Japan Women's Race to Tokyo 2020 Singles

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Jul 2019
I just noticed thats there another thing we need to think about for the team lineup. Im quite sure Sato is out if the consideration for the olympics, because she plays defence. She will not make top 2 for a singles spot and JNT will not pair an attack/defence double or let their number 3. play two singles in the team games
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018

The theoretical maximum she can get is 1440 pts(8*180 pts) in the team event but that's hardly possible, realistically 540-720 pts. She needs to finish 4th(1080 pts) in singles to raise her ranking points.

That's right ...
But the gap between Ishikawa and Ito in the ranking will narrow ....And in the December ranking, Ishikawa gets the opportunity to become higher than Ito ......She has fewer deductions of old bonuses for November 2018 ....
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
Yes ... Both - 360 points in the team ... But (my opinion) - Ishikawa has a bit more chances in singles than Hirano ....
(theoretically .... one step ...)
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
3 weeks ago, as part of a series for the upcoming Tokyo 2020, Ito was asked to give a brief introduction of her Chinese rivals. CM, DN, LSW, WMY, SYS and ZYL, in that order.

CM - 1st in the world. Impressive and consistent rallies, strong lower body strength. H3 very hard to handle but I used it to help myself grow. BFG if you can use it.
DN - 2nd in the world. Veteran, the complete package. Mindset her strong and weak point, but covered by her ability. If you have what it takes, you feel you have a chance playing her.
LSW - 5th in the world. Fast paced. Been watching her video since I was a kid. Been able to play with a Japanese-like body shape through good use of body and wit. Not very powerful but very delicate. Gives off a peace of mind after winning WTTC 2019. Can't wait to play her.
WMY/SYS - 4th and 7th in the world. Both very explosive and fearless. Other CNT players would switch to safe mode when it gets tight but these 2 are my way or the highway. I feel SYS is the strongest now after losing to her at WTTC 2019. Trunk stronger now and has switched to a compact swing.
ZYL - 3rd in the world who won the T2 Malaysia last month. (Yup, 1 line only)

If I were a CNT coach, I'd definitely go with SYS for Tokyo 2020, LSW for consistency, and DN for doubles as a lefty. Will do my best not to lose to them.

今を楽しむ 多彩な中国選手=卓球・伊藤美誠








 Q 印象に残っている夏の思い出は?

 A 4歳から小学6年まで出場した全日本選手権のホープス・カブ・バンビの部。暑い中、神戸の体育館に通いました。あの時の苦しい経験があるからこそ今があります。最近も海外の試合から帰ると夏が終わっているという感じ。東京五輪後は、花火やバーベキューなど夏らしさを楽しみたいです。


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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
Team is over, status quo still maintained. Ishikawa didn't gain any advantage over Hirano. Singles coming.
rule 3.9.3: Continental Games Team and Singles points count as a sum for the singles ranking. CIC didn't play for Taipei-Japan, Hirano gained 180 pts on her.

W.W.C. 18-20/10/2019.....
Apparently, there will be a mandatory replacement of old results with new ones?
(С.I.C. - 2040 , 2018/09 )
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Apr 2019
Asian Table Tennis Championships WR and Olympic Implications

There seems to be some confusion on the thread on whether or not points gained in the team event of the Asian Champs are added with points gained from the singles event. As seen in reply #500 made by Zeio, "3.9.2. Continental senior team championships matches count separately from the individual points and with a maximum of 8 match wins." Therefore, in the Asian Championships, you only get WR points from either your singles performance or team event performance, whichever is higher, but not both.

The Continental Table Tennis Championships is different from the continental games. For Continental Games, team and singles points count as a sum for the singles rankings. Continental games include the Asian Games, European Games and Pan Am Games where there are many different sports being played aside from table tennis (basically the regional Olympic games). In the continental games, you add your points gained from the singles event and from the team event. That's why Kanak Jha got such a big boost in WR this month after the Pan Am Games. He only finished 3rd in singles for 685 points, but this is added to his team performance of 560pts (8 wins x 70pts) to get a total of 1245 points. If you notice, his 2018 Pan Am Championships result is 1800 for winning the singles event last year, but his team event wins were not added to his total because again, that was a continental championship, where table tennis is the only sport being played and where team event performance and singles performance are not added together but count separately.

So, when trying to determine what performance Hirano or Ishikawa needs in the Asian Champs to gain WR points, it's safe to completely ignore team event wins and to focus solely on their singles performance since the Asian Table Tennis Championships is a continental championship where team and singles results don't stack, and is not part of the continental games, where team and singles results do stack.

