Chipped Blade. Any hope?

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Hello all,

I was attempting to put on my first rubbers. When I took off my old rubbers (11 years old!), I saw that my Donic Persson PowerPlay had chips on one side of the blade (there are two big chips threatening to come out and a few other very thin strands), you can see the picture attached. I had some questions:

1. Is the blade toast? I don't want to put new $40 rubbers if the the blade is gone?
2. If it is fixable, how do I go about it?
3. Can I just put the glue and then put on the rubbers on top, since there doesn't seem to be too many cavities here? I plan to use the rubbers until they run out Xiom X and Europe.

Any help would be highly appreciated.



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It happened the same to me, use wood glue or superglue(the least amount possible), after 3 days (Let it cure) use Minwax Water Based Poliurethane(Dont change the brand the others dont work in the same way) only on that part don't do it all over the blade and dont paint the side of the blade it will become dead, you either do it in the part or the whole single face. For the chips on the side flatten it first with something once totally flat, wet that part where the chip is with water use a needle the least amount possible and dry it in front of a heater, the water will swell the wood just i little bit everytime, you have to do it 20 to 30 times or more, it will take time, at the end flatten it again lets say with a spoon, you will have damaged wood in only a very small part, fill it with superglue remove the excess with a sharp cutter blade like OLFA remove the excess and sand it with the smaller and finer sand paper you can find (Be careful the sand paper has to very very fine grid or will eat a lot of wood when you try to even it), repeat the process until you are happy, fill out the left little portions with super glue this will avoid that part from getting worst. Do the chips first before doing the poliurethane which will be at the last step, the wood won't swell with poliurethane on top. For the finger black marks near the handle use Windex Original Blue not other kind, will remove the grime in the same way it does over glass.
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It happened the same to me, use wood glue or superglue(the least amount possible), after 3 days (Let it cure) use Minwax Water Based Poliurethane(Dont change the brand the others dont work in the same way) only on that part don't do it all over the blade and dont paint the side of the blade it will become dead, you either do it in the part or the whole single face. For the chips on the side flatten it first with something once totally flat, wet that part where the chip is with water use a needle the least amount possible and dry it in front of a heater, the water will swell the wood just i little bit everytime, you have to do it 20 to 30 times or more, it will take time, at the end flatten it again lets say with a spoon, you will have damaged wood in only a very small part, fill it with superglue remove the excess with a sharp cutter blade like OLFA remove the excess and sand it with the smaller and finer sand paper you can find (Be careful the sand paper has to very very fine grid or will eat a lot of wood when you try to even it), repeat the process until you are happy, fill out the left little portions with super glue this will avoid that part from getting worst. Do the chips first before doing the poliurethane which will be at the last step, the wood won't swell with poliurethane on top. For the finger black marks near the handle use Windex Original Blue not other kind, will remove the grime in the same way it does over glass.
This is very useful. I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
It seems like most wood is there this is what I would do..

1. Use superglue.
2. Cover with a couple of news paper pages Make sure that the news paper covers all glue.
3. Clamp it with under two blocks of wood and let it sit for a few hours.

4. Now when the woodblocks are removed the news paper will stick to the wood blocks (it needs to be thick enough so the glue stays beneath)…

5 sand it even, Note that it doesn’t matter if the news paper is still visible.

If the wood is gone use some thin veneer to cover the lost wood…
