Harimoto: In terms of table tennis, I prefer ZJK to ML. ML is amazing but it is simply the result of working and playing diligently.

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Harimoto looks back on WTTC 2023 Durban in a 5-part interview with Butterfly.

In part 1, he talks about the XD silver bronze medal, MD R64 and MS R128 to R16.
In part 2, he talks about the reason LJK could get a medal and he could not.
In part 3, he talks about LJK being able to serve a float in that situation.
In part 4, he talks about how he prepared for WTTC 2023, how he fought, how to deal with the results, what he thinks about the next 10 years. Here is the interesting part. He thinks FZD failed to overcome ML, and ML failed to overcome WH. Unlike them, he feels that ZJK, in between MLin and WH, changed the status quo with his own power. In terms of table tennis, he prefers ZJK to ML. ML is amazing but it is simply the result of working and playing diligently. Therefore, if possible, he prefers not having to wait for them (FZD and WCQ) to retire and intends to prevent WCQ and LSD from taking the baton from FZD.
In part 5, he talks about his 2nd round of table tennis life, how he doesn't lose confidence anymore no matter how many times he loses domestically, how increasing the level of consistency, steadiness, and solidity is more important, how only the gold medal will make him happy etc...

張本智和インタビュー 世界卓球2023ダーバンを振り返る①
張本智和インタビュー 世界卓球2023ダーバンを振り返る②
張本智和インタビュー 世界卓球2023ダーバンを振り返る③
張本智和インタビュー 世界卓球2023ダーバンを振り返る④
張本智和インタビュー 世界卓球2023ダーバンを振り返る⑤

Harimoto Chinese Station at Weibo has posted a Chinese machine translation.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
4. Kind of beside the point, but well. ML's status. Most decorated, yes. However, when it comes to contributions to/influence on table tennis, which I consider more important a criterion than just no. of titles/win rate as it certainly affected how I grew up and played, many players are above him.

Waldner is one, for his service grip borrowed from the penhold grip, his receiving on which Cai Zhenhua has written a few articles, and the all-round loopdriving plus fast-attacking style that have become ubiquitous nowadays.

In one issue of Table Tennis World in 2006, Yin Xiao credits KLH as the trailblazer for 中國式横板, the Chinese shakehand style, laying the foundation and paving the way for subsequent generations as LGZ and WLQ et al.

In a recent issue of Table Tennis Kingdom, Mizutani claims ZJK as "the man who changed modern table tennis". WH plays a big part in that, as ZJK was his training partner once and ZJK has mentioned he had learned a lot from him. He still looked up to WH after all those wins. Besides polishing the chiquita, ZJK ushered in the era of 正手強,反手超強, strong FH, and yet super strong BH. That doesn't mean his footwork is poor, though. Some LGL's comments below.

Right after WTGF 2008


Right after WTGF 2012


刘国梁:张继科赢在腿上 关键时刻下手更狠
LGL: ZJK won by those legs, more determined when push comes to shove
WH: Forever No. 2? That means I often reached the final

In a similar fashion to Hirano and Ito, Harimoto has also contributed by reinvigorating the fast-attacking style. At the press conference after losing to Harimoto at the All-Japan Championships 2018, Mizutani said he was fortunate to have won so many titles(9 at the time) before Harimoto came along and that his strength was on par with the CNT players. That's why I distinguish most decorated from greatest of all time.

"The same level as the CNT players. If today's Harimoto is 100% power as usual, I don't think I can win no matter how many times I do it. I'm grateful to have won so many times before Harimoto came along. I don’t think any other Japanese players can win," said Mizutani while waving a white flag.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
On ML destroying ZJK, there are views in China that had ML beat ZJK in the final at the 2nd trial for WTTC Moscow in 2010, ZJK wouldn't have had the chance to accomplish what he would eventually have had. That hard-earned win was pivotal in ZJK's career trajectory.

Color commentary by LGL.

Another point is that had ML beat TB in the team final at the WTTC Moscow, and then not had a flare-up in his left ankle in the later half of 2010, ZJK wouldn't have had the chance to play in the World Cup that year. ZJK admitted back then he still was no match for WH, but that WC gave him those precious experience points.


Had WH not had cold feet, ZJK wouldn't even have had the chance to play in that team final.

