China has not dropped a single bomb in half a century. China doesn't invade other countries and bomb them back into the stone age. There are many legitimate criticisms to be made about China, but they are not even in the same league as the US or Britain or France in terms of "bullying".
China may have not on land, but it sure has over the skies of Taiwan onto Taiwan's water.
China does invade other countries, and using maps of previous dynasty to justify its territory gains. Just imagine if the Italians have the same mindset, it will slowly conquer the formal Roman empire back into its territory too.
Let's hope China doesn't become a huge war machine and destroy Asia, since it has alienated over a dozen countries with its territory invasion and military activities in the region.
You are right, that no country is an angel and the constant military aggression on China over Taiwan I'm sure is not wish upon on any citizens of the world, especially with Taiwan's position in the technology, semi conductor, sports shoes and other space on this world.
Out of all the people in the world, I think Chinese people and Taiwanese people should unite to wish among peace. But I could say the same with Germans citizen and its soldiers.... very interesting how leadership can lead an entire nation into war crimes and most feels it is acceptable.
Let's see how many naval and warplanes China will invade into Taiwan's space on the 10 October, the 113th birthday of the Republic of China, Taiwan.
and lets just pray, minor accident won't trigger WW3.
Its like a peaceful driver trying to dodge high speed drivers, but some times, the aggression will cause major car crashes, because speed kills.
I personally displease on how the Japanese gov doesn't acknowledge its history, but they do not have any aggression today and its people sure don't go around being aggressive.
Most Chinese people I know are not aggressive, it is really just some minority, a low percentage on a huge population may seem like a big number. This is where I hope Chinese people can shut down those Chinese aggression.