically lose control?

Heaven forbid someone actually post truth and challenge all the myths and frauds that have gone on for way too long.
thats a great point and why most of everything said in this forum in regards to how the equipment behaves is relative. You might get advice from an lower level player that doesn't know how to actually test the equipment to its limits.
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