If ML were as greatest as some may THINK(read WANT), he should've had accomplished his first grand slam much sooner. ZJK was no favorite for the WTTC Paris. ML was the crowd favorite, yet those CNT members avoided ZJK like the plague in the trial when they had the chance to pick which group to go to. ZJK was in his worst-ever form before WC 2014. ML was already UNBEATABLE-esque. What happened?

After achieving that grand slam FINALLY over a half-dead ZJK and with WH out of the picture, he wrote in a script for the variety show "真实的声音"(True Voice, in which guests tell their stories) on March 2, 2017, that at one point in time, he wanted to off WH, and that his loss at WTTC Paris is the worst-ever and most regretful match in his career. He played so bad in that match, that at the end of the match, even WH was puzzled and asked him if he hurt his foot or what(which was confirmed by WH on his Weibo in an inquiry by a fan years ago.) He also talked about the WC final between him and ZJK, that after losing 3:4 in games, his time stopped and he felt like quitting table tennis for good.

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Just so we are clear.

ML won his first WTTC after WH retired.
FZD won his first WTTC after ML was retired.

It doesn't matter if ML is better now. ML thought himself he should've beaten WH and he didn't. He should've beaten ZJK in 2014 and he didn't. He's had his chances.

Same thing for FZD. This was his 4th time playing WTTC(first in 2013, losing to ZJK). If he ever overtakes ML's "most decorated" status in the future and people claim he's the GOAT, I'll be there to give them a piece of me.
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Tbh Ma Long is more talented than ZJK who sometimes resorts to sheer physicality to win the game. Ma Long also has way more stroke variety and ball control skills.

Can't deny ZJK had more of an impact on the game though with his innovative BH chiquita game followed by very aggressive but safe topspins on both wings, the model that a lot of young players are following especially in JNT and CNT. His model of the reverse pendulum service was also copied by many others.
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May 2013
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Interesting interview.

In part 1, he appears to say that Hina Hayata "can easily return the ball from male players" and that he himself "cannot lose to anyone other than Sun Yingsha" (quoting Google translate).

Sounds like the current top female players have improved dramatically compared to the previous generation (Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen). Killerspin have recently released the full match of DN v Jorgen Persson from 2012, when DN was ranked #1 and Persson not even top 70, and he won very easily.
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Oct 2014
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Interesting interview.

In part 1, he appears to say that Hina Hayata "can easily return the ball from male players" and that he himself "cannot lose to anyone other than Sun Yingsha" (quoting Google translate).

Sounds like the current top female players have improved dramatically compared to the previous generation (Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen). Killerspin have recently released the full match of DN v Jorgen Persson from 2012, when DN was ranked #1 and Persson not even top 70, and he won very easily.
I think a distinction should be made between a one-on-one matchup and what happens in Mixed Doubles when the woman has to handle the quality of the male player and produce shots that trouble male players off the femalee opponents ball and those abilities can determine the result significantly, as it is usually driven by the quality of the male player. Liu Shiwen for one was really good at controlling and countering topspins as well as hitting quality shots, she just wasn't at her best at the Olympics.

Thats what Harimoto means.
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Nov 2019
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Interesting interview.

In part 1, he appears to say that Hina Hayata "can easily return the ball from male players" and that he himself "cannot lose to anyone other than Sun Yingsha" (quoting Google translate).

Sounds like the current top female players have improved dramatically compared to the previous generation (Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen). Killerspin have recently released the full match of DN v Jorgen Persson from 2012, when DN was ranked #1 and Persson not even top 70, and he won very easily.

Come on. That exhibition match between Ding Ning and Persson where Ding Ning is wearing a stylish, short cocktail dress and clearly can't and isn't moving as well and fast as she did in normal matches at that time?
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May 2013
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Come on. That exhibition match between Ding Ning and Persson where Ding Ning is wearing a stylish, short cocktail dress and clearly can't and isn't moving as well and fast as she did in normal matches at that time?
DN was my favourite female table tennis player for a very long time, and I also felt the same emotions at first. IMO, had it been a pure exhibition match, the final score would have been 40:39 to DN, not 40:24 to Persson.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
After what happened at ATTC 2023, I felt it's a good time to translate the relevant parts from part 4 of the interview.



