Yao Jinxiang: Invader? More Japanese youths think Japan is a "victim"

says 1-sided penhold is cool
says 1-sided penhold is cool
May 2023
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b) The communist culture is so reliant on propaganda. They are a weak concept to govern people they need to constantly belittle other cultures and governments to bolster themselves. In order to justify themselves they need to make others look worse so they can stay in power. Once people figure out communism doesn't work it's over.
It's kinda crazy that this is your second point, given that your first point was "China is now strong enough to take revenge". Is China weak or strong? Which is it? It can't be both.

China has a lot of propaganda -- like every country -- but its strength and support is not because of its propaganda. China has overwhelming support from Chinese people because it rapidly improves their living conditions and material prosperity.

The reason that most of the third world is aligning with China instead of the West is the same. It's not because they got fooled by Chinese propaganda, it's because the Chinese offer them a much better deal than the West ever has.

It is in fact capitalism, not communism, which is failing. The capitalist nations are the ones currently sponsoring genocide, currently arming Nazis in Ukraine and fascists all over the world, currently dealing with declining domestic living standards. China is on the rise and the West is in decline.

This is the conclusion you reach when you have a materialist analysis of politics. And materialist analysis of politics (the idea that people will support the institutions which materially improve their lives) has shown itself to be far more accurate than silly ideological analysis like "China is bad because it has a culture of revenge" and "China fools people by making lots of propaganda".
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Jul 2017
It could be true that hayata is a right wing nationalist who is denying japanese war Crimes and if that is true it would be bad but I Don't think one needs to make that q political affair, especially not by a big crybaby country like china (talking about the government not the people which are great) who does all kind of bad stuff (like building concentration camps for Muslims) and if someone says something about it they play the victim card like "this is a very sensitive and complicated topic and we don't tolerate any foreign interference".

Of course that doesn't mean there isn't bad stuff going on in democratic countries, there definitely is bad stuff going on like a raise in racism and nationalism but certainly China is the last country who should complain about it.

China had an impressive gain of wealth in the last 30 years but that was despite the regime and not due to it, Chinese people did great work and would have done even better without the regime as evidenced by the GDP of Japan, Korea and Taiwan being 3 times as high per capita.

Had China become a democracy in the 1950s like those countries it would be 3 times as rich and one can only hope that in 2 or 3 generations the regime is gone and the great people of China can enjoy freedom.

I think that the regime in China will fall in about 20 years.

It will be similar as it was in Germany in the 50s to 70s.

Right now China is in Germanys late 50s. Back in that time German people where only focused on gaining wealth and weren't critical of German government and industry which was full of former nazis, people where just thankful for the quick gain of wealth.

However the youth in the 60s saw wealth for granted because they where raised with it and they started demanding more than wealth and critized the nazi past of their parents.

I think the same will happen in China, the now 30 year Olds are too grateful for the wealth gained to critique the government but the now 10 year Olds who where raised in wealth will see it for granted and thus stop being thankful so they will see the bad stuff more like German youth did in the late 60s.
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says 1-sided penhold is cool
says 1-sided penhold is cool
May 2023
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Of course that doesn't mean there isn't bad stuff going on in democratic countries, there definitely is bad stuff going on like a raise in racism and nationalism but certainly China is the last country who should complain about it.
My dude, the "democratic" countries are currently sponsoring multiple genocides as well as escalating towards world war 3
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Nov 2011
It's kinda crazy that this is your second point, given that your first point was "China is now strong enough to take revenge". Is China weak or strong? Which is it? It can't be both.

China has a lot of propaganda -- like every country -- but its strength and support is not because of its propaganda. China has overwhelming support from Chinese people because it rapidly improves their living conditions and material prosperity.

The reason that most of the third world is aligning with China instead of the West is the same. It's not because they got fooled by Chinese propaganda, it's because the Chinese offer them a much better deal than the West ever has.

It is in fact capitalism, not communism, which is failing. The capitalist nations are the ones currently sponsoring genocide, currently arming Nazis in Ukraine and fascists all over the world, currently dealing with declining domestic living standards. China is on the rise and the West is in decline.

