British amateur players ratings estimate

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2016
These guys would destroy most of the players in the US.
says Do you guys have streaks where you are just not playing...
says Do you guys have streaks where you are just not playing...
Jun 2011
Read 6 reviews
Amateurs? The guy in the dark blue shirt is Grigoriy Vlasov, Russian national champion in 2012, WR #49 in 2015.

I couldnt stop laughing when I saw the question....I am still laughing now. USATT rating for 'amateurs' :D by the way, the other guy played for the Peking team, so not sure if you can call that an amateur level or not. I am sure you meant no offense, anyone can make a mistake.
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says Do you guys have streaks where you are just not playing...
says Do you guys have streaks where you are just not playing...
Jun 2011
Read 6 reviews
The Preston League is amateur, not the Grand Prix Tournament.

They are both amateur tournaments. I dont think we have any professional tournaments, that I am aware of, here in the UK. The Grand Prix Tournament is too. Grisha is just playing for fun because he happens to be in London. There is your answer.
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Well-Known Member
May 2013
Read 2 reviews
I couldnt stop laughing when I saw the question....I am still laughing now. USATT rating for 'amateurs' :D by the way, the other guy played for the Peking team, so not sure if you can call that an amateur level or not. I am sure you meant no offense, anyone can make a mistake.

Sining Zhang is certainly no amateur, though not as good as Vlasov.

says Aging is a killer
They are both amateur tournaments. I dont think we have any professional tournaments, that I am aware of, here in the UK. The Grand Prix Tournament is too. Grisha is just playing for fun because he happens to be in London. There is your answer.

The Grand Prix tournaments are Open events with prize money to the winners. They are meant to attract professionals and the best of the amateurs.
says Aging is a killer
Usatt level ?

example: 1800-1900 which is not a real estimate

Did any one notice that the table was vibrating when the players stamped their feet? One of the disadvantages of a suspended wooden floor. Terrific match though. I wish I had been there to see it up close.

Update: I just realised that most of the vibration observed was coming from the camera.
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Feb 2011
Grigoriy Vlasov is a very strong player indeed and was on the ITTF Tour up till 3 or 4 years ago if memory serves. I remember him playing Jang Woojin in an ITTF final at that time or around then. Rating ..lots and lot better than most of us and some!.