張本 13、14歳の頃に活躍したメリットが、やっと今になって現れてきた感じですね。逆に去年までは一番つらかったですね。最初は何事も楽しくて、停滞する時期があって、そこでやめるか、もう一回楽しい時期が来るかと思っていましたが、今は、楽しい時期がもう来始めている気はしています。


張本 この数年だけでも、サムソノフ(ベラルーシ)とか水谷さん(水谷隼/木下グループ)、丹羽さん(丹羽孝希/スヴェンソンホールディングス)が(国際大会を)引退したのを見て、誰がいつ引退するのかも見てきましたし、誰が大体どこまでやるか、いつになったら自分が一番上になるのかはなんとなくは見えています。



張本 いや、あります。林詩棟にはそういう怖さを感じますし、樊振東も出てきた時はそんな感じだったと思いますが、結局、馬龍に勝てなくて、それも経験の差だったと思うんですよね。たぶん、デュッセルドルフ(世界卓球2017デュッセルドルフ)の時も樊振東の方が強かったけど、決勝で馬龍に勝てなくて、ハンガリー(世界卓球2019ブダペスト)でも4回戦で梁靖崑に負けて、そこには絶対に理由があると思うんですよ。自分が突然変異だからこそ分かります。「強くても勝てない」という理由が。


張本 もちろん飛び越えられるなら飛び越えたいですけど、飛び越えるのがどれだけ難しいか。相手も頑張っているし、自分だけが悔しくて、自分だけが頑張っているわけではないので。もちろん、一瞬でオリンピックチャンピオンになれるならなりたいですけど、簡単になれないのは分かっています。
The 20s are all about reviewing. Just answer the questions you have solved so far without difficulty

--I think there were a lot of difficult times in your teens, but it looks like your 20s are going to be fun.

Harimoto: I feel like the benefits of being active when I was 13 or 14 are finally starting to show up now. On the other hand, up until last year was the hardest. At first, everything was fun, and then there was a period of stagnation, and I thought whether I would stop there or another period of fun would come, but now I feel like the period of fun has already begun.
 I've experienced all kinds of failures and losses, I've come back from 0-3, and the tables have been turned on me from 3-0, and I've probably experienced all kinds of situations in my teens.
 Including the Olympics, there aren't any competitions I haven't participated in, so in terms of studying, my 20s are a refresher. Just answer the questions you have solved so far without difficulty. The players I couldn't defeat will gradually retire, and if that happens, I will be at the top.
 If you look at China, there were Zhang Jike, Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, and Wang Chuqin, and now we have moved from the era of Ma Long and Fan Zhendong to the era of Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin, and from China's perspective, they would like to connect it to the era of Wang Chuqin and Lin Shidong. Yet, I think the impression is for me to get in the way and rise up. I've been active many years earlier than Lin Shidong, and Wang Chuqin came out before me, but I definitely think I'll be next. That's the goal.

--It seems like Harimoto has a clear vision of the future.

Harimoto: In just the past few years, we've seen Samsonov (Belarus), Mizutani-san (Jun Mizutani/Kinoshita Group), and Niwa-san (Koki Niwa/Svensson Holdings) retire (from international competitions), and I've seen who is going to retire and when, to what extent can someone go and when I'll be at the top.
 For example, if Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Liang Jingkun, and Wang Chuqin all retire, I think I will inevitably become number one, but I definitely can't wait for that to happen, and have to work with the intention of surpassing that. At that point, strong young players may emerge, but if you just do some simple calculations, that's what will happen, so I have to be patient.
 On the other hand, I also want to beat the top 4 players, but Ma Long, who has gotten everything now, lost to Wang Hao 3 times (in WTTC) before that. Fan Zhendong had also lost to Ma Long up until that point, and won the championship (WTTC 2021 Houston) that one time when Ma Long did not participate, so he did not defeat Ma Long to win the championship.
 In this sense, Zhang Jike, in the presence of Ma Lin and Wang Hao, changed the status quo with his own power. In terms of table tennis, I prefer Zhang Jike to Ma Long. Ma Long is also amazing, but it is simply the result of working and playing diligently. Of course, he put in a lot of effort, and there were times when he was going to give up, but he couldn't break through Wang Hao until the very end.
 So, if you can keep trying and not think, "If I wait, it will come", I think it will come. If I keep working hard because I want to beat Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin, I wonder if that time will arrive.

The reason why you can't win even if you're strong, as explained by a mutant (spontaneous mutations)

--Under that scenario, is there any fear that a strong mutant player like Harimoto will emerge?