This is the conclusion you reach when you have a materialist analysis of politics. And materialist analysis of politics (the idea that people will support the institutions which materially improve their lives) has shown itself to be far more accurate than silly ideological analysis like "China is bad because it has a culture of revenge" and "China fools people by making lots of propaganda".
If you read carefully I said the type of government is a weak system. However the economy and military is stronger than 100 years ago because the west opened up to them for trade.
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Nov 2011
I see your point and agree with it too.
It has been tough being a Chinese in this period (but so is Africans, and many other countries/ethnic groups/cultures)
Africans I think has been victims for over a century, maybe 3 folds of Chinese.

but, fight Japan then.
why fight all those smaller countries too?
did Philippines abuse China in the century of humiliation for example?

See, there are always valid reason on why China is doing this or that, but they are also abusers themselves when trying to act like a victim.
Chinese own historical philosophy talk about peace and not war and that revenge will never end, so why start it.

I hope people figure it out sooner, than later.
Yes, very true. However Africa as a culture and people are not consolidated and organized to the point of being a world power. So they don't have the means to take revenge. If they ever stop fighting themselves they could one day want retribution for all the atrocities perpetrated on them too. It's already happening in the US on a micro scale. Just look at Black Lives Matter.

On your other points. China just wants to throw their weight around and play the bully as they have been bullied in the past. So all neighbors are fair game.
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Nov 2011
It's kinda crazy that this is your second point, given that your first point was "China is now strong enough to take revenge". Is China weak or strong? Which is it? It can't be both.

China has a lot of propaganda -- like every country -- but its strength and support is not because of its propaganda. China has overwhelming support from Chinese people because it rapidly improves their living conditions and material prosperity.

The reason that most of the third world is aligning with China instead of the West is the same. It's not because they got fooled by Chinese propaganda, it's because the Chinese offer them a much better deal than the West ever has.

It is in fact capitalism, not communism, which is failing. The capitalist nations are the ones currently sponsoring genocide, currently arming Nazis in Ukraine and fascists all over the world, currently dealing with declining domestic living standards. China is on the rise and the West is in decline.

This is the conclusion you reach when you have a materialist analysis of politics. And materialist analysis of politics (the idea that people will support the institutions which materially improve their lives) has shown itself to be far more accurate than silly ideological analysis like "China is bad because it has a culture of revenge" and "China fools people by making lots of propaganda".
I'm sorry dude but you have a skewed outlook on the world.
says 1-sided penhold is cool
says 1-sided penhold is cool
May 2023
Read 14 reviews
I'm sorry dude but you have a skewed outlook on the world.
^ seems like something you say when you can't deal with the fact that the West is in decline, sponsoring fascist movements on a global level, overtly committing genocide, and provoking WW3 on multiple fronts
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says 1-sided penhold is cool
says 1-sided penhold is cool
May 2023
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Yes, very true. However Africa as a culture and people are not consolidated and organized to the point of being a world power. So they don't have the means to take revenge. If they ever stop fighting themselves they could one day want retribution for all the atrocities perpetrated on them too.
The US has actively sabotaged pan-Africanist movements, overthrown democratically-elected socialist leaders, and installed puppet governments so as to keep Africa weak and divided. Most recently, the US did this to Libya -- once a thriving semi-socialist society and one of the most prosperous countries in Africa. The US sabotaged Libya because Libya wanted to create a Central African Bank so they wouldn't have to rely on the US dollar. After overthrowing the government of Libya, it has now fallen into chaos and poverty, and there are open-air slave markets.

China just wants to throw their weight around and play the bully as they have been bullied in the past. So all neighbors are fair game.
China has not dropped a single bomb in half a century. China doesn't invade other countries and bomb them back into the stone age. There are many legitimate criticisms to be made about China, but they are not even in the same league as the US or Britain or France in terms of "bullying".

the economy and military is stronger than 100 years ago because the west opened up to them for trade.
Trade is not the reason that China is stronger now. In fact, free trade was weaponized against China and kept China weak for many centuries. You may want to learn about the opium wars.

