FH sideswipe / fade

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I've been talking a lot about FH sideswipes or fades and it's one of my favourite receives.

imo this is one of the more nasty FH receives, the principle is the same as a FH pendulum serve. This produces either a sidetopspin or a sideunderspin depending on how you brush the ball.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2022
I've been watching these videos recently too. Looks like you can do a similar inside out receive on almost all sorts of spin on the FH side.

Guchy did a more detailed video with the different types of inside out receives you can do here:

Unfortunately the subtitles kinda suck on this one.
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I've been watching these videos recently too. Looks like you can do a similar inside out receive on almost all sorts of spin on the FH side.

Guchy did a more detailed video with the different types of inside out receives you can do here:

Unfortunately the subtitles kinda suck on this one.
Thanks for sharing - yes this video you shared goes into a lot of detail in terms of contact points against different serves. It is indeed a very safe, versatile and flexible way of receiving especially against short serves of unclear spin.

It is also one of Waldner's favourite shots against penholders. He destroyed Ma Lin in the 2004 Olympics with this because it created such a large angle to the BH which made it incredibly hard for Ma Lin to pivot for the FH. The famous 'no look' block against Ryu Seung Min was also set up by this sideswipe.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
It is also one of Waldner's favourite shots against penholders. He destroyed Ma Lin in the 2004 Olympics with this because it created such a large angle to the BH which made it incredibly hard for Ma Lin to pivot for the FH. The famous 'no look' block against Ryu Seung Min was also set up by this sideswipe.
Been waiting for this comment. In the article "横拍进攻型打法研究" (On the Shakehand Attacking Style) published in 1995 (published again in 1999 under a slightly different title "横拍进攻型打法之我见"), Cai Zhenhua states that European players, with Waldner as the representative, were the first to pivot on the BH to receive with the FH. The stroke is now commonly referred to as 晃撇/sway-slant (distinguished separately as 晃接/sway receive and 撇/slant in Cai's article).

(3)建立侧身以正手接发球为主的意识 在我国传统的训练方法中,接发球趋于保守,无论是直拍还是横拍,都以反手快摆短球后再伺机抢冲,出台球设法拉起来进入相持。而现在以瓦尔德内尔为代表的欧洲选手开创了以侧身正手接发球的先河。以侧身正手晃接、挑、拉为主要手段,配合侧身正手摆短,有效地抑制了发球一方的第三板抢攻、而接发球一方当接完发球后,身体已处于侧身位置,只要对方的回球质量不高就可以全台用正手抢攻或反拉,在这一环节上,瓦尔德内尔运用得尤为突出。侧身正手接发球的优点在于,当接发球一方侧身用正手接时,发球一方很自然要防备对方的进攻,站位就会稍往中间靠一点,当发现对方用晃接或劈长时再侧身抢攻就失去了最佳时间,往往都是被动抢拉,而给的对方反拉有可乘之机。所以侧身正手接发球是接发球技术的创新,是现代横拍打法运动员必须掌握的技术。



  (1)接发球技术 欧洲选手用正手侧身接发球,代表了接发球技术的发展方向,使接发球技术更具有进攻性。因此,使我们的年轻运动员从小掌握先进的接发球技术,跟上世界乒乓球技术发展的形势,是至关重要的。当然,这里面还要处理好一种关系,强调正手侧身接发球并不是不要反手接发球,是在正、反手都具备接发球能力的情况下,更多地使用正手侧身接发球,是为了使接发球更具进攻性,为下一板的进攻创造更好的机会。






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Basically, this is how to adjust for different spins as I understand now.

Against FH pendulum, contact slightly on the right side of the ball. Against BH pendulum, contact slightly on the left side of the ball. Against straight serves, contact back to slightly on the left too.

Against topspin, you need to start with the racket head pointing upwards, with the stroke starting high. Against no spin the racket head should start close to horizontal. Against heavy underspin, the stroke should start low, and racket head should be dropped slightly (pointing a little downwards) at the start.

To produce heavy sideunderspin you need to supinate during contact, to produce sidetopspin you push slightly with the index finger and let the stroke create the sidetopspin for you.
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Been waiting for this comment. In the article "横拍进攻型打法研究" (On the Shakehand Attacking Style) published in 1995 (published again in 1999 under a slightly different title "横拍进攻型打法之我见"), Cai Zhenhua states that European players, with Waldner as the representative, were the first to pivot on the BH to receive with the FH. The stroke is now commonly referred to as 晃撇/sway-slant (distinguished separately as 晃接/sway receive and 撇/slant in Cai's article).

Yep Waldner also adds in the fake body movement which I also attempt to do. But this stroke (used from the FH pivot position) is less applicable these days because everyone has strong BHs, and this stroke simply allows the other player to open up with the BH loop (albeit with difficulty due to the spin variations) - but it wont be that strong so you can go into rallying.

The BH chiquita on the other hand became a superior way to receive in modern TT because you're in the driver's seat after the shot because you are already attacking.
For me I wouldn't pivot to use this stroke for sure, it's only when I have to use FH receive on the short FH...
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Lol I just saw my stroke in the mirror and realised why it wasn't too consistent in matches, it was really a wild swing with a lot of arm backswing lmao - it was producing some spectacular spin though. Sometimes the mirror does indeed tell the truth haha. Now that I eliminated the arm backswing it should be a lot more usable.

I also watched turbozed's video - it not only talks about how to deal with all 7 different incoming spins, it shares how to produce sideunderspin and sidetopspin variants for each one. I learnt quite a bit from it even without understanding Japanese!
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