Harimoto: Yes, there is. I feel that kind of fear in Lin Shidong, and I think Fan Zhendong was like that when he came out, but in the end, he couldn't beat Ma Long, and I think that was also due to the difference in experience. Fan Zhendong was probably stronger in Dusseldorf (WTTC 2017 Dusseldorf), but he couldn't beat Ma Long in the final, and in Hungary (WTTC 2019 Budapest) he lost to Liang Jingkun in the fourth round, and I think there must be a reason. I understand this because I am a mutant. The reason is that "even if you're strong, you can't win."
 I made my debut when I was 13 years old, and everyone was expecting me to become a World Champion by now, and I might have expected that too. Last year and the year before that, I thought I had the chance but couldn't do it, but these days I realize that just because I was able to beat Ma Long at the age of 14 doesn't mean I'm an Olympic Champion.
 Put another way, there was an old man who beat me in a town tournament when I was in elementary school (lol), so I don't care about who won or lost, I just think that winning and losing is a point for growth. There's no point in losing if you forget.
 I still remember losing to 宮本春樹/MIYAMOTO Haruki-san (Clover Dental Cuspids) in the Junior Boys event of the All-Japan Championship (2017 All-Japan TTC Junior Boys Quarterfinal). After that, I feel bad losing to Oshima-san (Yuya Oshima/Kinoshita Group) at All-Japan (2018 All-Japan TTC Men's Singles Semifinal), and I feel bad losing to Uda-san (Yukiya Uda/Meiji University) (2020 All-Japan TTC Men's Singles Final), and now I feel bad losing to Liang Jingkun and it's good that the level of my frustration is gradually increasing. Next time, if I'll feel bad losing to Fan Zhendong, I think I can beat Fan Zhendong the next time.
 Up until now, I have been skipping the ranks, so in the end, I think I just need to take it one step at a time and push myself to the top.

--In the end, not skipping ranks and passing through the "I feel bad losing (to Fan Zhendong)" part, right?

Harimoto: Of course, I would like to jump over it if I could, but how difficult it would be. The opponent is also working hard, so I'm not the only one who feels frustrated because I'm working hard. Of course, if I could become an Olympic Champion in an instant, I would be happy to, but I know it won't be easy.
 Even Fan Zhendong has not been able to make that leap, and he is just taking advantage of the opportunity when his turn comes around. If Wang Chuqin also goes about his career normally, when Fan Zhendong gets a little older, he will be able to become the champion once. The goal is to prevent that. The next one won't be Wang Chuqin, nor will it be Lin Shidong.
 Neither Boll nor Ovtcharov (both from Germany) were able to "get in the way" in the end. I may beat 1 Chinese player and finish top 4, but I haven't made it all the way to the end. Even among the women, it's amazing that Hayata-san (Hina Hayata/Nippon Life Insurance Company) defeated Wang Yidi (China), but there is Sun Yingsha (China), and after that, Chen Meng (China) is waiting, so there are 3 walls. So, I want to move forward one step at a time.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
After what happened at ATTC 2023, I felt it's a good time to translate the relevant parts from part 4 of the interview.

The 20s are all about reviewing. Just answer the questions you have solved so far without difficulty

--I think there were a lot of difficult times in your teens, but it looks like your 20s are going to be fun.

Harimoto: I feel like the benefits of being active when I was 13 or 14 are finally starting to show up now. On the other hand, up until last year was the hardest. At first, everything was fun, and then there was a period of stagnation, and I thought whether I would stop there or another period of fun would come, but now I feel like the period of fun has already begun.
 I've experienced all kinds of failures and losses, I've come back from 0-3, and the tables have been turned on me from 3-0, and I've probably experienced all kinds of situations in my teens.
 Including the Olympics, there aren't any competitions I haven't participated in, so in terms of studying, my 20s are a refresher. Just answer the questions you have solved so far without difficulty. The players I couldn't defeat will gradually retire, and if that happens, I will be at the top.
 If you look at China, there were Zhang Jike, Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, and Wang Chuqin, and now we have moved from the era of Ma Long and Fan Zhendong to the era of Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin, and from China's perspective, they would like to connect it to the era of Wang Chuqin and Lin Shidong. Yet, I think the impression is for me to get in the way and rise up. I've been active many years earlier than Lin Shidong, and Wang Chuqin came out before me, but I definitely think I'll be next. That's the goal.

--It seems like Harimoto has a clear vision of the future.