The reason that China is stronger now is because of their governmental and economic structures, not because they are trading with the West. Free trade in itself does not strengthen or weaken any country -- it is the circumstances and structures around trade which strengthen or weaken countries.
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May 2022
Of course that doesn't mean there isn't bad stuff going on in democratic countries, there definitely is bad stuff going on like a raise in racism and nationalism but certainly China is the last country who should complain about it.
Germany is electing literal Nazis again you should probably sit this one out big dog.
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Sep 2013
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China has not dropped a single bomb in half a century. China doesn't invade other countries and bomb them back into the stone age. There are many legitimate criticisms to be made about China, but they are not even in the same league as the US or Britain or France in terms of "bullying".

China may have not on land, but it sure has over the skies of Taiwan onto Taiwan's water.
China does invade other countries, and using maps of previous dynasty to justify its territory gains. Just imagine if the Italians have the same mindset, it will slowly conquer the formal Roman empire back into its territory too.

Let's hope China doesn't become a huge war machine and destroy Asia, since it has alienated over a dozen countries with its territory invasion and military activities in the region.

You are right, that no country is an angel and the constant military aggression on China over Taiwan I'm sure is not wish upon on any citizens of the world, especially with Taiwan's position in the technology, semi conductor, sports shoes and other space on this world.

Out of all the people in the world, I think Chinese people and Taiwanese people should unite to wish among peace. But I could say the same with Germans citizen and its soldiers.... very interesting how leadership can lead an entire nation into war crimes and most feels it is acceptable.

Let's see how many naval and warplanes China will invade into Taiwan's space on the 10 October, the 113th birthday of the Republic of China, Taiwan.
and lets just pray, minor accident won't trigger WW3.
Its like a peaceful driver trying to dodge high speed drivers, but some times, the aggression will cause major car crashes, because speed kills.

I personally displease on how the Japanese gov doesn't acknowledge its history, but they do not have any aggression today and its people sure don't go around being aggressive.
Most Chinese people I know are not aggressive, it is really just some minority, a low percentage on a huge population may seem like a big number. This is where I hope Chinese people can shut down those Chinese aggression.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
China may have not on land, but it sure has over the skies of Taiwan onto Taiwan's water.
China does invade other countries, and using maps of previous dynasty to justify its territory gains. Just imagine if the Italians have the same mindset, it will slowly conquer the formal Roman empire back into its territory too.

Let's hope China doesn't become a huge war machine and destroy Asia, since it has alienated over a dozen countries with its territory invasion and military activities in the region.

You are right, that no country is an angel and the constant military aggression on China over Taiwan I'm sure is not wish upon on any citizens of the world, especially with Taiwan's position in the technology, semi conductor, sports shoes and other space on this world.

Out of all the people in the world, I think Chinese people and Taiwanese people should unite to wish among peace. But I could say the same with Germans citizen and its soldiers.... very interesting how leadership can lead an entire nation into war crimes and most feels it is acceptable.

Let's see how many naval and warplanes China will invade into Taiwan's space on the 10 October, the 113th birthday of the Republic of China, Taiwan.
and lets just pray, minor accident won't trigger WW3.
Its like a peaceful driver trying to dodge high speed drivers, but some times, the aggression will cause major car crashes, because speed kills.

I personally displease on how the Japanese gov doesn't acknowledge its history, but they do not have any aggression today and its people sure don't go around being aggressive.
Most Chinese people I know are not aggressive, it is really just some minority, a low percentage on a huge population may seem like a big number. This is where I hope Chinese people can shut down those Chinese aggression.
That's ludicrous. First review the history of the 11-dash line, which was drawn by the ROC (headed by the KMT, which still claims mainland China as part of its territory to this day) and recognized by the US. You're essentially alleging the long-standing stance of the state of present-day Taiwan, which is still officially known as the Republic of China from using maps of previous dynasty (which is a shell of its former self after decades of de-Sinicization by the Pan-Green coalition) to justify its territory gains.

For those interested, here is a rebuttal with citations of claims by Vietnam, Philippines etc.
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Sep 2013
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That's ludicrous. First review the history of the 11-dash line, which was drawn by the ROC (headed by the KMT, which still claims mainland China as part of its territory to this day) and recognized by the US. You're essentially alleging the long-standing stance of the state of present-day Taiwan, which is still officially known as the Republic of China from using maps of previous dynasty (which is its empty self after decades of de-Sinicization by the Pan-Green coalition) to justify its territory gains.

