Which Table Tennis Player Inspires your Style of play?

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Nov 2010
For me, I grew up loving watching Wang Liqin play, so I basically tried to emulate his entire game. For my backhand in particular, I tried to get the same motion, and also incorporate the short game flip that at first looks like it will go to the opponents forehand but instead at the last moment he sends it to the backhand. I also have a pretty good power loop, that is more about power than spin. Unfortunately, I am not 6'1, so I can't completely emulate WLQ's style as much as I would like, so I have also tried to emulate aspects of Ma Long and ZJK's game since they are my height.
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definitely, as many starters, my fists videos were timo boll's, my first movements, the fh loop and backhand loop, where timo bolls signature, going all the way to european game play, but seeing how european game is unefective or at least less effeective than chinese game play, i saw some players that influenced me, ma long and his strong backhand opening was what helped me to ofensively start the game at the serving, and chen qi masters killer forehand, who i see the most for the technique, chen qi is just an outstanding player, both in footwork and fh and bh attaks and blocks, just outstanding!
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says Check out my Podcast Talkin' Smash!
Oct 2010
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Good to see so much inspiration from all the world's top players. When I first started I had more of a preference to European players as I really enjoyed the powerlooping game. I actually recall now Jorg Rosskopf was quite inspiring to me also, I love the dominance that they could achieve on the table. Now the Chinese players are really developing that style of player with looping on both wings. Also I love Zhang Jike's reverse serve action, wicked!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
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I think its good to have a player as your inspiration in table tennis.
Yet you must remember that while inspiration is a good thing, ambition to copy or to play the same way as the pros do could be a hazard for your table tenis game.
You have your own style and natural way to play table tennis :D

My style is Yosua Yosan's style.
My natural table tennis style has some common traits with these players(as I have mentioned before, but more detailed now), yet not completely the same of course :
- Koji Matsushi.ta and Joo for backhand chopping, Joo for forehand chopping
- Schlager's deception in serves and rallies
- Kreanga's forehand loop
- Ruwen Filus' backhand loop
- Patrick Chila and Timo Boll's wrist play on the forehand
- Some other players I haven't watched, maybe..
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Active Member
Dec 2010
I always try to learn from Ma Long and Timo Boll.
Timo Boll because I am a lefthander too and I like his attitude
I copied Ma Long's services but I filmed them and the movement looks more like Chen Qi :D and the spin looks like Joo would do a serve with his pips....
I also try to have the free arm in the same position like Ma Long for 1 week.
It really helps if you do a topspin against backspin. You have more speed and control
Try it!
Here is a picture for them who dont know what I mean:
says http://N-Box.co.cc [IMG] My Best Player after Ma Long...
says http://N-Box.co.cc [IMG] My Best Player after Ma Long...
Oct 2010
@lgreggs, lol.

ummmm I'm inspired by Ma Long ...Nickname (Fei Long = Fat Dragon) :) and Timo
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says http://www.cornilleau-competition.com/EN/index.html
Active Member
Mar 2011
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I feel I'm taking the best part from everyone! I'm trying to do some of the pros serves, tactics returns and a lot more!

I feel quite the same actually! But I have some players inspiring me a bit more than alle the others.. My top 5 list is:

1. Jan Ove Waldner -> always cool and never giving up, varying his spin all the time and in every stroke!
2. Ma Long -> good service and powerful looping
3. Jörgen Persson -> crazy backhand!
4. Michael Maze -> smart and creative
5. Timo Boll -> plays a good allround game, very good fotwork and a killer backhand flip/loop

says Check out my Podcast Talkin' Smash!
says Check out my Podcast Talkin' Smash!
Oct 2010
Read 12 reviews
I feel quite the same actually! But I have some players inspiring me a bit more than alle the others.. My top 5 list is:

1. Jan Ove Waldner -> always cool and never giving up, varying his spin all the time and in every stroke!
2. Ma Long -> good service and powerful looping
3. Jörgen Persson -> crazy backhand!
4. Michael Maze -> smart and creative
5. Timo Boll -> plays a good allround game, very good fotwork and a killer backhand flip/loop


Wicked, I think in a way we all try and take the best parts of our favourite players, nice list! :)