Upgrade of blade

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Hello all. I am using Donic Epox Carbotec and i wish to upgrade to another blade. On FH i use Donic Bluefire JP 01 and BH Yasaka Rakza 07. My olay is based on loops, top spins, not too many rallies, some chops, counter loops. Short game or away from the table is not a problem. Since i started playing eith the 40+ ball, i srated experiencing some pain in my forearm. Been doing some exercises but ust thinking if i should use a less stiffer blade. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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thats a very relevant post by upsidedowncarl. Vital to do stretching before playing.

After playing is actually when it is more important. During play you get the area warm and it gets tight from what you are doing. After play, if you don't stretch, they become tighter and tighter.

Stretching before play actually makes it harder for muscles to contract so they won't work as well for the first 30 min of play. But it will not stop them from tightening up during play. After play is the more important part.

Any time during the day, like before you go to sleep and after you wake up are good too. But after you are done playing is the most important time to stretch.

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Hello all. I am using Donic Epox Carbotec and i wish to upgrade to another blade. On FH i use Donic Bluefire JP 01 and BH Yasaka Rakza 07. My olay is based on loops, top spins, not too many rallies, some chops, counter loops. Short game or away from the table is not a problem. Since i started playing eith the 40+ ball, i srated experiencing some pain in my forearm. Been doing some exercises but ust thinking if i should use a less stiffer blade. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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I'm currently dealing with tennis elbow. I really don't know if the blade matters, but my problem started after a switched from a Viscaria to a SPW. The weight is about the same, but It feels like SPW is stiffer, vibrates a bit more and is balanced more towards the head than Viscaria.

I don't know if it is the cause, it may be overtraining too, but I took notice of everything.
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Looks like you are a Donic guy. If so I would suggest the new Ovtcharov True Carbon pairing with Acuda Blue P1 Turbo. Go fast with very little effort which I guess would help ease your pain. The total setup is about 187g in weight. Not light but should be perfect for most.
I am switching my Donic Bluefire JP 01 to Xiom Omega V Pro. If that doesnt work well then maybe i will consider changing blades

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says Spin and more spin.
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Before, just warm up. Stretching is not really what you want before. Stretch after. Stretch a little longer after if you want.

Do something like what Brett does to show how relaxed your grip should be before. This will both relax and warm up your forearm.

Stretching a body part when you are not warm is actually not good for you. When you are warm and the body part has been used and moved, there is more blood in the muscles of that specific area. That is when stretching is useful for you. Stretching a muscle that is cold and has a lower amount of blood flow can do more harm than good. At best it slows you down and makes the muscle response slower and weaker. But it also is much easier to cause damage by stretching a muscle that is not sufficiently warmed up.

This idea is actually site specific. If you work out your legs, your forearm will still not be warm for stretching. But the muscles you worked in your legs will be.

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