How does Nittaku Fastarc G1 compare to Goldarc 8?

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Jan 2017
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I have been thinking about trying out Nittaku G1, I have been using Goldarc 8 for a while.

I’ve used GA8 50° on my FH, and have settled on G1 since then. The softer GA8 too, but I liked that a bit less. (Still liked it, though.)

They definitely play (and feel) different. The harder GA8 is a beast, immensely powerful in counterloops. I think its topsheet is a bit softer than G1, whereas there’s a sense of hardness and a more pronounciated response when engaging with a deeper contact. G1 feels sturdy, has a good bite; GA is more of a kicker.

I can play with either, fully enjoying the game. G1 feels safer.
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Nov 2020
G1 is way more durable. I liked GA8 - felt amazing to begin with, but the ones I tried deteriorated too rapidly for my liking (can't remember the hardness).
Wonder how the durability of yours was Reirom?
Most places are selling G1 as "Super Thick" being the thickest available, but TT11 are now supplying the new Max thickness which I am currently trying and very much appreciating. It feels a touch softer than the thinner super thick but seems like it has even more control to me which is saying something considering how much control the Super Thick already gives. I am somehow getting more spin on serves too with the Max version which I didnt find so easy with the super thick. (GA8 and G1 shrink a lot once removed from the blade after the first gluing). Apologies I can't give a more detailed technical comparison.
I don't think you would regret trying G1.....
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Mar 2021
From my experience GA 8 (47,5) max has a bit more catapult (but still not very springy and hence good enough for short game), a bit less spin but a at the same time is way less responsive to spin compared to G1. I really like it hence on the backhand.

I also can’t refer to all the comments which state that G1 is not very spin sensitive. I think it’s quite the opposite especially if you play passively…it’s very reactive and you have to have your bat angles right.

That is the big advantage of GA 8…unfortunately it seems to be quite hard to get within Europe. Does anyone know a similar substitute to GA8 in 47,5 degrees?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
From my experience GA 8 (47,5) max has a bit more catapult (but still not very springy and hence good enough for short game), a bit less spin but a at the same time is way less responsive to spin compared to G1. I really like it hence on the backhand.

I also can’t refer to all the comments which state that G1 is not very spin sensitive. I think it’s quite the opposite especially if you play passively…it’s very reactive and you have to have your bat angles right.

That is the big advantage of GA 8…unfortunately it seems to be quite hard to get within Europe. Does anyone know a similar substitute to GA8 in 47,5 degrees?
I think GA8 and G1 are almost exactly the same, standard ESN 47 degree rubber. Both are good, I don't think I could pick them apart in a blind test.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
Don't think so at all...the top sheet of G1 is quite a bit harder and the most obvious difference is the higher spin sensitivity of G1 as stated previously...
Maybe try it out for yourself and make a video. Put G1 and GA8 on the same blade and cover up the logos. See if you can figure out which is which.

TT11 have put out a number of videos doing just this. They compared Evolution MXP vs MXD (which is supposedly 4 degrees harder), but they were not able to identify which was which.

They did a video of H3 vs H3 blue vs H3 national, and they were not able to identify.

Maybe you are right and they are very different, but just based on my casual hitting with both and based on the TT11 videos, I doubt most people could pick them apart.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
From my experience GA 8 (47,5) max has a bit more catapult (but still not very springy and hence good enough for short game), a bit less spin but a at the same time is way less responsive to spin compared to G1. I really like it hence on the backhand.

I also can’t refer to all the comments which state that G1 is not very spin sensitive. I think it’s quite the opposite especially if you play passively…it’s very reactive and you have to have your bat angles right.

That is the big advantage of GA 8…unfortunately it seems to be quite hard to get within Europe. Does anyone know a similar substitute to GA8 in 47,5 degrees?
I used G-1 for several years and I liked it.

I don't understand the comment about G-1 being spin insensitive.

Every inverted rubber, short of anti, is spin sensitive. Otherwise why would you use that rubber? If the rubber is spinny and you can generate spins with it, it is going to react to the spin coming your way. Chinese rubbers are that way too. It is not easy to return serves with a chinese rubber.

And every rubber, on passive shots, is spin sensitive. When you can actively engage the rubber, then yes every inverted rubber (short of anti) should become less spin sensitive as you put more power and brush into the shot.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2020
I don't understand the comment about G-1 being spin insensitive.

Every inverted rubber, short of anti, is spin sensitive. Otherwise why would you use that rubber? If the rubber is spinny and you can generate spins with it, it is going to react to the spin coming your way. Chinese rubbers are that way too. It is not easy to return serves with a chinese rubber.

And every rubber, on passive shots, is spin sensitive. When you can actively engage the rubber, then yes every inverted rubber (short of anti) should become less spin sensitive as you put more power and brush into the shot.

