
  1. Training camps/clubs in Eastern Europe

    Hello everyone. I will be in Eastern europe from mid October to mid November and I was wondering if there any any training camps or academies or clubs during that time. Cities can be anything from Budapest, Vienna, Warsaw, Belgrade, or any city close to that.
  2. I'm a star in a TableTennisDaily Academy video! :)

    Just got featured in a new TableTennisDaily Academy video on Weight transfer and rotation :) Check it out Any comments welcome ;) Now Tom told me to do the same in motion with the ball placement in two...
  3. How To Backhand Topspin Against Backspin | TTD Academy

    Hey TTD! We've just released a new YouTube video, looking at the backhand topspin against backspin. I've struggled a lot with this shot myself and have listed some key tips that have helped me improve my backhand against backspin. Hope you find it useful guys :) For a more in-depth...
  4. Moving to Deutschland to train. Need recommendation on coaching academy.

    Hello everyone. I will be moving to Germany by end of this year . Sole purpose of my decision is to get better in Table Tennis in all aspects. I have been playing Table Tennis from past 20 odd years. My level of play is above intermediate. Current training schedule is as below: Weekdays -...
  5. OUT NOW: The TableTennisDaily Academy!

    After 2 years of development, the TableTennisDaily Academy is now here! It’s been a great journey working on and creating this new coaching platform which we are very proud of. Our idea when we started, was to create a place online where people can go to learn and improve specific areas of...
  6. Want to sale two vouchers for table tennis academy in germany -Düsseldorf and Grenzau

    Hello everybody, I have two vouchers for sale! One is for the famous table tennis academy in Düsseldorf, where you can book every course which is available (up to 5 days where you stay 4 nights in the 3stars Sporthotel Düsseldorf next to the practise hall, all inclusive). The second voucher...
  7. Werner Schalger Academy has gone bankrupt!

    Hey all, I really hope this artilce is not true however it seems the fantastic Werner Schalger Academy has gone bankrupt. Check out this article here: You can right click and translate to English if needs be. Does...
  8. Training videos - Tony's TT Academy

    I went through an old folder in my computer and found some of my first coaching sessions that I recorded. I posted them on Facebook before, but I think Facebook is not convinent to find old videos, so decided to start adding them to my youtube chanel. Here is one of the videos with the Smith's...
  9. Great news for TableTennisDaily player Tom!

    Hey guys, This weekend saw the Nottingham Open in England which is a major Grandprix series. TableTennisDaily's @Tom who you may have seen in a number of our equipments reviews has just won the Nottingham open! The tournament included Welshman Ryan Jenkins and Scottish international Gavin...
  10. Dimitrij Ovtcharov Is Victorous At The European Championships! (VIDEO)

    Today on the 13th October the Men's Singles final took place at the 2013 LIEBHERR European Championships in the Werner Schlager Academy, Vienna! The Men's Singles final, saw Germany's Dimitrij Ovctcharov take on Belarus's Vladimir Samsonov. Dimitrij Ovtcharov - Photo by: Remy Gros On route...
  11. European Championships 2013 (Singles Event)

    Liebherr 2013 European Championships, Oct 4th - Oct 14th, WSA, Schwechat, Austria Wow, the Team event of the European Championships has now come to a close with Germany dominating throughout in the men's and women's event. Will Germany follow suit and go onto winning the singles title also? The...
  12. Germany Are Champions Of Europe In Men's & Women's Teams! (VIDEOS)

    Today on the 7th October the Men's and Women's 2013 LIEBHERR European Team Championships Final took place at the Werner Schlager Academy, Vienna! In the men's Team Final, Dimitrij Ovctcharov's Germany took on Kalinikos Kreanga's Greece. In the Women's Team Final Kristin Silbereisen's Germany...
  13. Richard Prause Interview - WSA Head Coach

    TableTennisDaily exclusive interview with Table Tennis professional coach Richard Prause! Thanks for taking part in our TableTennisDaily interview Richard. Enjoy the questions! Full Name: Richard Prause Age: 45 Date Of Birth: 09.03.1968 Height: 178cm Current club: TG Nieder Roden, but only...
  14. Ask Richard Prause a question on TTD

    Hey guys, I have been in contact with Richard Prause who is the current head coach of the Werner Schalger Academy and is the former coach of Timo Boll and the German National Team. Richard has accepted our offer where he will answer your questions posted on this TableTennisDaily discussion...
  15. Ding Ning supports TableTennisDaily

    Hey guys, Another world class player is jumping on the TableTennidDaily bandwagon and proudly showing their support by taking a picture holding the TableTennisDaily leaflet. This time it's no other than world number 1 Ding Ning! Recently on my travels to Austria, I managed to watch and learn...

    Hey guys, As many of you are aware I work at the SGS College Table Tennis Academy and we are now recruiting players for this September. I have been at the Academy for 7 years now and it's a fantastic environment to improve your table tennis and gain an education at the same time! ‘Fast Track...
  17. Liu Guoliang supports TableTennisDaily

    Hey guys, Another world class player and coach is jumping on the TableTennidDaily bandwagon and proudly showing their support by taking a picture holding the TableTennisDaily leaflet. Recently on my travels to Austria, I managed to watch and learn from the Chinese National Team as they were...
  18. Bristol Academy pro team! 2013/14

    Hi guys, the International table tennis academy based in Bristol England is looking to start up a new "Pro team" at the start of the 2013/14 season. The academy offers full time training, including fitness and strength/conditioning aspects and physiotherapy. There are a great team of staff and...
  19. Facebook page for my Table Tennis Academy

    :o Friends , I Have built Facebook page for my Table Tennis Academy , Which i joined 2 months ago. Getting to know more basics of Table Tennis here :) and enjoying too :) Please do visit it and give it a like :) Thnk you
  20. Werner Schlager Academy - Summer Camp

    Hi guys, Stumbled across this forum; very impressed with the amount of content and members on here. Happy to be here :) I'm looking to go to WSA for a training camp this summer but other than the official website I can't seem to find out much details about it. I was hoping someone on here who...