Anders Lind discussing illegal serves

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Jan 2021
Great video.

Apart from what he said we must keep in mind that 99,9% of all games are not pro games. So it is even harder to follow the rules where you only have one (or no!) umpire and the umpire most of the time has no formal training.
Change the rules to "the whole body of the server must be behind the ball during service". Easy peasy.
says nothing
says nothing
Active Member
Apr 2021
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The reaction :ROFLMAO:
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says nothing
Active Member
Apr 2021
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Great video.

Apart from what he said we must keep in mind that 99,9% of all games are not pro games. So it is even harder to follow the rules where you only have one (or no!) umpire and the umpire most of the time has no formal training.
Change the rules to "the whole body of the server must be behind the ball during service". Easy peasy.
basically forbid all Forehand serves
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says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
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Mar 2021
Forcing everyone to serve backhand would make the game fairer and more spectator friendly imo.
Yay! More rally! More fun and more exercise!

No more winning by just flicking wrist etc.


says Spin to win!
What a great video! Thanks for sharing @d3nium

For most of us, I imagine we have been in situations where we feel the other person is serving illegally.

A lot of the issue I see is that people aren't confident enough to actually call them on the illegal serves.

Perhaps they don't know the rule well enough (can't blame them for that!) or they just don't want to make a scene.

The most obvious illegal services I see in the UK are...

• Partially covering the ball - Either with the body or a lazy hand not getting out of the way.
• Ball being thrown "backwards" and not straight up - Just like Anders showed in the video.
• Not being thrown 16cm up....

Basically... All of the obvious rule breaches! 😂

Any rule change should be one that filters down to the entry level players and can be easily enforced without needing 4 umpires all around the table!

I like the idea of backhand only serves - It would make it less "illegal", that's for sure!
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This user has no status.
Jan 2021
basically forbid all Forehand serves
Not at all. But the most common way of serving would be forbidden, that's correct.
TT would benefit from this on all levels. But for the professionals, who never really have any problems receiving serves it wouldn't be such a big thing. For the rest of us the game would be even more fun, more rallies and less "shit points". And we wouldn't have to deal with rules that cannot be enforced.
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Oct 2020
Perhaps they don't know the rule well enough (can't blame them for that!) or they just don't want to make a scene.

Spot on.

It would be much less of a problem if most players received a gentle reminder to serve correctly with some grace but, unfortunately, my experience is that there are too many [ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] (insert your favourite rude word here) at local league level who refuse to serve legally no matter how nicely one asks them to. And there are simply no consequences for their unsportsmanlike behaviour.

Sadly, I know a handful of teenagers who left the sport altogether because they were so frustrated by (mostly older) players who refused to play by the rules, and who behaved like [ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] (rude word again) when asked to serve properly.
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From my experience at the low level most people get offended when you call them out on serves. I once asked a woman to toss the ball (with a please) because she didn't toss at all and she told me I could have asked nicer. People like that go down as disrespectful in my memory. Old players have to be worst here. Every single one responds by saying they have been playing for x amount of years and no one has ever complained.
What a great video! Thanks for sharing @d3nium

For most of us, I imagine we have been in situations where we feel the other person is serving illegally.

A lot of the issue I see is that people aren't confident enough to actually call them on the illegal serves.

Perhaps they don't know the rule well enough (can't blame them for that!) or they just don't want to make a scene.

The most obvious illegal services I see in the UK are...

• Partially covering the ball - Either with the body or a lazy hand not getting out of the way.
• Ball being thrown "backwards" and not straight up - Just like Anders showed in the video.
• Not being thrown 16cm up....

Basically... All of the obvious rule breaches! 😂

Any rule change should be one that filters down to the entry level players and can be easily enforced without needing 4 umpires all around the table!

I like the idea of backhand only serves - It would make it less "illegal", that's for sure!
Partially covering the ball, This I think is a good rule.
It could be restated like this
- Body except for racket hand behind the ball
This way an empire sitting level with the edge of the table can easily check this. But I don't know.... It will probably make a lot of players less than content....

The 16 cm up is very hard to judge. It states "after the ball leaves the hand", Most of the time the hand follows the ball upwards, how to determine when the ball left it?
This rule can be taken away completely,
- Open Hand
- ball travelling upwards
Sholud be enough and enforcable.

When is a ball thrown backwards ???, at what angle. impossible to enforce

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