Harimoto: In terms of table tennis, I prefer ZJK to ML. ML is amazing but it is simply the result of working and playing diligently.

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
I think so, matchups over time vs form in specific matches is a tricky subject. Definitely experience could be the primary reason one is better but it could also just be skills or strategy.
Then ML should be the worse player when compared to WH?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
Then ML should be the worse player when compared to WH?
For those particular matches, he lost, no doubt. But there were a lot of other matches that made that claim a bit dubious as an overall report of their relative statuses. Language obscures a lot of things. But head to head, I would argue that Wang Hao's backhand advantages, especially with the 40mm ball, matched up pretty well with Ma Long.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
马龙:不能认同自己是GOAT,只是近10-20年最优秀之一 (Ma Long: I can't consider myself the GOAT, just one of the best in the past 10-20 years)

[流言板]马龙:不能认同自己是GOAT,只是近10-20年最优秀之一 ([Rumor Subforum] Ma Long: I can't consider myself the GOAT, just one of the best in the past 10-20 years)

In an exclusive interview with Beijing Youth Daily, Ma Long responded with a smile to the title of "Hexagonal Warrior", "To be honest, I still don't know which six aspects and six sides they are, haha, this evaluation is a bit too much, exaggerated. I am a professional athlete. From my personal perspective and cognition, there is no table tennis player in the world who has no shortcomings and no weaknesses, and all abilities are the same and at the highest value. Of course, I am not one of them."

As for the praise of "Best Athlete in History" and "Greatest Player in History" certified by the International Table Tennis Federation, Ma Long said that he has not reached this height yet. "After all, I have not played in the era of those predecessors such as Liu Guoliang and Waldner, nor have I played against them in official competitions. These athletes are my idols. Maybe if I played in that era, I would not have achieved the achievements I have now. I cannot agree that I am the greatest player in history. I can only say that I am one of the better players in the world of table tennis in the past 10 or 20 years."

[流言板]实至名归!马龙荣获北京榜样2024年度榜样 ([Rumor Subfourm] Well-deserved! Ma Long won the Beijing Role-Model 2024)
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