Should i change my forehand rubber?

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Jun 2013
Read 6 reviews
Currently, my racket has both Xiom Vega Europe on both side of the blade. As of now, i am thinking of switching to Xiom Vega Pro or DHS Hurricane 3. My forehand seems to lack a bit of speed and when receiving, it is a bit difficult since my forehand rubber is medium soft. Has anyone used any of these 2 rubbers? If so, which do you recommend. Also, if i use DHS Hurricane without boosting, will the rubber still be able to play good?
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Oct 2014
Disclaimer: I am a true EJ at heart, so trying new equipment is part of the enjoyment of the game for me. If you are just looking to improve your game, stick with your current setup and practice more

I use Vega Euro 1.8 on my backhand, therefore have tried it for my forehand. It is a great rubber, but I prefer something more spin oriented for my FH. Hurricane 3 Neo was my first FH rubber. I played the commercial version unboosted and I would definitely recommend trying it. It is different, being a very tacky Chinese rubber with a hard sponge, but it is a great FH rubber if you can adjust. Can be plenty fast if you hit the ball hard enough to engage the harder sponge and it spins the ball a lot. The tackiness also makes putting spin on serves quite easy too. It does react to spin more that Vega Euro though. But for how cheap the commercial version is, definitely worth trying for around $20.

I have not tried Vega Pro as I am currently in love with Baracuda on my FH, but when the honeymoon wears off with that, Vega Pro is on the list to try.
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Bear in mind: Hurricane is very chinese style specific. You cant use all of its prowess if your loop is European styled, and honestly I dont think a transition from a rubber that is as soft as Vega Europe will be easy or quick. Also, its even more sensitive to spin, which will create an even bigger problem with your service returning.
The commercial NEO version of the H3 is quite playable without boosting. Provincial and National wise, not so much.
Also, the H3 isnt exactly fast if your dont use enough strength from your body when youre taking a shot.

For your case, I dont actually think the problem is with your rubber. I have used Vega Europe on FH before and I havent felt any of the problem you have stated up there. Especially the one with service returns. I dont remember Vega Europe being very spin sensitive. At least thats what I remembered.

But if you really want to change things up with your equipment, I would suggest something along the lines of Yasaka R7, Donic BlueFire M1 and even Tenergy 64. These suggestions are based on your requirements of speed+relatively less sensitive to spin.

I've never used the YEO so I dont know if these rubber will actually go well with it. Good Luck.
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Nov 2013
I currently play with these two rubbers and I love it so far ! I was playing with Vega Euro on my backhand too but it was too soft and too slow for me. So I changed to Vega Pro on both racket sides and this feels really good on my backhand (block and powerful loops are very easy with it) but it was too fast for my forehand so now I find my h3neo pretty good on my forehand : hard, spinny and the speed is great if you have the proper technic.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2014
Read 3 reviews
I play with H3 whenever my training partner hands me his racket for trying out yet another blade - the rubber never changes. As for all my impressions of H3 on a variety of blades I would say you can play it without boosting, but fun it is not. It feels quite stiff and best suits the Chinese playing style, and if you´d like to go harder than your Vega Europe I recommend you stay within the Tensor variety of rubbers. Vega Pro is a very good rubber and you would retain certain characteristics of your Vega Europe, as I think the difference is in the sponge hardness, not so much the topsheet. If your service receiving problem is because your rubber feels too bouncy, that should be sorted. If you have difficulties because of the incoming spin then don´t forget that the more spin a rubber is able to create, the more sensitive it is to incoming rotation. Another excellent rubber, btw, is XIOM´s Omega IV Pro. You could also try a Tibhar Genius, which has around the same sponge hardness as Vega Pro, but is a little easier to play.