Help!!! I'm being bullied!!!

says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
IMHO the point is that you can do that stroke, but you're not dangerous to your opponent with it. My colleague played Flextra for a short time. I tried his blade and my feeling was like I play with the other side only. After a while he recognized this as well. Once he replaced Flextra by Baracuda, he became much more dangerous. You're correct, skill matters, but Flextra's limitations have much bigger impact, I'm afraid. It's just a beginner's rubber, I believe.
Yes, both is needed, the technique and the material.
Just because one can lift a backspin shot means little if one can not return the ball to the other side with spin, speed and most important placement. The shot (which of course is then always a half arsed shot with top spin) will end up right at ones elbow or any other undesirable spot.