Goals for individual players in singles:
  • Hirano needs to reach at least the SF to get 1170 pts and knock off her lowest result of 900.
  • Cheng I-Ching needs to reach at least the QF to get 900pts and overtake Hirano in seeding for next month's World Cup.
  • Ishikawa needs to reach the final to get 1350 pts to better her Asian Cup result of 1170 because of the rule that only a "Maximum one continental event counts out of the singles continental championships, team continental championships and continental cup for seniors." Ishikawa can use her Asian Cup result or Asian Champs result from this year, whichever is higher for her top 8 results, but cannot use both because of this rule. Even if Ishikawa reaches the SF in the Asian Champs and gets 1170 pts, the rules won't allow that 1170 to be used to replace her lowest result of 900, so she needs to make the final at least to get any kind of gain in ranking.

Women's doubles- the performance of the Ishikawa/Hirano pairing in the next few events will have a great impact in determining the Olympic Team. They don't need to be on the same level as Ito/Hayata, but the pairing needs to be decent enough to beat pairings of lesser talent and be competitive with the established doubles pairings of other top teams in the world. If the pairing plays at the level of Mizutani/Niwa or Harimoto/Ishikawa in these events, it will raise serious doubts in the minds of JTTA as to the viability of a team composed of Ito, Hirano and Ishikawa since doubles will be a big issue to solve. Ishikawa and Hirano will likely take this pairing seriously as this will serve as a contingency to be selected as the third team member in case either doesn't make the Olympic singles event.
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Apr 2019
That's right ...
But the gap between Ishikawa and Ito in the ranking will narrow ....And in the December ranking, Ishikawa gets the opportunity to become higher than Ito ......She has fewer deductions of old bonuses for November 2018 ....

W.W.C. 18-20/10/2019.....
Apparently, there will be a mandatory replacement of old results with new ones?
(С.I.C. - 2040 , 2018/09 )

Since World Cup points expire from edition to edition, and not after 12 months like regular World Tour events, Cheng's 2040 pts from last year's World Cup will not yet be expired by the time the seeding will be done for October's World Cup. Therefore, if Hirano can't advance past the QF in the Asian Champs, she really needs to hope Cheng I-Ching loses before the QF, or Hirano could have a really tough draw next month.

You mentioned that Ishikawa can overtake Ito in the December ranking since Ito's 2018 Swedish Open win points and Austrian Open points will expire, and that's true. However, Ishikawa will also get a deduction from the expiration of her 2018 World Cup result of 1913 pts. Because of the across-the-board points deflation, if Ishikawa maintains the same SF finish in the World Cup, she'll still end up losing points since 3rd place only awards 1660 pts this time around. The across-the-board points deflation will alter ranking points significantly, especially for those players who participated in last year's World Cup, so I'm curious to see how the rankings play out by November and December. In any case, December rankings don't really matter since none of the December events will use WR for seeding purposes. The only relevant event in December is the World Tour Grand Finals where seeding is based on World Tour Standings and not December World Ranking. January 2020 ranking is the real goal for all these players.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Guess what 大賽命 means? Hirano has it. My idol Ishikawa doesn't have it. Damn.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
I'd argue Ito is worse than Ishikawa when it comes to that.

Ito suffered, in her own words, "燃え尽き症候群"(burnout syndrome) after Rio. Missed her chance in World Cup 2016 where she lost to Hirano. Once in a lifetime opportunity there. She then lost to Wu Yang 2-3 at the ATTC 2017. Keep in mind that she's fairly good at playing choppers.

Those 2 tournaments generated 2 years of benefit for Hirano, namely the Asian Cup and World Cup. Even though she suffered the burnout syndrome as well after WTTC 2017, her luck continued. She has a way with the draw that Ito could only hope. Look how much she envied Harimoto after the draw for WTTC 2019.

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says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
Guess what 大賽命 means? Hirano has it. My idol Ishikawa doesn't have it. Damn.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by this ’dàsài mìng’? I have hunches and guesses (which would be something along the lines of peaking when it matters most), but suspect you might mean something more clearly defined.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Could you elaborate on what you mean by this ’dàsài mìng’? I have hunches and guesses (which would be something along the lines of peaking when it matters most), but suspect you might mean something more clearly defined.

Good guess there. 大賽(major competitions; Olympics/WTTC/WC)命(life; fate; destiny). Another term for it is "為大賽而生", literally "born for major competitions."
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
CIC is out. Hirano got her World Cup quarter.

Yes. In the October ranking, 7-10 places will remain unchanged ....
In the second ten so far only Sato is held.
In the third ten, Hayata temporarily (until the December rating) rises above Shibata ....
The chances of Kato, Hayata, Shibata at major ITTF tournaments have equalized - all three will be forced to play the qualification ....
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Some folks in China mock Ito for her Olympic selections...


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Well-Known Member
Oct 2015
Some folks in China mock Ito for her Olympic selections...
There are quite a few people in China. It would be surprising if all of them agreed with her.