For those interested, here is a rebuttal with citations of claims by Vietnam, Philippines etc.
ROC has transformed from a war machine, war mission, war lover to a peaceful nation
maybe you should ask your gov to do the same.

The war of ROC and CCP has never ended. Of course it can continue or it can end.
Today's world, the people does the talking. I'm not sure if that is the case in CCP lead China, but few CCP officials cannot control billion Chinese hearts for ever.
says 1-sided penhold is cool
says 1-sided penhold is cool
May 2023
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China may have not on land, but it sure has over the skies of Taiwan onto Taiwan's water.
Taiwan is an American vassal state and the US is openly using Taiwan to provoke China.

China does invade other countries, and using maps of previous dynasty to justify its territory gains. Just imagine if the Italians have the same mindset, it will slowly conquer the formal Roman empire back into its territory too.
This is just straight up not true. If you're talking about Tibet, that happened 75 years ago, and they liberated Tibet from a terrible feudal/slave society. Both then and today, the vast majority of Tibetans supported this move. China made no move to extinguish Tibetan culture or language and in fact made great efforts to preserve it. China has no ambitions of extending its borders beyond what they have been for the last >50 years.

I say again: China has not invaded a country or dropped a single bomb in the last half-century.

Let's hope China doesn't become a huge war machine and destroy Asia, since it has alienated over a dozen countries with its territory invasion and military activities in the region.
China won't become a huge war machine because they're not fucking stupid. China has been able to see what the West cannot see: that conquest and colonialism is a losing battle. We've reached a stage in human development where it is no longer useful to colonize other countries and extract their resources. The cost of maintaining such an empire is too high.

The Chinese government understands this, because they are ideologically Marxist-Leninist and this is a key conclusion of Marxist-Leninist political philosophy. The West (particularly the US) does not understand this because their governments are servants of transnational corporations. The attempt of the US to maintain its colonial outposts will be the cause of its downfall. China has been pretty clear in saying that their plan to overcome the US is to just sit and wait, to let the US defeat themselves by trying to maintain colonialism.

Out of all the people in the world, I think Chinese people and Taiwanese people should unite to wish among peace.
I agree -- China and Taiwan should come together for peace. The only way for this to happen is for Taiwan to stop being a puppet of the US.
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Jul 2017
Germany is electing literal Nazis again you should probably sit this one out big dog.
Actually they are not. The raise of the nazi Party AFD (mostly in former communist east germany) is extremely concerning but so far -unlike most other European countries where they are in the government- they are not in a single government (local or national) because the other parties are blocking them out.

One can only hope it stays like this because of course democracies are vulnerable against populists who are abusing freedom.

But parties abusing freedom is certainly no reason to call for whacky dictatorships like Russia, China or north korea, we need to keep fighting right wing idiots within the democratic system which is far superior to any other system despite the weaknesses that it has.

I'm not a China hater, China was on a good way in the early 00s to mid 2010s but in the last 10 years it took a quite bad turn under president Xi. I was hoping for a gradual liberalization in China but Xi is doing the opposite so it seems that a gradual liberation won't happen and at some point a revolution will be required.

I don't think it will happen in the next 10-15 years but maybe in 20 or 30 years.
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Jul 2017
^ seems like something you say when you can't deal with the fact that the West is in decline, sponsoring fascist movements on a global level, overtly committing genocide, and provoking WW3 on multiple fronts
Actually China is sponsoring a genocide in Russia and being a big danger for ww3 if they plan to invade Taiwan.

Russia and china are probably the biggest threats for safety in the world.

That being said of course bad stuff is going on in the west but everything that is bad in the west also exists under the hood in China and Russia, we just don't see it as openly yet and dictatorship is certainly not the way to combat that.

