Table tennis a dull and easy lazy sport?

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Sep 2023
Don’t think so
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Oct 2022
who says that? ping pong requires extreme agility and hand eye coordination. strength and conditioning....that is to be at a top level of course.

However, it is a unique sport (kind of like golf) where talent and or technique can make up for a lacking in the pure athleticism department....especially at the am. level.
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Jan 2024
You don't need supreme athleticism to play at a top level though. You need less than Tennis or Basketball for example. It's just that a lot of people invest their ego into being an athlete, which becomes a factor in their choice of play style. Choosing an extremely physically demanding style of play isn't really necessary (or wise), especially if you want to be competitive past the age of 30.

If you want, you can adopt a style similar to He Zhi Wen, those Indian LP / Anti players, or even something that is just closer to the table and more controlled. That is easily playable at a high level, long into your middle and older life. But you need to enjoy it.

I think the main factor in people's choice of play style is (and should be) enjoyment and passion. If you want to emulate and feel like a CNT player, then go for it - just be realistic that if you're not of the right age, physical composition, and embedded within the CNT machine, you won't necessarily be the best you can be, as there will be physical, environmental and time limitations at play. If you can find enjoyment with a different style that is more suitable to your individual situation, you will have the opportunity to reach a higher level.
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Apr 2024
It's a dull sport. I skip the part that is only push and third ball attacks. It's different when I'm the one who is playing. I enjoy winning from third ball attack or my opponent can't return my serve.
Is it an easy sport? Yes, anyone can do it. To be good at it? No. The stress and the mental exhaustion just to predict the spin of your opponent's serve is enough to make you lose your mind.
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