Harimoto: In just the past few years, we've seen Samsonov (Belarus), Mizutani-san (Jun Mizutani/Kinoshita Group), and Niwa-san (Koki Niwa/Svensson Holdings) retire (from international competitions), and I've seen who is going to retire and when, to what extent can someone go and when I'll be at the top.
 For example, if Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Liang Jingkun, and Wang Chuqin all retire, I think I will inevitably become number one, but I definitely can't wait for that to happen, and have to work with the intention of surpassing that. At that point, strong young players may emerge, but if you just do some simple calculations, that's what will happen, so I have to be patient.
 On the other hand, I also want to beat the top 4 players, but Ma Long, who has gotten everything now, lost to Wang Hao 3 times (in WTTC) before that. Fan Zhendong had also lost to Ma Long up until that point, and won the championship (WTTC 2021 Houston) that one time when Ma Long did not participate, so he did not defeat Ma Long to win the championship.
 In this sense, Zhang Jike, in the presence of Ma Lin and Wang Hao, changed the status quo with his own power. In terms of table tennis, I prefer Zhang Jike to Ma Long. Ma Long is also amazing, but it is simply the result of working and playing diligently. Of course, he put in a lot of effort, and there were times when he was going to give up, but he couldn't break through Wang Hao until the very end.
 So, if you can keep trying and not think, "If I wait, it will come", I think it will come. If I keep working hard because I want to beat Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin, I wonder if that time will arrive.

The reason why you can't win even if you're strong, as explained by a mutant (spontaneous mutations)

--Under that scenario, is there any fear that a strong mutant player like Harimoto will emerge?

Harimoto: Yes, there is. I feel that kind of fear in Lin Shidong, and I think Fan Zhendong was like that when he came out, but in the end, he couldn't beat Ma Long, and I think that was also due to the difference in experience. Fan Zhendong was probably stronger in Dusseldorf (WTTC 2017 Dusseldorf), but he couldn't beat Ma Long in the final, and in Hungary (WTTC 2019 Budapest) he lost to Liang Jingkun in the fourth round, and I think there must be a reason. I understand this because I am a mutant. The reason is that "even if you're strong, you can't win."
 I made my debut when I was 13 years old, and everyone was expecting me to become a World Champion by now, and I might have expected that too. Last year and the year before that, I thought I had the chance but couldn't do it, but these days I realize that just because I was able to beat Ma Long at the age of 14 doesn't mean I'm an Olympic Champion.
 Put another way, there was an old man who beat me in a town tournament when I was in elementary school (lol), so I don't care about who won or lost, I just think that winning and losing is a point for growth. There's no point in losing if you forget.
 I still remember losing to 宮本春樹/MIYAMOTO Haruki-san (Clover Dental Cuspids) in the Junior Boys event of the All-Japan Championship (2017 All-Japan TTC Junior Boys Quarterfinal). After that, I feel bad losing to Oshima-san (Yuya Oshima/Kinoshita Group) at All-Japan (2018 All-Japan TTC Men's Singles Semifinal), and I feel bad losing to Uda-san (Yukiya Uda/Meiji University) (2020 All-Japan TTC Men's Singles Final), and now I feel bad losing to Liang Jingkun and it's good that the level of my frustration is gradually increasing. Next time, if I'll feel bad losing to Fan Zhendong, I think I can beat Fan Zhendong the next time.
 Up until now, I have been skipping the ranks, so in the end, I think I just need to take it one step at a time and push myself to the top.

--In the end, not skipping ranks and passing through the "I feel bad losing (to Fan Zhendong)" part, right?

Harimoto: Of course, I would like to jump over it if I could, but how difficult it would be. The opponent is also working hard, so I'm not the only one who feels frustrated because I'm working hard. Of course, if I could become an Olympic Champion in an instant, I would be happy to, but I know it won't be easy.
 Even Fan Zhendong has not been able to make that leap, and he is just taking advantage of the opportunity when his turn comes around. If Wang Chuqin also goes about his career normally, when Fan Zhendong gets a little older, he will be able to become the champion once. The goal is to prevent that. The next one won't be Wang Chuqin, nor will it be Lin Shidong.
 Neither Boll nor Ovtcharov (both from Germany) were able to "get in the way" in the end. I may beat 1 Chinese player and finish top 4, but I haven't made it all the way to the end. Even among the women, it's amazing that Hayata-san (Hina Hayata/Nippon Life Insurance Company) defeated Wang Yidi (China), but there is Sun Yingsha (China), and after that, Chen Meng (China) is waiting, so there are 3 walls. So, I want to move forward one step at a time.
Good interview. Im very surprised that he said he wants the top spot and to beat out the top Chinese players.