BTW I think one day Taiwan and China will be re united and it should be but Taiwan needs to sit it out until the regime in China collapses so that they can unite as a democratic country.
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BTW I think one day Taiwan and China will be re united and it should be but Taiwan needs to sit it out until the regime in China collapses so that they can unite as a democratic country.
Democracy in Taiwan is great and hard fought by people through sacrifices over the recent decades.

when the ROC loss in the mainland and millions of military fled to Taiwan, there was marshal law in Taiwan until 1987, or 38 years long. There was no true human rights and there was no freedom to vote (similar to zeio and his family in China) during this time.

Since then, Taiwan has become a true democratic society, where one can vote in the gov they choose and also remove the gov they choose. I witness a mayor getting voted in and voted out before his term ended by the public, the voters. In some countries, politicians does the voting to remove someone from office... this mayor was voted out by the public (yes, another poll was required, costly, but the voice of the public is worthless).

Taiwan isn't perfect, but freedom means a lot and I hope such freedom can exist in mainland china one day.

Throughout Chinese history of all dynasties, including that of CCP and ROC in the mainland, it has always been military or communist.
one man rules the country, ie, the emperor.
and the people are servants of the emperor.

while the democratic society, the people are the boss and can get the president fired.
the President and public officers are servants of the people and hopefully one day, Chinese people can realize that.

This freedom in Taiwan is probably the greatest threat to CCP than the small island itself.

When China become democratic and free from communism, I am sure Taiwan and China will sit peacefully and coexist better. Maybe for starters, to end the civil war that began on 1927.
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Jul 2017
Democracy in Taiwan is great and hard fought by people through sacrifices over the recent decades.

when the ROC loss in the mainland and millions of military fled to Taiwan, there was marshal law in Taiwan until 1987, or 38 years long. There was no true human rights and there was no freedom to vote (similar to zeio and his family in China) during this time.

Since then, Taiwan has become a true democratic society, where one can vote in the gov they choose and also remove the gov they choose. I witness a mayor getting voted in and voted out before his term ended by the public, the voters. In some countries, politicians does the voting to remove someone from office... this mayor was voted out by the public (yes, another poll was required, costly, but the voice of the public is worthless).

Taiwan isn't perfect, but freedom means a lot and I hope such freedom can exist in mainland china one day.

Throughout Chinese history of all dynasties, including that of CCP and ROC in the mainland, it has always been military or communist.
one man rules the country, ie, the emperor.
and the people are servants of the emperor.

while the democratic society, the people are the boss and can get the president fired.
the President and public officers are servants of the people and hopefully one day, Chinese people can realize that.

This freedom in Taiwan is probably the greatest threat to CCP than the small island itself.

When China become democratic and free from communism, I am sure Taiwan and China will sit peacefully and coexist better. Maybe for starters, to end the civil war that began on 1927.
That is true, one doesn't become a democracy over night.

In Germany we still have issues with this in east Germany which used to be a communist colony of the Soviet union, there is democracy in east Germany but many east Germans have not really accepted democracy which causes them to either vote for nazis or communists and still be sad that the old system is gone despite it being so much worse.

For example in the last election in the state of thuringia more than half of the voters either voted for a nazi or a former communist party.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
A big surprise to see Morinaga-san and another Japanese actor 清水友範/SHIMIZU Tomonori make a cameo appearance in the final episode of a Hong Kong TV drama, and needless to say, the plot is about Japanese invasion. He even posted his part on his Instagram 2 weeks ago.

巾幗梟雄之懸崖|十七猶疑緊嘅時候 七爺招來殺身之禍?|#台慶劇 #民初劇 #TVBUSA #TVB港劇精華


In the latest episode of 我住在这里的理由/The Reason I Live Here, 竹內亮/TAKEUCHi Ryo, a Japanese filmmaker who now resides in Nanjing, interviews 森永匠一/MORINAGA Shoichi, another Japanese who has moved to Shanghai after retirement. The reason? Japanese historical revisionism.

当一个日本人直面历史【我住在这里的理由390】/When a Japanese faces history head-on[The Reason I Live Here 390]

抗战剧里的日本人真是日本人,日本大叔从公司职员到横店演员,自学打开“鬼子”戏路【我住在这里的理由374】/The Japanese in the anti-Japanese war drama is really Japanese. A Japanese uncle went from a company clerk to an actor in Hengdian, and taught himself to play the role of "devils" [Reasons for me to live here 374]