How long do one ply hinoki wood JPEN blades last?

says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
As a beginner JPEN player and a beginner in general (literally 4 months of experience),
I was wondering how long do hinoki JPEN blades usually last since i got one like a month ago.
You never own a one ply hinoki, you merely look after for the next generation.

p/s: Get the 10mm or above and also the highest grade version so that if you dropped it accidentally, there is less likely chance it will split. Mine dropped couple of times. The worse was I hit the body of my doubles partner and it flew half way across the room. Currently still playing with my 10.5mm highest grade Gozo Avenger Mark 1.
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