I thought he was satisfied being best non-Chinese player
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
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Good interview. Im very surprised that he said he wants the top spot and to beat out the top Chinese players.

I thought he was satisfied being best non-Chinese player
There is a difference between trying to do something and being able to do it. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. But why do you think he was satisfied?
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Translated this specific paragraph from part 5 of the interview, in which Harimoto discusses the experience gap between him and LJK being a deciding factor that he lost, like how FZD lost to ML at WTTC 2017 due to experience despite being the stronger.


張本 バックハンドは今までで一番信頼できるくらい最強の武器になっています。バックハンドは樊振東や王楚欽と同等といってもいいくらい自信があるので、やっぱり、課題はフォアハンドですね。大きなくくりでいうとフォアハンドになりますが、ストップ、ツッツキ、フリック、ドライブ、カウンター。1球だけはできても、バックハンドとの連係ができていなかったり、試合の流れによってはできなかったりするので、そうしたひとつひとつの技術を強化していきたいですね。
--Specifically, what areas do you want to strengthen?

Harimoto: My backhand has become the strongest and most reliable weapon I've ever had. I'm as confident with my backhand as Fan Zhendong or Wang Chuqin, so the challenge is definitely my forehand. Broadly speaking, it is a forehand, but it includes stops [TL's note: short pushes like drop shots], pushes, flicks, drives, and counters. Even if you can do just one shot, you might not be able to coordinate with the backhand, or you might not be able to do it depending on the flow of the game, so I want to strengthen the techniques one by one.
Also, the difference between him and Liang Jingkun is the stop. It was a stop-to-stop exchange, and I was definitely the one who ran away from the stop to the push first and got hit. On the other hand, when I played against Chuang Chih-Yuan, he couldn't hold back, so even though my level has improved, I still couldn't beat Liang Jingkun.
There were times during the match when I felt like I was really winning when it came to backhand-to-backhand, but backhand-to-backhand was only about 1/3 of the match at most. Winning backhand-to-backhand doesn't mean you'll win the match. Among the stop-to-stop exchanges, Liang Jingkun was more likely to come up with such ideas, such as going around to the short forehand first to start with the chiquita, so in order to outperform the opponent in 51% of the entire match, I have to develop from the stop. I need to improve the quality, rotation, and speed of each forehand drive, and that's just a matter of practice. Liang Jingkun has been practicing his forehand drive for 5 or 6 years longer than I have, so there are some things that can't be helped, but you can't win just by doing the same thing, so I'm practicing efficiently and practicing many times more than my opponent. We also have to practice meaningfully.
Now, Dong-san (coach Dong Qiwen) and Tasei-san (Tasei Kunihito, men's national team coach) have created a very good training regime and are watching us practice every day. Now I'm feeling very confident and just practicing.
Last edited:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2022
Also, the difference between him and Liang Jingkun is the stop. It was a stop-to-stop exchange, and I was definitely the one who ran away from the push first and hit it.

It's interesting that Harimoto considers the first to stop pushing and open up in this context as 'running away.' At the amateur level it's almost a given that being the first to open up is when 'win' the pushing exchange and take the initiative. I guess whatever topspin shot you're able to land against a pro level drop shot is going to actually put you at a disadvantage due to not good enough ball quality?

Anyway, this is good insight into the mindset of a pro player and really makes one rethink the validity of us amateur players trying to analyze a pro match using rules of thumb that may cease to be applicable.
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Oct 2014
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It's interesting that Harimoto considers the first to stop pushing and open up in this context as 'running away.' At the amateur level it's almost a given that being the first to open up is when 'win' the pushing exchange and take the initiative. I guess whatever topspin shot you're able to land against a pro level drop shot is going to actually put you at a disadvantage due to not good enough ball quality?

Anyway, this is good insight into the mindset of a pro player and really makes one rethink the validity of us amateur players trying to analyze a pro match using rules of thumb that may cease to be applicable.
I suspect by hit it, he doesn't necessarily mean attack but more likely means to go long. Quality (with all it's dimensions)and the reaction speed determine everything in table tennis so it isn't so much rules but patterns of play and the ability to find patterns that favor you.
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Oct 2014
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Translated this specific paragraph from part 5 of the interview, in which Harimoto discusses the experience gap between him and LJK being a deciding factor that he lost, like how FZD lost to ML at WTTC 2017 due to experience despite being the stronger.

