Should i stay with equipment i am succesful or switch

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Finally someone who proves my point.
Short pips is theoertically the best strong side (for most humans forehand) rubber for most pros & high level amateurs but even them only few have the skills to be able to use it. After Johnny Huang left I cannot think of any shakehander other than Mattias Falck or even any penholder after He Zhewen. There may be few others including women but my point is that the numbers are very small & also the main point of my reply is about short pips as a weakside rubber not strong side .

But short pip is the absolute total gabage as a weakside (for most humans backhand) rubber (& long pips the ONLY & BEST weakside rubber unless you are a pro or a high level amateur, who almost has no weakside).. One of my friend has almost completed a webpage with detailed stroke by stroke analysis as to why this is. He will publish this soon on internet.He already had one wepage on exactly this issue for than 30 years but he is going to update it.

But I can tell you two other reasons why almost all players who use short pips do so :-
1. Peer pressure :- Socially you will be a little better accepted in the tabletennis social circles if you use anything other than long pips
2. Mima Ito-Hou Yingchao(Ding Song) syndrome :- There is a widespread (irrational) beilef (more like delusion) among low level amateurs that the can also play using short pips on weakside like Mima Ito close to the table style or Hou Yingchao away from the table just because Mima & Hou do amazing things with short pips.

You may already be ready to move on to long pips unless of course you are also afraid of being shunned & think that your be accepted beye socially if you use medium pips & not long pips, I have actually met 5 or 6 players in my life like this & manufacturers have brilliantly exploited phenomenon with claims of short pips acting like long pips in addition of course to short pips behavior 🤣

BTW I am actually planning on testing few rackets with some extra baldesand rubbers I have, using blades of both types, offensive & defensive and using short pips / spinny inverted rubbercombination, just for giggles and see how it works for me. I can twiddle quite well and may be who knows I will become the ultimate Mima Ito / Hou Yingchao combo monster (I have played far away all my life using LP / inverted but in the past 2 years have gotten little better close to the table) as I always also had a vicious forehand hook loop like Hou.

I’m more than half sure this is the same troll with a different account.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2020
I dont meant cheating like manipulated equipment.
I mean an easy way out to get wins.

My father plays with LP on FH and SP on BH. He doesn't mainly cut with the LP, he often kind of plain returns, it is an ugly ball. He often beats inverted players who are quite higher in the rankings than himself. It took me a while to get over it. I find there is a kind of tipping point, if you get past it, the LP player has not many options to harm you. Until you get there, you lose due to mistakes. Unfortunately this tipping point is not equipment-relative :), but player-relative. So obviously, even LYU didn't get past that point of RF.

That's just an example about LPs. I 100% agree with Dominik, play with what you enjoy.