Maybe I am to blame, at least partially, because somewhere I claimed that I consider H8-80 H37 spin sensitive and that when I switched to Rakza X, blocking was easier. RX is better for me personally to play with, H8-80 may have advantage for other, both better or worse, players. And later when I switched to G1, I could adapt easily - so while G1 feels a tiny bit more spin sensitive to me than RX, they are both further away from H8-80. This is just my perception, I don't claim anything other than that. But yes, I stand for it, G1 doesn't seem to be overly spin sensitive to me. Everything is relative.
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Apr 2023
Maybe I am to blame, at least partially, because somewhere I claimed that I consider H8-80 H37 spin sensitive and that when I switched to Rakza X, blocking was easier. RX is better for me personally to play with, H8-80 may have advantage for other, both better or worse, players. And later when I switched to G1, I could adapt easily - so while G1 feels a tiny bit more spin sensitive to me than RX, they are both further away from H8-80. This is just my perception, I don't claim anything other than that. But yes, I stand for it, G1 doesn't seem to be overly spin sensitive to me. Everything is relative.
I don't think you are to blame. I have heard of G-1 is easier to use because it is spin insensitive in other threads too. I was always confused by that. As you pointed out, many ESN are relatively spin insensitive if you compare it to a chinese rubber, like Hurricane.

Now I also hear people talking about Hurricane being spin insensitive because it is easier to play for the short game and when you use active motion, it can counter the spin easily.

Well, I grew up playing Friendship 729 and Globe 999. There was nothing spin "insensitive" about Chinese rubber. When you return serve and needs to "touch" the ball, the ball could easily go off your racket in all different directions.

I think the myth became a thing when people are trying to see how they can find a perfect rubber. In fact, the truth lies in practicing more and more to learn how to deal with spin, than finding a magic rubber that you can both generate spin but yet is "spin insensitive," which is a myth.
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Nov 2020
Now I also hear people talking about Hurricane being spin insensitive because it is easier to play for the short game and when you use active motion, it can counter the spin easily.

Well, I grew up playing Friendship 729 and Globe 999. There was nothing spin "insensitive" about Chinese rubber. When you return serve and needs to "touch" the ball, the ball could easily go off your racket in all different directions.

I think the myth became a thing when people are trying to see how they can find a perfect rubber. In fact, the truth lies in practicing more and more to learn how to deal with spin, than finding a magic rubber that you can both generate spin but yet is "spin insensitive," which is a myth.

Actually, I don't find H3 to be overly spin sensitive either. So I spoke specifically about H8-80 H37, blocking with H3 H37 felt easier too ;-).

Blocking feels easier with harder rubbers to me (when the top-sheet is equal, like H3 H37 vs H41). Now H8-80 H37 and H3 H37 have similar hardness, but they feel very different, because both the sponges and the top-sheets are different. I thought that one reason why I find H8-80 more spin sensitive is due to the pimple structure and especially the pimple height.

Edit: The thickness of the top-layer, the material, all that plays a role too. And I know too little about it. I'm just making some clues for myself, e.g. when I see higher pimples, I'm skeptical, when lower, I say ohh that could be good, let's try that ;-) Or in reverse order. It is very much about personal preferences.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2018
I think GA8 was a decent purchase when it was released, cheaper than the Rasantes and such and was more balanced than the 2017ish generation ESN rubbers. For sure more balanced than the Joola Rhyzers.

The GA8 suffers from really bad shrinking while G-1 not so much. In fact G-1 is more like a reverse curver just like H3.
I think G-1 with a lick of Falco is probably better than all other non tacky ESN rubbers.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
I think GA8 was a decent purchase when it was released, cheaper than the Rasantes and such and was more balanced than the 2017ish generation ESN rubbers. For sure more balanced than the Joola Rhyzers.

The GA8 suffers from really bad shrinking while G-1 not so much. In fact G-1 is more like a reverse curver just like H3.
I think G-1 with a lick of Falco is probably better than all other non tacky ESN rubbers.
I actually find G-1 not to dome up much if any with a lick of Falco.

the revolution series and T05fx, T64fx and Rakza series dome up a bit.

Xiom europe and X did not dome up at all. the sheet just looked softer and a bit uneven after a lick of Falco.

finally I just put falco on a sheet of Andro R47 and it domed up like crazy. I was a bit surprised.

That's my observation so far putting Falco on ESN rubbers.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2018
I actually find G-1 not to dome up much if any with a lick of Falco.

the revolution series and T05fx, T64fx and Rakza series dome up a bit.

Xiom europe and X did not dome up at all. the sheet just looked softer and a bit uneven after a lick of Falco.

finally I just put falco on a sheet of Andro R47 and it domed up like crazy. I was a bit surprised.

That's my observation so far putting Falco on ESN rubbers.
I can't say too much but the last and only new sheet of G-1 I got had a reverse dome out of the pack. First I tried to use it like that and I was shocked it played worse than a very used G-1 that was previously boosted. I got that from a teammate to try and I loved it. Then I boosted the new sheet too just so that the reverse dome was gone and then it played the same as the used one.
Since then I switched it to a few blades and the reverse dome is back but it plays great regardless. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