Reverse pendulum serve - receiving

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Hi guys, i have one question:
How do you return a reverse pendulum serve with backspin?
Normally i return it with my bh to the opponents bh (sometimes to the fh, to not give always the same return). But this is a defensive return, i'd like to attack it sometimes. I feel comfortable to return the pendulum serve going with the spin with my bh, but vs the reverse serve i find the net too much. If you can post a video it will be very appreciated. TY
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Aug 2016
I think it's possible you're overthinking this too much. It's still sidespin with some back on it. Just that the sidespin is going the other way.

You can spin it up on pendulum. So technically you know what to do. If you're finding the net too much, it's really as simple as that you need to open the face more on your flip. Just try to flip it well over the net. Doesn't have to be a bullet you shoot over the net. Just try to get it over the net to get the feel of it. Once you develop that to where you can flip it in at a high %, later you can try to work on getting more speed & spin on it. But for now, just try to get it over the net & in and be ready to counter their 3rd ball attack after your flip.

While it's important to mix up your returns and you want to expand your game, I've fallen victim before of trying to flip short serves too much. Just depends on what you're going for. If it's practice? Feel it out. If it's a match? No sense in giving away a bunch of free points when you can easily push that return.
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Feb 2018
Read 3 reviews
Hi guys, i have one question:
How do you return a reverse pendulum serve with backspin?
Normally i return it with my bh to the opponents bh (sometimes to the fh, to not give always the same return). But this is a defensive return, i'd like to attack it sometimes. I feel comfortable to return the pendulum serve going with the spin with my bh, but vs the reverse serve i find the net too much. If you can post a video it will be very appreciated. TY
Returning pendulum backspin serve with forehand topspin is easier to lift then tomahawk backspin serve. On opposite side, lifting reverse pendulum backspin will be easier to lift then pendulum backspin serve.

If serve is short and very low and comes to your backhand, you may try banana flick to get under the ball more. On the other hand, by doing banana flick you will be countering the spin, this makes it easier to lift.

I assumed both you and your opponent are using same hands.

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if long, loop drive

if short to BH, chiquita is an option but i think it can be difficult because of the backspin+sidespin. You need good training for that. an easier receive is to push the ball but contact it on the LEFT side, soft or agressive, try both !

if short to FH, thats perhaps the most difficult. chiquita may be the best option if you can master it, then FH flick, start with the wrist open and the racket below the ball, or try to receive short, same than FH flick keep the wrist open, try to contact the ball on the left side ! strawberry is another option, try it !

these are some ideas, try them, look for videos for execution, everything is possible with training
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Aug 2018
I had the same problem recieving reverse serves (backhand, reverse pendulum, etc); asked a friend, 2600 rated, for tips and he suggested me trying a bigger BH grip when recieving with BH (more thumb on the rubber) and so far it has helped me a ton.

Maybe you could try the same!
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I had the same problem recieving reverse serves (backhand, reverse pendulum, etc); asked a friend, 2600 rated, for tips and he suggested me trying a bigger BH grip when recieving with BH (more thumb on the rubber) and so far it has helped me a ton.

Maybe you could try the same!

Ty guys.. what do you mean for bigger BH grip? I can't translate it correctly in italian language!!
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This user has no status.
Aug 2018
Ty guys.. what do you mean for bigger BH grip? I can't translate it correctly in italian language!!


Scaling of the pictures are weird cause I took them from Google, but we can compare the two grips;

The first picture has a lot more "BH grip". This is what I do when recieving with BH when opponent serves reverse pendulum
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