What is better? Donic Coppa Speed or the Donic Coppa?

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May 2014
Hi Guys! :)

Wanna ask for your suggestion or opinions about having a Donic Coppa Speed or just the original Donic Coppa for the forehand.. as my teammates and my cousin were always saying that I should try a faster rubber than my present one (the DHS hurricane 3 Commercial)... I've tried the original Donic Coppa, and it seems good to me, even though the rubber that I am using is a hard one, I think Donic Coppa would suit my play...... need you guys right now :)))
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May 2014
Drive on with what you like.

Personally, I do NOT like any version of Coppa, but that is just me.

So many possible suitable rubbers out there it is ridiculous and you gotta try 'em all to know 'em.

Sometimes, TT is worse than Pokémon.

hahaha... Pokemon eh :D.. Got any opinions on why you do not like the coppa series? :)
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May 2014
i used to use coppa x3 silver on my backhand and it was way too bouncy and lacked spin and control. not sure about the others, but i'd not want to use anything like it again. although, to be fair, it could very well have been "user error" on my part ;)

the one that you have been used maybe is the faster one? haha
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May 2014
of all the coppa series it is the slowest with the most control according to donic ...


compared to the galaxy moon pro i use now it is worse in all areas including price and durability.

ahh.. I see,, never tried the galaxy rubbers... I have a question but is far from the main thread.... Are there chinese rubbers that has the speed but doesn't lose their spin? excluding those that are boosted and those of national rubbers?
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May 2014
the only chinese rubbers i have tried are dhs hurricane 3 neo (provincial orange sponge and national blue sponge) and galaxy moon pro ... the moon pro works well for me on the backhand ... other will be able to give you a better idea on how other rubbers perform (for them).

whats the main difference that you can observe with the dhs H3 Neo and the DHS H3 commercial
whats the main difference that you can observe with the dhs H3 Neo and the DHS H3 commercial

tbh i do not know the difference from firsthand experience as i've only ever played with provincial and national hurricane neo ... never with commerical or non-neo.
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hahaha... Pokemon eh :D.. Got any opinions on why you do not like the coppa series? :)

As someone mentioned, to me it was too bouncy, but kinda slow. Poor control to me. XP 2008 is WAY more controllable and actually a faster rubber.

Coppa is for those who hit through the ball solidly on EVERY stroke.
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May 2014
Bro may i ask, are you having problems with your H3? If im not mistaken.. it is still new right?

Nope its already 1 year old bro,, and I'm still finding rubbers that I could change with it that has a little difference with the spin but has more speed than H3... Btw,, I'm not yet buying the H3 National because I'm still thinking of it... :)