--Specifically, what areas do you want to strengthen?

Harimoto: My backhand has become the strongest and most reliable weapon I've ever had. I'm as confident with my backhand as Fan Zhendong or Wang Chuqin, so the challenge is definitely my forehand. Broadly speaking, it is a forehand, but it includes stops [TL's note: short pushes like drop shots], pushes, flicks, drives, and counters. Even if you can do just one shot, you might not be able to coordinate with the backhand, or you might not be able to do it depending on the flow of the game, so I want to strengthen the techniques one by one.
Also, the difference between him and Liang Jingkun is the stop. It was a stop-to-stop exchange, and I was definitely the one who ran away from the push first and hit it. On the other hand, when I played against Chuang Chih-Yuan, he couldn't hold back, so even though my level has improved, I still couldn't beat Liang Jingkun.
There were times during the match when I felt like I was really winning when it came to backhand-to-backhand, but backhand-to-backhand was only about 1/3 of the match at most. Winning backhand-to-backhand doesn't mean you'll win the match. Among the stop-to-stop exchanges, Liang Jingkun was more likely to come up with such ideas, such as going around to the short forehand first to start with the chiquita, so in order to outperform the opponent in 51% of the entire match, I have to develop from the stop. I need to improve the quality, rotation, and speed of each forehand drive, and that's just a matter of practice. Liang Jingkun has been practicing his forehand drive for 5 or 6 years longer than I have, so there are some things that can't be helped, but you can't win just by doing the same thing, so I'm practicing efficiently and practicing many times more than my opponent. We also have to practice meaningfully.
Now, Dong-san (coach Dong Qiwen) and Tasei-san (Tasei Kunihito, men's national team coach) have created a very good training regime and are watching us practice every day. Now I'm feeling very confident and just practicing.
I can't say what his training regimen is but it is quite possible that he is giving Liang's age too much credit and his (Harimoto's) quality of training too much credit as well. Maybe Liang is just the better player because Liang has the better coaches, partners and training environment and therefore can show a higher level, age notwithstanding. Hari might just be unlucky to be from the wrong country. We won't know for sure for a while.
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Apr 2024
It's interesting that Harimoto considers the first to stop pushing and open up in this context as 'running away.' At the amateur level it's almost a given that being the first to open up is when 'win' the pushing exchange and take the initiative. I guess whatever topspin shot you're able to land against a pro level drop shot is going to actually put you at a disadvantage due to not good enough ball quality?

Anyway, this is good insight into the mindset of a pro player and really makes one rethink the validity of us amateur players trying to analyze a pro match using rules of thumb that may cease to be applicable.
Most amateurs don't have the skill to punish low quality initiative attacks. Pros, especially CNT, are different.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
I can't say what his training regimen is but it is quite possible that he is giving Liang's age too much credit and his (Harimoto's) quality of training too much credit as well. Maybe Liang is just the better player because Liang has the better coaches, partners and training environment and therefore can show a higher level, age notwithstanding. Hari might just be unlucky to be from the wrong country. We won't know for sure for a while.
LYJ has never defeated LJK to this day. Harimoto defeated LJK at least once in 2018. Does that mean LYJ is also the worse player, despite having defeated ML 4 times now? Harimoto has defeated ML 2 times. LJK and LGY never beat ML in international competitions until 2024. LJK and LGY have lost 9 and 8 matches to non-CNT players in the Paris 2024 cycle, respectively. So?
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
I suspect by hit it, he doesn't necessarily mean attack but more likely means to go long. Quality (with all it's dimensions)and the reaction speed determine everything in table tennis so it isn't so much rules but patterns of play and the ability to find patterns that favor you.
Maybe I should've translated that one in the passive voice as it's originally written "be struck/be beaten" (be countered?). That phrase is tricky to get across.
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Oct 2014
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LYJ has never defeated LJK to this day. Harimoto defeated LJK at least once in 2018. Does that mean LYJ is also the worse player, despite having defeated ML 4 times now? Harimoto has defeated ML 2 times. LJK and LGY never beat ML in international competitions until 2024. LJK and LGY have lost 9 and 8 matches to non-CNT players in the Paris 2024 cycle, respectively. So?
I think so, matchups over time vs form in specific matches is a tricky subject. Definitely experience could be the primary reason one is better but it could also just be skills or strategy.